Carter - Racism plays a major role in Obama criticism - Printable Version

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- Cynical Ninja - 09-16-2009

Ex president Jimmy Carter has said that racism plays a major part in the opposition to the current president.

- BROTHER - 09-16-2009

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Ex president Jimmy Carter has said that racism plays a major part in the opposition to the current president.
shhhhhh, not a word at "24"::lipsealed::

- Cynical Ninja - 09-16-2009

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Ex president Jimmy Carter has said that racism plays a major part in the opposition to the current president.
shhhhhh, not a word at "24"::lipsealed::

If there is be prepared for the usual excuses........

"I'm not racist, I own a James Brown CD, I touched a black person once, I like fried chicken too etc, etc".......methinks they doth protest too much.

- OnBendedKnee - 09-16-2009

[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Ex president Jimmy Carter has said that racism plays a major part in the opposition to the current president.
shhhhhh,  not a word at "24"::lipsealed::

If there is be prepared for the usual excuses........

"I'm not racist, I own a James Brown CD, I touched a black person once, I like fried chicken too etc, etc".......methinks they doth protest too much.


Is owning a Michael Jackson CD, seeing someone shoot a black person once on TV, and liking grilled chicken from KFC good enough?!

- Cynical Ninja - 09-16-2009

OnBendedKnee Wrote:[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Ex president Jimmy Carter has said that racism plays a major part in the opposition to the current president.
shhhhhh, not a word at "24"::lipsealed::

If there is be prepared for the usual excuses........

"I'm not racist, I own a James Brown CD, I touched a black person once, I like fried chicken too etc, etc".......methinks they doth protest too much.

Is owning a Michael Jackson CD, seeing someone shoot a black person once on TV, and liking grilled chicken from KFC good enough?!

Good enough?!

Hell, that makes you an honorary brother snowflake!

You now have permission to call the presidents wife a monkey without fear of any accusations of racism.

- Maggot - 09-16-2009

Carter on Racism? ::lmao:: Funny! ::lmao::

It was almost exactly five years ago that Jimmy Carter was awarded a Nobel Peace prize for his grandstanding attacks on his country and his president in the run-up to the Iraq war.

But it is Israel, a small democratic nation amidst a sea of hostile dictatorships, that has been the object of Carter's most enduring obsessions and the target of his mostunscrupulous slanders.

Our newest flash video, "Jimmy Carter's War Against the Jews," lays bare this aspect of Carter's political career indevastating detail. Based on a pamphlet by Jacob Laksin, the video powerfully refutes the lies that Carter has spread about the Jews and Israel in his many books and speeches.

Point by point, the video explodes Carter's duplicitous claims about Israeli policies and the Jewish state's treatment of Palestinian Arabs. Contrary to his cultivated image as an international peacemaker, the video shows Carter to be a world-class hypocrite, harping endlessly on Israel's supposed flaws while averting his gaze from the tyrannies that populate the Middle East, all the while pocketing generous contributions from Arab despots. It is a devastating portrait of the real Jimmy Carter. Having seen it, you will never look at the 39 th president the same way.

To see the video, Click Here.

- QueenBee - 09-16-2009

Wonder if the Carters ever hired illegals for the peanut farm? That would make for somem lively discussion over at 24.

- BROTHER - 09-16-2009

QueenBee Wrote:Wonder if the Carters ever hired illegals for the peanut farm? That would make for somem lively discussion over at 24.


::haha:: [Image: 648_pd199897_th1.jpg] ::bigg::


- LKTraz - 09-16-2009

Jimmy Carter is America's hemorrhoid Pass the Preparation H please..

- BROTHER - 09-16-2009

LKTraz Wrote:Jimmy Carter is America's hemorrhoid Pass the Preparation H please..
He is a humanitarian and honorable man.

- FAHQTOO - 09-16-2009

What the fuck does racism have to do with calling someone a liar, which he is. I don't agree with him hollering it all over the floor like that, but it is what it is. He apologized, the president accepted needs to be dropped.

Carter is just one example of people keeping racism alive and well. Nobody can say a bad word about this bozo president we have without being called a racist.

- Middle Finger - 09-16-2009

[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote:
Quote:If there is be prepared for the usual excuses........

"I'm not racist, I own a James Brown CD, I touched a black person once, I like fried chicken too etc, etc"

- sally - 09-16-2009

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Ex president Jimmy Carter has said that racism plays a major part in the opposition to the current president.
shhhhhh, not a word at "24"::lipsealed::

If there is be prepared for the usual excuses........

"I'm not racist, I own a James Brown CD, I touched a black person once, I like fried chicken too etc, etc".......methinks they doth protest too much.
I've never heard them say any of those things. If you are going to constantly accuse someone of being racist then please explain what the fuck you would like to hear them say? I think a "Go fuck yourself" would do justfine.

- Luke Warmwater - 09-17-2009

the Atlantic Magazine...

"Andrew on Malkin and Limbaugh's dishonest white fear-mongering:

These people are going off the deep end entirely: open panic at a black president is morphing into the conscious fanning of racial polarization, via Gates or ACORN or Van Jones or a schoolbus in Saint Louis. What we're seeing is the Jeremiah Wright moment repeated and repeated. The far right is seizing any racial story to fan white fears of black power in order to destroy Obama. And the far right now controls the entire right.
Do they understand how irresponsible this is? How recklessly dangerous to a society's cohesion and calm? Or is that what they need and thrive on?
Yes. Yes. And yes.

