Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - Printable Version

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Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - Cracker - 12-20-2010

I swear I live in the stupidest fucking state in the union. Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, and West Virginia may be worse, not sure, but Georgia is pretty effen bad. I have wrinkles in my forehead from giving quizzical looks all the time trying to figure out what the hell these people are talking about and if they really are that fucking stupid. OMG. I can't stand it.

It's a little better in parts of Atlanta, but I don't live right in the city.

I correct people's text messages sometimes so they get the hint that stupid is not OK with me. I'm not even that anal, it's just that bad here. Then I wonder if they know they are stupid. Do they? Do they care?

Do you think people in the South are slower than in other states or am I just an asshole?

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - IMaDick - 12-20-2010

hahhahhah why don't you just ask us if the pants makes your ass look fat?

I bet secretly you're hoping that you're just an asshole aren't you?

otherwise you are dumber than a stump for even trying to listen to the morons that you surround yourself with.

I have relatives in georgia.

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - username - 12-20-2010

(12-20-2010, 09:48 PM)IMaDick Wrote: I have relatives in georgia.

That explains it.

I hope they at least know when to capitalize.

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - Cracker - 12-20-2010

How do grown ass Americans not know what fucking civil liberties are? Jesus Christ. Ignorant gotdamn fatass inbred motherfuckers. I guess as long as you are smarter than your hound, it's all good.

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - IMaDick - 12-20-2010

(12-20-2010, 10:08 PM)username Wrote:
(12-20-2010, 09:48 PM)IMaDick Wrote: I have relatives in georgia.

That explains it.

I hope they at least know when to capitalize.

capitalization is a choice not a requirement, but since you mentioned it, the sentence you quoted is capitalised Oops once again you open your cocksucker and prove just how ignorant you really are.

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - Cracker - 12-20-2010

I think she meant "Georgia."

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - IMaDick - 12-20-2010

(12-20-2010, 10:16 PM)Cracker Wrote: I think she meant "Georgia."

who cares ,I have been wanting to say that to some stupid bitch for a few days now.Smiley_emoticons_smile

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - Cracker - 12-20-2010

Hahaha. I understand the need to spew. Sick way to make yourself feel better.

Mad at your wife? She spend too much on Christmas? She buy cards or something?

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - username - 12-20-2010

(12-20-2010, 10:15 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Capitalization is a choice not a requirement but since you mentioned it, the sentence you quoted is capitalized Oops Once again you open your cocksucker and prove just how ignorant you really are.

Fixed it for you.

Of course capitalization is a choice; I culd chuse to spel like this to. 86 Check out the little button on your keyboard that says "shift". It's really quite easy.

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - username - 12-20-2010

(12-20-2010, 10:21 PM)IMaDick Wrote:
(12-20-2010, 10:16 PM)Cracker Wrote: I think she meant "Georgia."

who cares ,I have been wanting to say that to some stupid bitch for a few days now.Smiley_emoticons_smile

Yo' mamma. Smiley_emoticons_fies

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - Lady Cop - 12-20-2010

i know most of us dislike sweeping generalizations and stereotypes, i can only relate to my own experience having lived some years in the South. many Southerners may appear slow because they are relaxed, laconic, and often speak with a drawl. i really hate to admit it, but when i had to deal with certain types some may refer to as rednecks, i wanted to CHOKE THE LIVING GODDAMN WORDS OUT OF THEIR SLOW-AS-MOLASSES-GOING-UPHILL MUSHMOUTHS! Strangle

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - Cracker - 12-20-2010


I used to think it was just mannerisms until I actually listened to what they were saying. Opinion passes for education here much more often than people are aware.

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - username - 12-20-2010

(12-20-2010, 10:51 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: i know most of us dislike sweeping generalizations and stereotypes, i can only relate to my own experience having lived some years in the South. many Southerners may appear slow because they are relaxed, laconic, and often speak with a drawl. i really hate to admit it, but when i had to deal with certain types some may refer to as rednecks, i wanted to CHOKE THE LIVING GODDAMN WORDS OUT OF THEIR SLOW-AS-MOLASSES-GOING-UPHILL MUSHMOUTHS! Strangle

Shift key!! 16

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - Duchess - 12-21-2010

I've never lived in the deep south, only vacationed there. I don't think "slow" knows any geographical boundaries. Stupid people reign supreme because there's so goddamn many of them. They multiply like bunnies.

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - Lady Cop - 12-21-2010

the stereotype of Southerners as gracious-mannered people is quite true when you are not discussing the hillbilly/redneck/DELIVERANCE/still-fighting-the Civil War crowd.
my Mom was from NC and had lovely manners and traditions of courtesy, giving when neighbors needed comfort, all the classic lovely things about Southern hospitality.
'Steel Magnolias' comes to mind. i think that was a documentary. hah

RE: Do you think Southern people are a bit slow? - Middle Finger - 12-21-2010

Bible Belt retardation is a wonderful thing to behold.