Obama for President! - Printable Version

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- One - 11-01-2008

[Image: mccain82108.jpg]

Obama for President! ::bigg::

- Sinister - 11-01-2008

Are you INSANE? Did you bump your head???? What the fuck kinda twit would want Obamanation in the White House??? What the fuck is wrong with you???? ::bang:: ::nuts::

- One - 11-01-2008

McCain for President is like keeping the one you got now.... The World needs a change! Obama can't fuck it more then it is anyway...

- Sinister - 11-01-2008

One Wrote:McCain for President is like keeping the one you got now.... The World needs a change! Obama can't fuck it more then it is anyway...

Who said the only other choice is McCain?

'Sides that, I think Obamanation is just as capable as fucking up this country as anyone else who would want that job.

- One - 11-01-2008

I get your point! If there were others for the job.... Where are they? The World needs a great leader and the President of the United States is that leader... If there were a good one or the best one for the job....

- LuMPyPussy - 11-01-2008

One Wrote:[Image: mccain82108.jpg]

Obama for President! ::bigg::
Oh my god, did that guy wet his pants?!? :shock:

- AnonyMoose - 11-02-2008

One Wrote:McCain for President is like keeping the one you got now.... The World needs a change! Obama can't fuck it more then it is anyway...

McSame is so old that the odds are that Juggs Palin would be the one in Iran trying to discuss dismantling those 50,000 gas centrifuges with a Muslim madman. The day that happens we better all just flee for Canada and hope that nuclear fallout does not head North.

- One - 11-02-2008

AnonyMoose Wrote:
One Wrote:McCain for President is like keeping the one you got now.... The World needs a change! Obama can't fuck it more then it is anyway...
McSame is so old that the odds are that Juggs Palin would be the one in Iran trying to discuss dismantling those 50,000 gas centrifuges with a Muslim madman. The day that happens we better all just flee for Canada and hope that nuclear fallout does not head North.
I'm with you!!! That is a nightmare like we don't haveenough problems.. ::batguy::

- The Antagonist - 11-02-2008

So One, how would your idiot hero Obama do it ? Would he sit and 'reason' with the madman? Hasn't Europe been trying to do that for what? 6 years now to no avail?

We would never send out top 'leaders' there no matter the decision of who's going to talk to the imbecile of Iran. We will either send a contingent of officials and negotiators there or bring them here to our turf. If it were my decision, I'd bring them here. I'd make them as uncomfortable as possible and serve the fuckers pork every day while they're here.

If the world is depending on a new "leader" and it has to come from the United States what does that say for the rest of the world, civilized parts or not? Does that mean we've been wasting our time with our allies and should be running roughshod over them instead of the policy we have now?

Are you saying the world can't live without our help and guidance? ::dunno::

I hope not! I truly hope the rest of the world actually has the gumption to stand on their own two feet should they need to!

This election brings us NO GOOD choices and the only thing to do is pray Obama does not get in and hope for the best.

As for your question on where are the other choices, the media for some reason does not feel they are worthy of mention, this election cycle or any other. But if you want to know who they are here's the list:

Ralph Nader - running under the Independent party this year. His running mate is Matt Gonzalez.

Chuck Baldwin - running under the Constitution party. His running mate is Darrell Castle

Cynthia McKinney - running under the Green party. Wasn't she arrested last year for slapping around a D.C. cop? Her running mate is Rosa Clemente.

Roger Calero - running under the Socialist Workers party. <-- yeah this could work comrade. His running mate is Alyson Kennedy.

Gloria LaRiva - running under the Socialism and Liberation party. <-- isn't that contradictory? ::blink::Her running mate is Eugene Puryear.

Jeffrey "Jeff" Boss - running under the Vote Here party. His running mate is Andrea Marie Psoras. What the fuck is the Vote Here party? It's like a diner that's called Eat Here. Also note that Jeffrey Boss is also running for Senate at the same time under the Boss for Senate ticket. So you get to vote twice for this asshole if you vote the entire column. Isnt' that cheating? ::dunno::

Brian Moore - running under the Socialist Party USA. His running mate is Stewart Alexander. Another unknown idiot who hasn't a chance in hell.

Bob Barr - running under the Libertarian party. His running mate is Wayne A. Root. This guy and his party is actually a viable choice. He's at least sane.

Then we get to the write in column. Here in the USA we can actually write in who we want to vote for if we don't like our choices.

