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Deficit reduction plan.. - username - 11-12-2010

Democrats hate it because it cuts entitlements, Republicans hate it because it raises taxes (and maybe because of cuts to defense spending).

How the HELL are we ever going to reduce the deficit?

Do you side with your party?

What are you willing to give up in order to reduce the deficit?

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - BlueTiki - 11-12-2010

(11-12-2010, 11:10 PM)username Wrote: What are you willing to give up in order to reduce the deficit?

Perhaps, you might want to incorporate "or additional costs you are willing to incur" into the question.

Unless, of course, cash is one of the "give up" options.

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - username - 11-13-2010

(11-12-2010, 11:50 PM)BlueTiki Wrote:
(11-12-2010, 11:10 PM)username Wrote: What are you willing to give up in order to reduce the deficit?

Perhaps, you might want to incorporate "or additional costs you are willing to incur" into the question.

I don't need to couch it...that would be INCREASED TAXES. I would pay said increased taxes provided there were equivalent spending cuts. I'm a-okay with raising the age limits for social security. Farm subsidies? Cut them! Defense spending...I'd need a line by line review but I'm pretty sure there's tons of waste...cut it!

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - BlueTiki - 11-13-2010

(11-13-2010, 12:06 AM)username Wrote: I don't need to couch it...that would be INCREASED TAXES.

I was thinking more along the lines of voluntary purchases of Gov't issued securities, additional bullshit surcharges, co-pays for Gov't services and hiked admission fees to/for Gov't "stewardship" holdings.

Increased taxes? Do you think we really have a choice if it's a Fed thing?

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - Duchess - 11-13-2010

I don't even know where to begin. Smiley_emoticons_slash

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - Cracker - 11-13-2010

I think all the people who got incentive money should have to give it back. That would be a good effen start.

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - username - 11-13-2010

(11-13-2010, 12:21 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: I was thinking more along the lines of voluntary purchases of Gov't issued securities, additional bullshit surcharges, co-pays for Gov't services and hiked admission fees to/for Gov't "stewardship" holdings.

Increased taxes? Do you think we really have a choice if it's a Fed thing?



I'm just frustrated. We have this bi-partisan commission (which btw, is probably costing millions)...if they come out with a majority vote to recommend this plan--it's not going to happen. And I doubt anything even remotely resembling the plan will happen because of the politics. Republicans make pledges not to raise taxes (at all), Democrats promise not to make program cuts, well, wtf? How is this country ever going to make the hard but necessary decisions? Signs_173

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - Duchess - 11-13-2010

Stop giving our money away would be a hell of a start. Sink or swim. Fuck. Stop the stupid bailout crap, stop running to the aid of those less fortunate, why the hell do we have to be the world's babysitter? Put Americans first & worry about what's going on here. Don't reward those in positions of power, as in banks, car makers, etc. Jesus Christ, does anyone use their head in Washington? I could do a better job in many of the positions there.

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - aknow - 11-15-2010

(11-12-2010, 11:10 PM)username Wrote: Democrats hate it because it cuts entitlements, Republicans hate it because it raises taxes (and maybe because of cuts to defense spending).

How the HELL are we ever going to reduce the deficit?

Do you side with your party?

What are you willing to give up in order to reduce the deficit?

Easy: Stop making war, dismantle the military, cancel all military contracts, and bring all soldiers back to the USA so they can become
gainfully employed to NOT kill people.

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - Cracker - 11-15-2010

(11-15-2010, 08:04 PM)aknow Wrote: Easy: Stop making war, dismantle the military, cancel all military contracts, and bring all soldiers back to the USA so they can become
gainfully employed to NOT kill people.

Mass graves. What part of mass graves do people not get? You're right, though. Why should it be our problem? Keep killing men, women, and children around the world. What the fuck do we care? Wipe out entire villages. Cleanse entire ethnicities. Everyone knows we make wars for the fun of it. Jesus fucking Christ.

[Image: 0_22_101304_iraq_mass_grave.jpg]

[Image: 1167416338_2284.jpg]

[Image: karbala%20massgrave%20of%20shepherds%2015o8y.jpg]

[Image: 8.jpg]

Yeah, we make war for oil.

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - Maggot - 11-15-2010

War is Hell.

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - username - 11-15-2010

Sadly we seem to care in some places more than others--our involvement (when we choose to get involved) usually involves some self-serving interest.

I think we should press for other United Nations members to do more though.

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - Cracker - 11-15-2010

Oh god, don't get me started on the United Nations.

Somebody has to step in. It's usually us. I don't like paying for it either, but I can't let go of the helpless members of humanity thing.

Is it money down the drain? Probably. Just like welfare and social programs are here. At least the downtrodden in other countries work hard and try. Here, a bunch of lazy fat asses suck off the system.

