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somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Lady Cop - 02-19-2011

to hell with this shit. it's time to start hanging these fuckers from their own yardarms!

(CNN) -- Somali pirates hijacked a yacht with four Americans onboard in the Indian Ocean, U.S. military officials said Saturday.

The identities of the Americans were not immediately known, but the yacht, the S/V Quest, is owned by Jean and Scott Adam, according to Ecoterra International, a piracy watchdog group.

It is not clear whether the Adams -- who were on a worldwide cruise -- were onboard.

Authorities said the yacht was en route from India to Oman when it was captured.

"If the owners are onboard, it would be a sad log for the couple on their seven-year world journey," Ecoterra International said.

The Adams website documents their worldwide voyage, which started in late 2004. It includes trips to New Zealand, China, Cambodia and Panama.

In their site, the Adams say their mission "is to allow the power of the word to transform lives ... (and) seek fertile ground for the word and homes for our Bibles."

A post earlier this year said they would refuel in Djibouti, an area that has seen a surge in pirate activity.

"Djibouti is a big refueling stop," according to the post, which is not dated. "I have no idea what will happen in these ports, but perhaps we'll do some local touring."

U.S. military officials said they are keeping an eye on the situation.

"We are aware of the situation and we are monitoring the situation carefully," said Bob Prucha, a spokesman for the United States Central Command.

[Image: _51169000_oman_somalia_feb11.gif]

RE: somali pirates hijack American's yacht - Lady Cop - 02-19-2011

here is the owners' website

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - thekid65 - 02-19-2011

This reminds me somewhat of the dumbasses hiking on the Iran/Iraq border. Jesusfuckingchrist.....why are you sailing anywhere close to that area?

With that being said, I simply don't understand why the world is letting this shit continue. Almost every major country has had ships hijacked by these fucking skinny little niggers...and what's worse is, some actually pay the ransom. The major players in this world need to have a sit-down, and just flat out devise a plan to take these fuckers out...even if that means trashing the country of Somalia.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Cracker - 02-19-2011

Somalia is already a shit hole. Just shoot the fuckers. That takes care of a lot of social problems.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Duchess - 02-19-2011

They are just more people who feel entitled to what others have worked for. Not only am I sick of hearing about it I am sick of seeing that no one does a damn thing about it. It makes me feel a tad blood thirsty, just kill 'em all, when you see them coming and you have the means, blow their shit right the hell out of the water.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Duchess - 02-19-2011

I'm not really a blood thirsty bitch...I just sound like one when I'm agitated. 50

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Cracker - 02-19-2011

When money and charity don't fix a situation, rules of the jungle apply. Shoot the fuckers and waste energy on peoples who aren't thieves.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Duchess - 02-19-2011

I'm not fond of giving a bunch of chances so I could really get behind the idea of shooting habitual fuck ups.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Cracker - 02-19-2011

How many chances should an adult get? Kids usually get a pass with me unless they are sexual deviants or hurt other kids/animals or are killers, but adults should fucking know better. The ideas of "right" and "wrong" are intrinsic in humans, there from birth. Anyone who chooses to go against these inborn directives is defective and needs to have their DNA end with them.

As far as stealing, I have no understanding of that principle. If you want it, work for it. If you need it, and you work at ANY job, you can usually get what you require to live. If you want more than that, work harder and smarter, and you will get it. Steal it and you should be shot. There is no good excuse to me.

People will say the Somali government and regional warlords are starving the people. Shoot them. Don't let your kids starve. Effen sheep.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Duchess - 02-19-2011

Kids get the opportunity to learn from their mistakes, adults are past that, I'm with you, shoot 'em.

Look, I'm greedy about life, I want it all and I'm willing to work for it and that's how I think everyone should be. *shrug*.

I've made mistakes, many of them, poor choices and decisions too but I learned from every fuck up I've made, I owned it and I moved on. I don't want to hear excuses from people.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Cracker - 02-19-2011

(02-19-2011, 02:19 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I've made mistakes, many of them, poor choices and decisions too but I learned from every fuck up I've made, I owned it and I moved on. I don't want to hear excuses from people.

We all have our psychotic outbursts in our early 20's, embarrass the shit out of ourselves for being like that, and never do it again. But some people never stop being a crazy fuck. They misbehave and are allowed to do so by an apologist society: Stealing is OK if you are poor. Lack of education is OK because mom and dad are stupid, too. Laziness is OK because you don't want to give up the free handout and apartment.

