I think I'm going to paint today - Printable Version

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I think I'm going to paint today - Cracker - 12-19-2010

I'm going from calming taupe to buttery yellow (not caution sign yellow or baby shit yellow, just barest yellow). I think I'll do it myself because I have tomorrow off from work.

Do you pay people to paint for you? I really considered it because of a couple high walls, but decided I would keep the $400 for vacation fun. I will enjoy the money spent on vacation more than sitting on my ass for four hours while two panchos do the work I am perfectly capable of completing.

I may regret this decision about halfway through, but I am trying to get more value from what I earn. I think I may set up a spreadsheet for my spending so I can see where it all goes, even though I suspect my CrackerSpawn is sucking most of it from the mother teat.

RE: I think I'm going to paint today - Lady Cop - 12-19-2010

i always hated painting...ever since my Dad used to make me paint our white fence when i was a kid, like Tom Sawyer!
there are some things i am happy to pay/trick/cajole others to do. my bit for employment and the economy. heh

[Image: fence_painting.jpg]

RE: I think I'm going to paint today - Duchess - 12-19-2010

Not only do I like to paint I actually love paint itself. I like how it can change the appearance of ANYTHING almost immediately. Spray paint is da bomb too.

Consumer Reports says Behr paint is the best of all...believe them. I like Ralph Lauren too.

RE: I think I'm going to paint today - username - 12-19-2010

I don't mind painting but the prep work and clean up sucks. I recently found a handyman--I've had him do a TON of work around the house and he's cheap and fast. He installed 4 can lights for me in my familyroom in 3 hours. He charges me $30/hr. so you do the math. The materials cost more than his labor.

Reuben. I love Reuben. Reuben is going to paint my dining room soon--maybe next week!

RE: I think I'm going to paint today - sally - 12-19-2010

I hate painting and I end up making a mess with it no matter how hard I try to be careful.

I hired someone to paint my rental house and then the fucking tenants moved in and I guess the wife got bored sitting home all day and decided to paint every room a different color. The worst was the master bedroom that she painted dark blue. She didn't even do a good job, she painted the light switches shut and even painted my new doors and baseboards blue. Thats what I get for renting to rednecks.

RE: I think I'm going to paint today - QueenBee - 12-19-2010

My living room needs painting. A friend has offered to do it..for pizza and beer. We shall take him up on it come spring. Need to be able to move the chinchilla into a room I can ventilate well.

RE: I think I'm going to paint today - Cracker - 12-20-2010

I'm a POS and didn't paint. I didn't feel like making a mess moving my dead ass tree. I will paint after Christmas.

I want to pay someone in beer to do my work for me. As long as they don't drink it at my house and expect to stay.

RE: I think I'm going to paint today - Maggot - 12-20-2010

Use body paint! :B

Ummm.............nevermind that would take to many gallons. :O