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- Middle Finger - 09-25-2008

I came across a post just now on an admin site, and noticed the person posting was from "Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada" according to their profile. This was the post. I wonder if this is a great example of what one can expect from National Healthcare. I often hear stories of crazy long waiting lists for important stuff, and this just supported that.

They wrote:

I've completely lost faith in the hospital medical system.

My father has been waiting a year to find out what is wrong with his back. A couple months ago they announced he had a 'Spinal Fluid Leak'. He had a surgery down when he was 17 because he was a in a car accident and had metal pins installed to his back to help his bones form back correctly. Now to fix the spinal fluid leak they need to remove those metal pins.

He was scheduled and told to come last week. Then they canceled claiming 'the tools are not here, we don't know where they are. They called back two days later and told him that today he would have the surgery. I was expecting to come home to a empty house,have a party, and order some pizza. Amazingly when I arrive home the door is unlocked -- What the hell? Is what I thought. He managed to get all the pre-op down, blood drawn, blood pressure taken,etc. Then amazingly they tell him that the OR(Operating Room) closes at 4PM and that the last sugery ran too long, and your surgery will be in mid-October.

Now tell me. How is it fair to jerk him around like this? Get your facts straight and make sure that the day you call him you do the surgery.

I also want to know. Who agrees with me that the Surgeons and OR staff should be legally bound to stay and be paid over-time to complete this surgery?

- The Antagonist - 09-26-2008

Yah MF, Necro and I bantered about this very same subject. His main argument is that it is FREE. OP had the same sentiments I believe. FREE.

Well, you get what you pay for. I don't think we can actually go to a government run health care system. The private sector won't allow it. Doctors will not want to get a drastic drop in pay and become 'civil servants' instead of private practitioners under government supervision.

Doctors will not want to play "Mommy May I?" every time they want to write a prescription or treat a patient.

My friend in the RAF, the lawyer I manage sites for and my personal friends in the UK and Canada all have told me countless horror stories of botched surgeries, inadequate or inept diagnoses and simply being turned away because it was too busy to take another in.

One friend's kid who is severely asthmatic - ran out of inhaler one summer weekend last year. They refused him another inhaler because it was too soon! They told them "You use this thing too much, you have to learn to ration it better."
That is an outrage!

Let's not forget how filthy the hospitals are too! MRSA runs rampant in most govt run facilities.

Like I said, you get what you pay for. They'll raise taxes to accomplish this and what will happen to that money? Some dip-shit will borrow that to pay off some other thing they botched and then raise your taxes more to repeat this process over and over.

- LuMPyPussy - 09-26-2008

Botched surgeries, inadequate or inept diagnoses and simply being turned away isn't limited to countries with socialized medicine, you know.

- Middle Finger - 09-26-2008

Yeah, but long ass waits on a widespread level for things that should be taken care of in a timely manner, are.

- The Antagonist - 09-26-2008

LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Botched surgeries, inadequate or inept diagnoses and simply being turned away isn't limited to countries with socialized medicine, you know.

No shit? Wow, good thing you said that, I'd never know!