THE BUSH DOCTRINE - Printable Version

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- Duchess - 01-15-2009

Do any of you know what the Bush Doctrine is without googling it ?...I'm reading "Bush's War" and I'm curious to know if most agree or disagree with this policy...Or, I could just be wasting my time and this thread will go over like a lead balloon...It doesn't have anything to do with cooking, shopping, children, or gettin a mani/pedi so, good luck to me.

- Middle Finger - 01-15-2009

The Bush Doctrine I'm most familiar with is the one that stipulates my wife not giving me any if I eat too much garlic.

- Duchess - 01-15-2009

Hahahahaha...That makes perfect sense & I agree wholeheartedly !

- OnBendedKnee - 01-15-2009

[user=1]Middle Finger[/user] wrote:
Quote:The Bush Doctrine I'm most familiar with is the one that stipulates my wife not giving me any if I eat too much garlic.
I thought garlic made it taste yummy?
Oh, maybe that's celery...

- SyberBitch - 01-15-2009

Uh yeah... the 'Bush Doctrine' is basically GW's free license he gave himself, to attack and wage war against pretty much anyone for pretty much anything he feels like at the moment.

It's kind of like this forum see, only imagine that every country in the world were made members whether they liked it or not... and imagine that instead of using *words* to attack with, we used real bombs.

GW is a fucktard (one of the few people I would use the tired moniker on) and I can't wait till his sorry ass is shoved out of the whitehouse.

- thekid65 - 01-15-2009

I'll giv'em this, our country has not been attacked since we got punched in the nose on 9-11.

I certainly hope that trend continues over the next 4 years.

- OnBendedKnee - 01-15-2009

[user=114]thekid65[/user] wrote:
Quote:I'll giv'em this, our country has not been attacked since we got punched in the nose on 9-11.

I certainly hope that trend continues over the next 4 years.
"911 = punch in the nose'"

I'd have gone with rapid, multiple swift kicks to the groin, at minimum, but like your thinking.

- Maggot - 01-15-2009

I always thought Hillary would look good in a hijab.

- OnBendedKnee - 01-15-2009

Maggot Wrote:I always thought Hillary would look good in a hijab.

Or, ancueball strapped inside her mouth.

Edited to add:Either way... :Yawn:

- SyberBitch - 01-15-2009

thekid65 Wrote:I'll giv'em this, our country has not been attacked since we got punched in the nose on 9-11.

I certainly hope that trend continues over the next 4 years.
Our country hadn't been overtly attacked for 50 years prior and I give GW full credit for pissing off everyone enough to cause us to get attacked on 911. Truth is, under his presidency, our country was acting like a big arrogant bully pushing all the other kids around on the playground.

Only difference, is after 911, the bully started wearing a cup.

- SyberBitch - 01-15-2009

OnBendedKnee Wrote:Or, ancueball strapped inside her mouth.
I like your bitch name... very astute.

And stfu about Hillary.


- Maggot - 01-15-2009

I hope she has to smoke snakeskin in Austrailia with a wombat.::haha::

- Maggot - 01-15-2009

SyberBitch Wrote:
thekid65 Wrote:I'll giv'em this, our country has not been attacked since we got punched in the nose on 9-11.

I certainly hope that trend continues over the next 4 years.
Our country hadn't been overtly attacked for 50 years prior and I give GW full credit for pissing off everyone enough to cause us to get attacked on 911. Truth is, under his presidency, our country was acting like a big arrogant bully pushing all the other kids around on the playground.

Only difference, is after 911, the bully started wearing a cup.
He was just collecting for Korea, Germany, Italy,Japan,etc.......STFU. That stands for Sometimes Foriegners Fuck Up

- Liquid - 01-15-2009

thekid65 Wrote:I'll giv'em this, our country has not been attacked since we got punched in the nose on 9-11.

I certainly hope that trend continues over the next 4 years.

exactly. it is easy for all you pussies to complain about GWB, but you live safer today because someone had to be the bully at the time. you fucking cowards better hope that it gets better in the next four years because we are going to be weaker then ever before with the pansies who pushed Obama into office behind him. cross your fingers.

- thekid65 - 01-15-2009

SyberBitch Wrote:
thekid65 Wrote:I'll giv'em this, our country has not been attacked since we got punched in the nose on 9-11.

I certainly hope that trend continues over the next 4 years.
Our country hadn't been overtly attacked for 50 years prior and I give GW full credit for pissing off everyone enough to cause us to get attacked on 911. Truth is, under his presidency, our country was acting like a big arrogant bully pushing all the other kids around on the playground.

Only difference, is after 911, the bully started wearing a cup.
Totally disagree. Bush had only been office 8 months when that happened. Prior to that, we had the hostage crisis in Iran, the embassy bombings in Beiruit, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania , and Nairobi, just to name a few. All linked to al-qadea, or Hezbollah. Shit, the fuckers tried once at the WTC back in 93. These pricks have had a hard on for us way before Bush.

Edit: Dont get me wrong, the Bush administration has defo fucked up, no doubt about it. But can you name one attack on the USA, or it's interests, since 9-11?

- Momster - 01-15-2009

I am so happy he is giving his farewell speech at the moment! Good riddance jackass.

- SyberBitch - 01-15-2009

Liquid Wrote:
thekid65 Wrote:I'll giv'em this, our country has not been attacked since we got punched in the nose on 9-11.

I certainly hope that trend continues over the next 4 years.

exactly. it is easy for all you pussies to complain about GWB, but you live safer today because someone had to be the bully at the time. you fucking cowards better hope that it gets better in the next four years because we are going to be weaker then ever before with the pansies who pushed Obama into office behind him. cross your fingers.
Bullshit, we're at one of our weakest points right now with all of our forces spread out across the globe pissing around in other people's business. GW was so obsessed with trying to grab control of oil interests that he has neglected our own economy and country. Corporate america has their hand so far up his ass that every time he opens his mouth he vomits Big Macs.

Obama may or may not be better than GW, but at least we have a chance of pulling this country back together. He wasn't my first choice (Hillary was... she's a smart bitch), but he has to be better than that weasle puppet we've been stuck with the last 8 years.

- thekid65 - 01-15-2009

It was Hillary's hubby who blew the golden opportunity to put Bin Ladin 6 feet under.

I'll give Obama a fair shot, for sure...time will tell.

- Liquid - 01-15-2009

SyberBitch Wrote:Obama may or may not be better than GW, but at least we have a chance of pulling this country back together. He wasn't my first choice (Hillary was... she's a smart bitch), but he has to be better than that weasle puppet we've been stuck with the last 8 years.

says who??? obama may do NOTHING and people need to be prepared for that. sure we all hope for positive things to happen, but there is no guarantee at all he wont mess things up even more, or not handle a military situation, or whatever. BUT PLEASE DONT say the OBAMA is a savior or some last hope. he might just be "the next guy"

- Momster - 01-15-2009

Liquid Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:Obama may or may not be better than GW, but at least we have a chance of pulling this country back together. He wasn't my first choice (Hillary was... she's a smart bitch), but he has to be better than that weasle puppet we've been stuck with the last 8 years.

says who??? obama may do NOTHING and people need to be prepared for that. sure we all hope for positive things to happen, but there is no guarantee at all he wont mess things up even more, or not handle a military situation, or whatever. BUT PLEASE DONT say the OBAMA is a savior or some last hope. he might just be "the next guy"
Can you read?