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- Middle Finger - 12-15-2008

I'm mixed on this issue, and always have been. I see both sides, I really do. It sends a terrible message to children especially that life is disposable as the vast majority of abortions are done out of it being "inconvenient" basically. But I also understand that it's a problem for Government to do what seems like a private family matter with a doctor.

I see the need to protect life, the way the laws do now for people hurting kids or how when someone kills a pregnant woman and her fetus, the criminal gets more punishment for killing the unborn.

I see the need to keep Government limited and out of private lives as much as reasonably possible.

So, I am mixed.

- Liquid - 12-15-2008

oh great. way to start the ultimate 2 argument threads with Abortion and Homosexuality, lol. But you forgot another big one. Start a thread called "The Death Penalty"! Then you will have covered all 3 biggies, lol.

- Momster - 12-15-2008

Abortion *ah-bore-shun*-verb
used in a sentence:
MF is the product of a failed abortion.

- Middle Finger - 12-15-2008

Liquid Wrote:oh great. way to start the ultimate 2 argument threads with Abortion and Homosexuality, lol. But you forgot another big one. Start a thread called "The Death Penalty"! Then you will have covered all 3 biggies, lol.

I thought maybe I could get away with it under the "oldies but goodies" charming category or something.

How DARE you expose me, you bitch! ::bigg::

- Middle Finger - 12-15-2008

Momster Wrote:Abortion *ah-bore-shun*-verb
used in a sentence:
MF is the product of a failed abortion.

You're of no use to me if you don't seriously weigh in on the topic and/or show me some nice face/body shots of yourself.

- F.U. - 12-15-2008

We are dealing with this topic right now here where I live. Planned Parenthood has just moved into town, and the bible thumpers are all up in arms. They have there asses out there in front of PP every day with the, PP kills baby's signs. Which I must say is a sign that cracks me up every time I see it. PP kills baby's, I thought PP's make baby's, but any way. I just don't get it. I mean these protesters stand there with their signs taunting and insulting the women as they enter PP. I understand in their mind they are trying to save the life of that voiceless yet unborn child, but what about that mother? Is she not going through enough right then? Do they not understand the psychological damage they are doing to her? Its not like it would be an easy decision to terminate a pregnancy, and kill your own child. That is a self inflicted emotional scarthe motherwill carry with her for the rest of her life. But then you throw in the assholes standing there calling her a baby killer and things like that.That woman does not need emotional bashing like that at a time such as this. Do they really think that there is no thought put into the decision of terminating that pregnancy? Do they really think it was just a , Hey I think I will kill my unborn child today? Do they really think they are doing any good?
Do I have an answer to this problem? No . But I am reminded of that old saying, A ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

- Cynical Ninja - 12-15-2008

Womens body, womens choice, it technically has fuck all to do with anybody else, and until men are willing to squirt unwanted babies out of their cocks that applies to the father as well.

- Liquid - 12-15-2008

I agree. I am 100% prochoice.

- sally - 12-15-2008

I believe life begins at conception, but I am pro-choice except for late term abortion. There would be even moreback alley abortions, babies found in dumpsters , and children born with severe disabilities if it were illegal.

I do think the doctor should have to describe the procedure in full detail just like any other procedure. They should also offer some sort of counseling prior to the abortion, it is a huge decision that they will have to live with the rest of their lives.I dont think every women goes in knowing exactly how far along the baby is developed. They make it too easy for women to have multiple abortions as if it were justanother form of birth control.

- Cynical Ninja - 12-15-2008

sally Wrote:I believe life begins at conception, but I am pro-choice except for late term abortion. There would be even moreback alley abortions, babies found in dumpsters , and children born with severe disabilities if it were illegal.

I do think the doctor should have to describe the procedure in full detail just like any other procedure. They should also offer some sort of counseling prior to the abortion, it is a huge decision that they will have to live with the rest of their lives.I dont think every women goes in knowing exactly how far along the baby is developed. They make it too easy for women to have multiple abortions as if it were justanother form of birth control.

It is sad but true that there are probably quite a few women out there who don't know what the mechanics of an abortion actually are, women who don't should probably keep their legs closed just in case. If you consider yourself mature enough to have sexual intercourse you should be mature enough to deal with the possible consequences.

- Sinister - 12-15-2008

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Womens body, womens choice, it technically has fuck all to do with anybody else, and until men are willing to squirt unwanted babies out of their cocks that applies to the father as well.
^^ What he said. ^^

- F.U. - 12-15-2008

WTF happened to this place? Now were agreeing with each other.

- Sinister - 12-15-2008

F.U. Dont ask again Wrote:WTF happened to this place? Now were agreeing with each other.

Shut up, asshole. You suck. Go piss in a high wind.

Happy now? ::wait::

- F.U. - 12-15-2008

Thanks... I needed that.

- newbiecollector - 12-15-2008

This is a subject I have thought of many times before. I, of course have no answer, but a feeling about it. Not strong enough to be an opinion I dont think.

I believe it should, must and is rightfully the womans choice. To me that is not a question.

What has always concerned or troubled me is what I perceive to be a lack of understanding of what the consequences of unprotected sex can bring. I am a lot older than most if not all in here and I sure as hell do not think any young woman had any teaching/consuling about this in my day but young people should now. At leastI think so.

All youngsters are going to have sex. It is a natural thing. I can't explain it well but I wish, hope and believe they should be reached in a way to make sure they understand what could, and eventually will happen.

Just my 2 cents worth and I know not well stated. But there it is

- Sinister - 12-15-2008

F.U. Dont ask again Wrote:Thanks... I needed that.
You want I should come by and bitch-slap you, too? Then your day would be complete. Hell, then my day would be complete! ::lmao::

- Cynical Ninja - 12-15-2008

newbiecollector Wrote:This is a subject I have thought of many times before. I, of course have no answer, but a feeling about it. Not strong enough to be an opinion I dont think.

I believe it should, must and is rightfully the womans choice. To me that is not a question.

What has always concerned or troubled me is what I perceive to be a lack of understanding of what the consequences of unprotected sex can bring. I am a lot older than most if not all in here and I sure as hell do not think any young woman had any teaching/consuling about this in my day but young people should now. At leastI think so.

All youngsters are going to have sex. It is a natural thing. I can't explain it well but I wish, hope and believe they should be reached in a way to make sure they understand what could, and eventually will happen.

Just my 2 cents worth and I know not well stated. But there it is

I nominate this post for the "Newbietard speaks common sense using more than two lines" award, 2008.

- newbiecollector - 12-15-2008

Well ty poophole.......Just what I think or feel or know or maybe what I think I know.

- F.U. - 12-15-2008

newbiecollector Wrote:Well ty poophole.......Just what I think or feel or know or maybe what I think I know.

Heyba Newbie Whatba didba youba sayba?

- newbiecollector - 12-15-2008

F.U. Dont ask again Wrote:
newbiecollector Wrote:Well ty poophole.......Just what I think or feel or know or maybe what I think I know.

Heyba Newbie Whatba didba youba sayba?
Are you sucking your own tonge again boy? Dammmmmmm