I'd like to know how we would employ every member of the military and related industries if we just shut it all down. I don't seem to recall there being millions of jobs out there right now. Somebody didn't think that shit through. You know they would all get a newly-formed government job. Imagine how much that would cost.

We ARE America BECAUSE we can kick your ass. Don't ever think that isn't the reason. It is the ONLY reason.

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - Duchess - 11-16-2010

(11-15-2010, 08:04 PM)aknow Wrote: dismantle the military, cancel all military contracts,

I wouldn't even consider cutting that. We are hated, people wish us dead. Do you want another country invading us like we do to them? We need our military & to think differently, I believe, is naive. Thank your leaders for making us one of the most despised group of people in the world. Nobody likes a bully.

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - aknow - 11-17-2010

(11-15-2010, 10:54 PM)Cracker Wrote: Oh god, don't get me started on the United Nations.

Somebody has to step in. It's usually us. I don't like paying for it either, but I can't let go of the helpless members of humanity thing.

Is it money down the drain? Probably. Just like welfare and social programs are here. At least the downtrodden in other countries work hard and try. Here, a bunch of lazy fat asses suck off the system.

I'd like to know how we would employ every member of the military and related industries if we just shut it all down. I don't seem to recall there being millions of jobs out there right now. Somebody didn't think that shit through. You know they would all get a newly-formed government job. Imagine how much that would cost.

We ARE America BECAUSE we can kick your ass. Don't ever think that isn't the reason. It is the ONLY reason.

You are what is fundamentally wrong with America. Push humans around, and when they don't comply, physically dismantle them. Keep building weapons of human destruction. Dear Dipwod: In case you haven't noticed, we have a war with our southern border. We have another war of obese unfit, unhealthy individuals. So employ the military as organic farmers, or for those who haven't had enough of the military's perverted mentality, let them guard our southern border or act as agents to remove illegal aliens. If that doesn't employ enough of them, start building factories to make blue jeans and tee shirts, you know before your time, when they were all manufactured in AMERICA.
Or, alternatively, you personally can crawl up into the fetal position, hold on tight to your firearms, and hopefully feel better.

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - Still Waters - 11-17-2010

The United States is going down into the dust bin of history just like the old Soviet Union. Our National debt is almost 14 trillion dollars and our government is still spending money like a crack head with a stolen credit card.

Is anybody old enough to remember Ross Perot and what he said about N.A.F.T.A.? "That giant sucking sound." Boy, was he ever right! Those jobs are gone and they are not coming back. Good-by middle class. There are going to be two classes, filthy rich, and dirt poor.

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - Cracker - 11-17-2010

(11-17-2010, 12:38 PM)aknow Wrote: You are what is fundamentally wrong with America. Push humans around, and when they don't comply, physically dismantle them. Keep building weapons of human destruction. Dear Dipwod: In case you haven't noticed, we have a war with our southern border. We have another war of obese unfit, unhealthy individuals. So employ the military as organic farmers, or for those who haven't had enough of the military's perverted mentality, let them guard our southern border or act as agents to remove illegal aliens. If that doesn't employ enough of them, start building factories to make blue jeans and tee shirts, you know before your time, when they were all manufactured in AMERICA.
Or, alternatively, you personally can crawl up into the fetal position, hold on tight to your firearms, and hopefully feel better.

You saw the mass graves, right? Don't care?

You only want our military to kill Mexicans? Yes, you are a saint, and a shining example of what is good about America.

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - Lady Cop - 11-17-2010

well i have known Aknow for years, he's a compassionate doctor. and has never been about killing mexicans or anyone.
sorry if i shouldn't speak for him, but that's what i think about him. Smiley_emoticons_stumm

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - Cracker - 11-17-2010

Then he should know that WE aren't fighting a war against obesity, fat folks are. We watch what we eat over here and exercise most days. Everybody knows if you eat more than you burn, you will gain weight. I don't see the war part.

How can we not step in? Does the doctor only care about American people? I don't know how we can turn a blind eye and pretend to be a nation full of decent people.

Assuming military personnel have a "perverted mentality" is bullshit. He doesn't personally know all the members of the military. They go where they are sent and they do what they are asked to do by elected officials. Many serve because they love this country. If that is perverted, then I am also a pervert.

RE: Deficit reduction plan.. - BlueTiki - 11-17-2010

(11-17-2010, 12:38 PM)aknow Wrote: So employ the military as organic farmers, or for those who haven't had enough of the military's perverted mentality, let them guard our southern border or act as agents to remove illegal aliens. If that doesn't employ enough of them, start building factories to make blue jeans and tee shirts, you know before your time, when they were all manufactured in AMERICA.

So, your position to reduce the deficit is the return to an agrarian society and promote unskilled labor for domestic manufacturing?