I don't know about anyone else but I do my own research, I take a little of what one says, a little of another, watch the debates and speeches from all I'm interested in or who's caught my interest, find a middle ground between the bullshit they all spew and then get to the websites or before the internet, the library and go look at their actual voting records.

I vote for who's done their job and how prior to when they decided to run. The simple fact that Obama has not done his job as a senator eliminates him right there in my book. To me that says he's gone this far with an agenda of his own. What that is I don't know but I can tell you that from his records, past associations and words spoken out of his mouth that I've heard, he's not fit to be my president, never mind a world leader.

So before Europe goes thinking they like this or that candidate, maybe they should do some actual research for themselves instead of looking at newspaper reports and retarded skewed polling figures. Stop letting spoon fed news rule your brain and get off your lazy ass and educate yourself. Instead of having swasitkas on your money you'll have the crescent moon next time if you don't stand up for yourselves and sit back waiting for the Americans and their allies to bail you out. If it weren't for American and England, all of europe would be in the shitter. Maybe the sicle and stars would suit better? I mean China and Russia are backing up the arabs lately. Just sayin'....

- One - 11-02-2008

Good post, wery good. You know what your are talking about. And yes Europe needs the help from USA. I live in Denmark and that's a small country. But still we sent personal to Iraq and we are still there.. Europe don't like to say it but we need you guys - We need a good President that can fix the problems.

Europe likes to be United States of Europe but there is still a long way to go. If Europe could work togheter as a country like USA then we would be the strongest nation in the World... And then togheter whit you guys. Who in there right mind would try to takes us on?

USE &amp; USA

- One - 11-02-2008

There is one thing I just don't get! If there are so many others that could do the job better... Then why are McCain and Obama the top 2?

- Sinister - 11-02-2008

One Wrote:then we would be the strongest nation in the World
"We" who, exactly? Who the fuck are you talking about? America is the super power of the world and I don't see that changing any time soon. Europe? Haven't we bailed them out enough times to teach them how to handle shit on their own?

- LuMPyPussy - 11-02-2008

Call me shallow, but I'm more concerned with the guy that pissed himself. Is that something I'm going to need to worry about in a few years? ::blink::

- Cynical Ninja - 11-02-2008

Obama and McCain are as bad as each other, no matter who gets the keys to the whitehouse you yanks are screwed one way or another.

- Liquid - 11-02-2008

LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Call me shallow, but I'm more concerned with the guy that pissed himself. Is that something I'm going to need to worry about in a few years? ::blink::

me 2. who cares about who wins the election, or the war, or what happens with Europe and in our own country. Obama or McCain? Who cares about any of that.


- LuMPyPussy - 11-02-2008

Liquid Wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Call me shallow, but I'm more concerned with the guy that pissed himself. Is that something I'm going to need to worry about in a few years? ::blink::

me 2. who cares about who wins the election, or the war, or what happens with Europe and in our own country. Obama or McCain? Who cares about any of that.

I knew you'd understand. ::hugs::

- One - 11-02-2008

Sinister Wrote:
One Wrote:then we would be the strongest nation in the World
"We" who, exactly? Who the fuck are you talking about? America is the super power of the world and I don't see that changing any time soon. Europe? Haven't we bailed them out enough times to teach them how to handle shit on their own?
Can't you read? I just said that we (Europe) needs USA - Even if the majority here don't think we do!!!!

- Sinister - 11-02-2008

One Wrote:
Sinister Wrote:
One Wrote:then we would be the strongest nation in the World
"We" who, exactly? Who the fuck are you talking about? America is the super power of the world and I don't see that changing any time soon. Europe? Haven't we bailed them out enough times to teach them how to handle shit on their own?
Can't you read? I just said that we (Europe) needs USA - Even if the majority here don't think we do!!!!
Well let's see; I can type, so obviously I can read. Your implication that Europe and the US should be the ONE big super power in the world is absurd. That is my point. What the fuck do we need you for? To have dead weight on our shoulders that we have to keep rescuing from whatever latest fuck-up you people make? Personally, I'd just as soon nuke your shithole country and rid the world of vermin like Poophole. Howie can move in with me. I'd spare him.

- One - 11-02-2008


Ok then I rather stay in fucked up Europe!! ::lmao::

- Liquid - 11-02-2008

One - didn't we already go over this in another thread -

you fat asses.