a warning about AVG antivirus update - Printable Version

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a warning about AVG antivirus update - Lady Cop - 12-11-2010

AVG anti-virus update could freeze Windows PCs

Computers running the 64-bit version of Microsoft’s Windows 7 operating system could be rendered unusable if users install the latest anti-virus software update from AVG.

The problem affects the most recent free update for AVG 2011, which was made available to users on Dec 1.

AVG has acknowledged that the patch can send some 64-bit Windows 7 machines in to a crash cycle, forcing a reboot of the computer from which it never restarts. The anti-virus company has withdrawn the update.

The problem is caused by one particular virus database update, which automatically forces the computer to reboot in order for the update to take affect. Upon restarting, the PC will register a "c0000135 error", and will not complete the boot cycle.

The software update is no longer available to users, but AVG has released a guide for those customers who have already installed the update and are experiencing problems as a result.

The step-by-step instructions how the update can be disabled, by running an AVG “rescue CD”.

AVG apologized to users for the software glitch. The company has also recommended an alternative recovery method for those users who no longer have, or cannot create, a “rescue CD”.

RE: a warning about AVG antivirus update - Luke Warmwater - 12-11-2010

This happened to me a week ago Wednesday. Took the machine into the shop before there was anything on the net about it...could have saved $45 and five days without the machine...Furious

Bastards need to test their shit before they send it out...can't really complain though as the software is free (except this year it seems) and beats the shit out of the intrusive Norton bullshit.

RE: a warning about AVG antivirus update - IMaDick - 12-11-2010

I installed it, it comes with a tool bar and safe search functions, it caused my computer to become unstable, I disabled the tool bar and no more problem.

RE: a warning about AVG antivirus update - Maggot - 12-11-2010

Viruses are created by the anti-virus companies, at least 80% are. What a racket.

RE: a warning about AVG antivirus update - Luke Warmwater - 12-12-2010

it wasn't a virus...I think it was just a fucked up line of C++ code