I got a note from a good friend yesterday expressing shock, and anger, about Drudge and Malkin's usage of that alleged racial beat-down on a school-bus. On some level, I wonder if something's wrong with me. I'm neither shocked, nor angry. This is exactly how I expected these fools to respond to a black president.

If anything, I'm a little giddy. For black people, the clear benefit of Obama is that he is quietly exposing an ancient hatred that has simmered in this country for decades. Rightly or wrongly, a lot of us grew tired of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, mostly because they presented easy foils for Limbaugh-land. Moreover, again rightly or wrongly, they were used to define all of us.

It's intensely grating to live say, in Atlanta, and have some dude in Harlem crowned as your unelected leader. It's even more grating if said dude's agenda seems, in large measure, come down to standing in front of cameras and tweaking his opponents. It's no mistake that O'Reilly and Sharpton would break bread together at Sylvia's--they feed each other.
But Barack Obama, bourgeois in every way that bourgeois is right and just, will not dance.He tells kids to study--and they seethe. He accepts an apology for an immature act of rudeness--and they go hysterical. He takes his wife out for a date--and their veins bulge. His humanity, his ordinary blackness, is killing them. Dig the audio of his response to Kanye West--the way he says, "He's a jackass." He sounds like one of my brothers. And that's the point, because that's what he is. Barack Obama refuses to be their nigger. And it's driving them crazy.
It's about time."

heh ::thumbs::

- Duchess - 09-17-2009

LKTraz Wrote:Jimmy Carter is America's hemorrhoid Pass the Preparation H please..
That's exactly what Boss Limbaugh had to say about him too and many of us figure that given he's such a big asshole he would know a hemorrhoid when he saw one...hahahaha

- Middle Finger - 09-17-2009

Duchess Wrote:
LKTraz Wrote:Jimmy Carter is America's hemorrhoid Pass the Preparation H please..
That's exactly what Boss Limbaugh had to say about him too and many of us figure that given he's such a big asshole he would know a hemorrhoid when he saw one...hahahaha
Good one!!

- The Antagonist - 09-17-2009

BROTHER Wrote:He is a humanitarian and honorable man.

I'm sure the hostages he did nothing about for 444 days think the same thing.

He should stick to his Habitat for Humanity project and farming - that's what he's good at. Leading a nation and foreign affairs - he is a miserable failure.

He was so bad at being the president he was challenged for his reelection by his own party - Ted Kennedy ran against him.

edited for removal of this shit: style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #aaaaaa"

- BROTHER - 09-17-2009

The Antagonist Wrote:
BROTHER Wrote:He is a humanitarian and honorable man.

I'm sure the hostages he did nothing about for 444 days think the same thing.

He should stick to his Habitat for Humanity project and farming - that's what he's good at. Leading a nation and foreign affairs - he is a miserable failure.

He was so bad at being the president he was challenged for his reelection by his own party - Ted Kennedy ran against him.

edited for removal of this shit: style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #aaaaaa"
thank you for sharing Smiley_emoticons_wink

- LKTraz - 09-18-2009

The big reason Carter is coming out for Obama is that this is shaping up to be the second term he never got.

Double digit unemployment: check

Social unrest: check

Skyrocketing debt: check

Floundering economy: check

Proposals of massive tax increases: check

Double digit interest rates: check

The only thing missing so far is double digit inflation. But have no fear......I'm sure that's just around the corner.

Now I don't know about the rest of you but I fucking voted in the election that he (Carter) won. And yes, I did vote for him. Just goes to show how young and dumb I was.

I want to know how simply disagreeing with President Obama's policies is racist?

If Obama was as fucking white as Edgar Winter, brown as Juan Valdez, red as Dennis Banks, yellow as Mao Tse Tung or green as Slimer from Ghost Busters I'd STILL disagree with his policies.

I disagreed with Carter, Bush 41, Clinton and G W Bush...NONE OF WHICH ARE BLACK!!!!!!!!!!! Hell, even Obama isn't black. He's technically "multiracial" which makes him NOT black but just PART black.

I guess since he's part white he must hate himself......right?

- BROTHER - 09-18-2009

LKTraz Wrote:The big reason Carter is coming out for Obama is that this is shaping up to be the second term he never got.

Double digit unemployment: check

Social unrest: check

Skyrocketing debt: check

Floundering economy: check

Proposals of massive tax increases: check

Double digit interest rates: check

The only thing missing so far is double digit inflation. But have no fear......I'm sure that's just around the corner.

Now I don't know about the rest of you but I fucking voted in the election that he (Carter) won. And yes, I did vote for him. Just goes to show how young and dumb I was.

I want to know how simply disagreeing with President Obama's policies is racist?

If Obama was as fucking white as Edgar Winter, brown as Juan Valdez, red as Dennis Banks, yellow as Mao Tse Tung or green as Slimer from Ghost Busters I'd STILL disagree with his policies.

I disagreed with Carter, Bush 41, Clinton and G W Bush...NONE OF WHICH ARE BLACK!!!!!!!!!!! Hell, even Obama isn't black. He's technically "multiracial" which makes him NOT black but just PART black.

I guess since he's part white he must hate himself......right?
are you really that clueless?