does ANYBODY check emails?? - Printable Version

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- Lady Cop - 10-23-2008

what kind of asswipes are they??? they post every fucking email they get. does anyone check snopes?? shitty the latest idiot. but then again, who is surprised?

- Middle Finger - 10-23-2008

I'm not checking anything, if someone wants to go research that bullshit, lettem. 33

- Lady Cop - 10-23-2008

well next time i get an email about an alien baby born on venus, i am going to post it as FACT.::fuckyeah::

- Middle Finger - 10-23-2008

Just say you haven't verified it, you retard.

- Sinister - 10-23-2008

My own father is too dense to understand how to work Snopes. He forwards shit all the time to me and it really pisses me off. There is even a Biker who forwards any and everything without verifying. I'll admit it; there are some seriously dim Bikers out there.

I verify everything I get if I care to post it - which normally I don't - unless it came from my sister. She and I both check Snopes before we pass on a fucking thing.

PS Jackboots; I got your latest with the t-shirt.....that's been going around the Biker forums for a couple weeks now, but thanks for thinking of me!

- Cynical Ninja - 10-23-2008

Yeah, there is currently a link floating around the political forum at the other place that says Obama is using "secret hypnotism tricks" to brainwash voters into voting for him!.


Its more like right wing Republican retards desperately clutching at straws as Obama continues to dominate the polls.

But honestly, if you couldn't post links and copy/pastes of unsubstantiated bollocks Robo would have to close his forum down!

- Sinister - 10-23-2008

That comment about Robortion made me laugh so fucking hard I had to give it a vote. It's damn accurate, too.

- Cynical Ninja - 10-23-2008

I honestly don't know why Robo bothers with his forum, he should just post a link to and delete everything else.

That would mean we wouldn't have to read his drink/drug induced maniacal ramblings anymore, especially whenhe interlopes into the other forums when he gets bored, or really drunk/high.

Also he might take his little posse of conspiracy retards withhim, rosieisahippo who is a racist childlike mong, crhamlett, who claims to have been a member of a satanic new world order cult ::nuts::, Thumper, who as abikerI would have thought he would be more cynical and realistic about all that conspiracy bollocks.

Plus all the other sympathisers and deluded idiots that mod his forum, how manymods has he got now, 5?, I only readthe forum for larfs.

- newbiecollector - 10-23-2008

Hey....Robo has a PHD in copy/paste.

If he doesn't use the internet link where he got it deletes him.

Give the dude a break::lmao::

- Cynical Ninja - 10-23-2008

newbiecollector Wrote:Hey....Robo has a PHD in copy/paste.

If he doesn't use the internet link where he got it deletes him.

Give the dude a break::lmao::
Sure I'll give the conspiracy midget a break, I will even let him choose which leg.

- Sinister - 10-23-2008

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Thumper, who as abikerI would have thought he would be more cynical and realistic about all that conspiracy bollocks.
When I followed his posts through his profile and saw how much he posts in Robortion's forum I was deeply concerned. It changed my view of him entirely, and not for the good. I even took it to Wolf, and Wolf doesn't think Thumper sits in "that section of the bleachers" but he didn't go read the shit Thumper posts.

This was very distressing to me. To even patronize the place speaks volumes about him. And gives Robortion too much credit to be blessed with a Biker there, even one who appears to be a bit dim. And it also shines a poor light on Bikers.

- Middle Finger - 10-23-2008

Maybe Thumper holds some correct, valid, or true positions and Rob's forum encompasses some of them. I know this might be hard to believe but riding a fucking motorcycle or living the life of one in that culture doesn't mean you have superior understanding or truth about politics, power, money, culture, or any of the other topics that revolve around New World Order issues.

Stick to what you know. Go make some coffee and light up a cigarette.