It is no accident some people do well. The sad part is, the way we are allowing this country to be run is going to bring us all down. Fuck that Robin Hood shit. It's killing our economy and making us all a little poorer without any real benefit to the lazy fucks in our society. They will lose or fuck away anything they are given. I will take care of what I have.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Duchess - 02-19-2011

(02-19-2011, 02:38 PM)Cracker Wrote: I will take care of what I have.

If everyone thought like we do in regards to personal responsibility so much of this bullshit would just go away.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Lady Cop - 02-20-2011

The U.S. Navy says it is prepared to intervene to rescue four Americans on a yacht hijacked by Somali pirates.

The yacht, the S/V Quest, owned by California couple Scott and Jean Adam, who are sailing the world distributing Bibles, was taken Friday. Organizers of an international yacht race identified the two other Americans on board as Phyllis Mackay and Bob Riggle. The four sailed the race for several weeks but went off in a different direction Feb. 15, according to the organizers of the Blue Water Rally.

Somali pirates usually attack commercial ships instead of yachts. They have made hundreds of millions of dollars seizing merchant ships for ransom in recent years.

If the yacht were to make landfall in Somalia, it would reduce the chances of a fast rescue dramatically. However, pirates held a British couple, Paul and Rachel Chandler, in Somalia for more than a year after seizing their yacht in October 2009.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Cracker - 02-20-2011

Hell yeah! Send in the Navy! Better yet, send in the SEALS.

I love this country.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Lady Cop - 02-22-2011


DEVELOPING STORY: Four Americans aboard a yacht hijacked by Somali pirates have been killed, Fox News has confirmed.

U.S. forces responded to gunfire aboard the yacht Quest at approximately 1 a.m. Tuesday, but discovered all four hostages had been shot by their captors. Despite attempts to save their lives, all four hostages died of their wounds.

“We express our deepest condolences for the innocent lives callously lost aboard the Quest,” said Gen. James N. Mattis, U.S. Central Command Commander in a news release.

Two pirates died during the confrontation and 13 were captured and detained, along with two pirates already in custody. U.S. forces also found the remains of two other pirates already dead aboard the vessel and believe a total of 19 pirates were involved in the hijacking.

Americans Jean and Scott Adams were on a mission to distribute Bibles around the world when their yacht was hijacked by Somali pirates.

hang them high!

[Image: ao0vn9.gif]

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - cjcisneros - 02-22-2011

(02-22-2011, 12:51 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: THE FUCKERS KILLED THEM ALL!

DEVELOPING STORY: Four Americans aboard a yacht hijacked by Somali pirates have been killed, Fox News has confirmed.

U.S. forces responded to gunfire aboard the yacht Quest at approximately 1 a.m. Tuesday, but discovered all four hostages had been shot by their captors. Despite attempts to save their lives, all four hostages died of their wounds.

“We express our deepest condolences for the innocent lives callously lost aboard the Quest,” said Gen. James N. Mattis, U.S. Central Command Commander in a news release.

Two pirates died during the confrontation and 13 were captured and detained, along with two pirates already in custody. U.S. forces also found the remains of two other pirates already dead aboard the vessel and believe a total of 19 pirates were involved in the hijacking.

Americans Jean and Scott Adams were on a mission to distribute Bibles around the world when their yacht was hijacked by Somali pirates

I am sick about this-- Those people were passing out bibles ! So sad. I have been reading/watching the news of this hoping for a good out come knowing that it probably going to be a very sad outcome. What is so frustrating is that these pirates are basically nothing but gang thugs and that the millions of dollars of hostage money they receive is divided between the pirates and their "investers" according to a article I read this morning. I wonder who the investers are . The money is used for drugs, alcohol and prostitutes- pretty crappy use of money that came from the sensless murders of people who bring bibles and aid to countries that need so badly. Something needs to be done !

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Cracker - 02-22-2011

Mutherfuckers. They should have killed the pirates. They should kill all pirates now.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - BlueTiki - 02-22-2011

So much for the tenets of Xeer Law.

Fucking thieving, drinking, whoring and muderering Jack-Muslims.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Gogo - 02-27-2011

Better yet, don't sail to shit hole places on your YACHT. No different learning not to touch a hot iron or a burner on a stove.

RE: somali pirates hijack Americans' yacht - Maggot - 02-27-2011

When sailing to Somalia bring plenty of guns and ammo, shoot first ask questions later.