3 'canes out there now... - Printable Version

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- Lady Cop - 09-02-2008

i'm glad gustav wasn't as bad as projected/anticipated. now there are 3 more lined up, and i feel certain my son in florida will be affected by hanna. i sure got out of there at the right time!! 64

[Image: 163-235-hurricanes_lede.standalone.prod_...ate.56.jpg]

Tropics ripe with three storms: Hanna, Ike and Josephine
We're halfway through the 2008 hurricane season, but the ripe tropics are making it seem far from over. Hurricane Hanna and Tropical Storm Ike formed Monday, and a new system, Tropical Storm Josephine, popped up Tuesday morning.

- Duchess - 09-02-2008

Oh God, I hate this shit !...I always feel bad for people in the gulf coast region but, when they head for the east coast I get very anxious...I live on a freakin' peninsula.

- Duchess - 09-04-2008

I don't even know where any of these hurricanes are now...Maybe ignorance is bliss in this case.

- Lady Cop - 09-04-2008

fucking ike is now a cat 4 and may hit south florida. andrew was a cat 4 also, but later upgraded to a 5. a 4 is dangerous as hell.

- The Antagonist - 09-04-2008

Yeah well Hanna is headed up this way after landing in the Carolinas. Going to skirt the coast but slam into Long Island and then Cape Cod.

Ain'tcha glad you moved north? ::blink::

I expect a nicely flooded basement. Gotta close the pool early now for this and take down the screen house and sky chairs off the pergola. Dammit.

- Lady Cop - 09-05-2008

fucking shit is following me.

and as soon as hurricane season is over i'll get nor'easters.

jesus fucking tap-dancing christ.

- Duchess - 09-05-2008

We've been issued our weather warnings...I'll spend some of today doing what Ant talked about in a previous post...I've kept my head in the sand until I absolutely had to face this...I am very anxious...

- Lady Cop - 09-05-2008

[Image: hannah6.jpg]
Tropical storm Hanna is headed for New England.

- Duchess - 09-05-2008

It looks like a few of us are right in the projected path...Oooohhhh...I need a couple valium............Or something.

jb...Bet you never thought you would be dealing with this bs up there, eh ?

Be safe, everyone

- The Antagonist - 09-05-2008

If I heard right, (was listening thru sleepy ears) Hanna is going to work it's way up the coast fast. Should hit New England by 2 AM today.

That seems a bit fast to me. They'll be harping on it all day so we'll know exactly soon enough. Batten down regardless. Get the items off the basement floor. Bring out the buckets.

- Lady Cop - 09-05-2008

my usual hurricane supply list applies...candles and rum.

- Middle Finger - 09-05-2008

jackboots Wrote:my usual hurricane supply list applies...candles and rum.

- Lady Cop - 09-05-2008

another mandatory evac ordered on keys visitors now. there is nothing more miserable since there is only one road out.

Tourists will be told to leave the Florida Keys starting at 9 a.m. Saturday, with a mandatory resident evacuation to begin in stages starting at 8 a.m. Sunday.

''We are in a state of emergency,'' Gov. Charlie Crist said Friday from the state's emergency operations center in Tallahassee, repeating: ``We are in a state of emergency

- Liquid - 09-05-2008

WE ARE GETTING A TON of rain in NC right now and supposed to get heavier and heavier tonight and tomorrow. will be interesting to see how much rain we get.

- Lady Cop - 09-05-2008

my cousin in miami and his wife expect a baby any minute. i am worried about them.

when andrew hit my other cousin lost her baby.

- Liquid - 09-05-2008

jackboots Wrote:my cousin in miami and his wife expect a baby any minute. i am worried about them.

when andrew hit my other cousin lost her baby.
is she at a hospital already hopefully?

- Lady Cop - 09-05-2008

no damn it. he is miami fire-rescue, and feels safe.

- Liquid - 09-05-2008

man - that is dangerous, especially with a baby due soon.

- Lady Cop - 09-05-2008

i know, i am worried. when andrew hit, his mom, my aunt, spent the storm hiding in her bathtub while her roof ripped off. she lost everything she ever owned. photos, clothes, everything. a lifetime of memories. i trust my cousin. but i will worry until it is over.

- Sinister - 09-05-2008

jackboots Wrote:no damn it. he is miami fire-rescue, and feels safe.
He is also a dipshit. What kind of arrogant fucker thinks he can protect his wife and their unborn child against the forces of nature?? That guy needs his skull thumped. 85