- Cynical Ninja - 10-23-2008

Sinister Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Thumper, who as abikerI would have thought he would be more cynical and realistic about all that conspiracy bollocks.
When I followed his posts through his profile and saw how much he posts in Robortion's forum I was deeply concerned. It changed my view of him entirely, and not for the good. I even took it to Wolf, and Wolf doesn't think Thumper sits in "that section of the bleachers" but he didn't go read the shit Thumper posts.

This was very distressing to me. To even patronize the place speaks volumes about him. And gives Robortion too much credit to be blessed with a Biker there, even one who appears to be a bit dim. And it also shines a poor light on Bikers.

Exactly, I personally think bikers have alot offaults but being a thick headed conspiracy nut isn't one of them. I daresay someone like wolf treats it with the disdain it deserves and having a biker like Thumper lappingit up doesn't particularly enhance the general reputation of bikers in general.

- newbiecollector - 10-23-2008

Quote:Maybe Thumper holds some correct, valid, or true positions and Rob's forum encompasses some of them. I know this might be hard to believe but riding a fucking motorcycle or living the life of one in that culture doesn't mean you have superior understanding or truth about politics, power, money, culture, or any of the other topics that revolve around New World Order issues.

Does not mean you are a copy/paste guru either..............does it?

- Middle Finger - 10-23-2008

newbiecollector Wrote:
Quote:Maybe Thumper holds some correct, valid, or true positions and Rob's forum encompasses some of them. I know this might be hard to believe but riding a fucking motorcycle or living the life of one in that culture doesn't mean you have superior understanding or truth about politics, power, money, culture, or any of the other topics that revolve around New World Order issues.

Does not mean you are a copy/paste guru either..............does it?
What? Never mind. Thanks, Sinister.

- Sinister - 10-23-2008

Middle Finger Wrote:Maybe Thumper holds some correct, valid, or true positions and Rob's forum encompasses some of them. I know this might be hard to believe but riding a fucking motorcycle or living the life of one in that culture doesn't mean you have superior understanding or truth about politics, power, money, culture, or any of the other topics that revolve around New World Order issues.

When the fuck did I ever say anything remotely like you are implying? Where? I have said on numerous occasions that I know full well of the many faults Bikers have and I never claim any of us are saints. There is a lot of bad shit that happens in MC's and I know it. I know of many Bikers who have no grasp whatsoever of the political situation. Most of them have the same attitude that religious whackos have; my way is the right way and anything that differs is stupid, wrong, bad, etc....

Never have I claimed Bikers know everything or even most things.

- Middle Finger - 10-23-2008

Sinister Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Maybe Thumper holds some correct, valid, or true positions and Rob's forum encompasses some of them. I know this might be hard to believe but riding a fucking motorcycle or living the life of one in that culture doesn't mean you have superior understanding or truth about politics, power, money, culture, or any of the other topics that revolve around New World Order issues.

When the fuck did I ever say anything remotely like you are implying? Where? I have said on numerous occasions that I know full well of the many faults Bikers have and I never claim any of us are saints. There is a lot of bad shit that happens in MC's and I know it. I know of many Bikers who have no grasp whatsoever of the political situation. Most of them have the same attitude that religious whackos have; my way is the right way and anything that differs is stupid, wrong, bad, etc....

Never have I claimed Bikers know everything or even most things.
Good, then you shouldn't have any problem putting up that pot of coffee.

- newbiecollector - 10-23-2008

How did this get to be a coffee thread?

Did someone forget the vanilla?

- Middle Finger - 10-23-2008

newbiecollector Wrote:How did this get to be a coffee thread?

Did someone forget the vanilla?
That was pretty good actually, especially for you. Smiley_emoticons_biggrin Sort of like the equivalent of Liquid pulling off 10 push ups.

- newbiecollector - 10-23-2008

Middle Finger Wrote:
newbiecollector Wrote:How did this get to be a coffee thread?

Did someone forget the vanilla?
That was pretty good actually, especially for you. Smiley_emoticons_biggrin Sort of like the equivalent of Liquid pulling off 10 push ups.
Don't get me involved with your boy freinds MF::lmao::