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FOX Gives Beck the Boot - BlueTiki - 04-06-2011,0,5973014.story

Completing a swift rise and fall from TV stardom, controversial host Glenn Beck will lose his once-popular Fox News show later this year, the network announced Wednesday.

Beck's 5 p.m. program, which earned scorn from liberals for its attacks on President Obama as well as its devotion to sometimes-obscure right-wing thinkers, was a top cable draw in 2009 and a signpost for the populist "tea party" movement in last year's midterm elections, which dealt a ballot-box rebuke to the White House.

But ratings plummeted and advertisers bailed as Beck — a cherubic, salt-and-pepper-haired longtime radio host who has compared himself to a rodeo clown — increasingly pursued a hard-to-follow agenda that many found too conspiracy-minded. He also chafed his bosses at Fox News, who faulted him for spending too much time on his far-flung business operations and not enough on honing his TV presentation.

Both sides cobbled together a diplomatically worded statement Wednesday that noted Beck would "transition off" his daily program but stressed that the host and Fox News had reached a new deal for future, as-yet-unspecified projects. Joel Cheatwood, a senior Fox News executive, was hired away to help run Beck's company, Mercury Radio Arts.

Fox News and Beck both declined to comment beyond the statement.

Roger Ailes, the Fox News chairman and chief executive who until recently had overridden doubts about Beck among his subordinates, said in the statement: "Glenn Beck is a powerful communicator, a creative entrepreneur and a true success by anybody's standards."

But there was little mistaking the upshot of the move: Less than three years after joining Fox News from CNN's Headline News amid a burst of publicity, Beck is being booted off the air. His sinking ratings certainly didn't help — they fell 32% for the first three months of this year, to 1.9 million total viewers, according to the Nielsen Co.

And after months of reported friction between the host and Fox News as well as an aggressive advertiser boycott after Beck dubbed President Obama a racist, analysts professed little surprise.

"His show had become tired," said Jeffrey McCall, professor of media studies at DePauw University. "He was spending a lot of time just talking in front of his blackboard. Guests were less frequently involved.

"The ratings drop was significant and couldn't be ignored," McCall continued. "The advertiser boycott didn't hurt the program or FNC as much in terms of dollars as it did in terms of bad publicity. Beck was no longer just a personality with a show on FNC. He became an easy target for Fox News critics to characterize him as representative of the entire channel."

Indeed, many executives at Fox News reportedly felt that Beck was never a good fit with the channel, which includes programming with such hosts as Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity that appeals to more mainstream conservatives. This divide grew sharper in recent months, as Beck devoted more time to so-called "black helicopter" conspiracy theorists who view government agencies as allied with shadowy business and tech interests determined to manipulate the lives of ordinary people. Even some fans began to complain that Beck was ripping off anti-government ideas popularized by another popular radio host, Alex Jones.

Perhaps more important, as a former morning-drive DJ, Beck seems to have had trouble managing the transition to long-term TV news host, where the ability to synthesize the day's events and then create an entertaining program about them is the paramount skill. Viewers began to have trouble discerning which Glenn Beck they were watching: the joshing rodeo clown, the preacher-like man who teared up talking about America or the spectacles-wearing scholar who offered opaque treatises on W. Cleon Skousen and other conservative writers.

"You can't be a rodeo clown and maintain credibility," said Michael Harrison, the editor of Talkers, a trade publication that follows the talk-radio industry.

The program is expected to wrap up sometime this summer, though an exact date was not announced.

News of Beck's ouster was greeted with jubilation among his liberal critics. The left-leaning website Huffington Post featured a picture of the host with the giant headline: "IT'S OVER."

"His behavior went from erratic to completely unhinged," said Ari Rabin-Havt, executive vice president of Media Matters, a liberal watchdog group that has long attacked Beck. "Ultimately Fox had no choice but to make this decision."

But Harrison cautioned that liberals should not divine any larger political meaning in Beck's exit.

"A little dip in the ratings, and suddenly people think the whole conservative movement is going down," he said. "When people watch Beck or O'Reilly or Hannity or Howard Stern, it's not necessarily equivalent to saying 'I agree with them.' That's one of the biggest myths in broadcasting. Lots of people listen to these guys because they hate them."

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - thekid65 - 04-06-2011

I defo lean right on the political scene, but not shedding one tear that his show has ended....albeit, I'm sure he'll pop up somewhere else.

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - BlueTiki - 04-06-2011

Rumor mill -

He's pulling an Oprah and starting his own channel.

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - Luke Warmwater - 04-06-2011


Bat Shit Network

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - Cynical Ninja - 04-07-2011

I wonder if Iamadick will continue to use his fucknut right wing conspiracy rants as "reference"?

I have seen his show, Faux News is available as one of the news channels on my digital satellite system, he makes people like Shitstorm and Rothschild look almost sane.


RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - Duchess - 04-07-2011

Glenn says he tries to avoid confrontation at all costs. hah

He's like the kid on the playground who does something crappy to another kid & then runs to hide behind the teacher's skirt. Hahaha!

Over 400 business' insisted their ads not be featured during his time slot.

I'd like to whale him upside his head with my handbag & knock him the hell out.

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - Cynical Ninja - 04-07-2011

That's no way to talk about dicks hero.

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - BlueTiki - 04-07-2011

(04-07-2011, 07:48 AM)Duchess Wrote:
I'd like to whale him upside his head with my handbag & mock him the hell out.

Hope you don't mind the fix.

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - IMaDick - 04-07-2011

(04-07-2011, 08:23 AM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote: That's no way to talk about dicks hero.

He still has his radio show.

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - Cynical Ninja - 04-07-2011

(04-07-2011, 11:31 AM)IMaDick Wrote: He still has his radio show.

Without right wing conspiracy wingnuts like Beck and Limbaugh would talk radio even exist in the US anymore?

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - IMaDick - 04-07-2011

(04-07-2011, 11:56 AM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
(04-07-2011, 11:31 AM)IMaDick Wrote: He still has his radio show.

Without right wing conspiracy wingnuts like Beck and Limbaugh would talk radio even exist in the US anymore?

Of course it would, we would still have Hannity.

I still have the Beck bibles to read, and that really is enough, I have the full set along with the study guides for each.

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - Cynical Ninja - 04-07-2011

He is one of the best (unintentional) stand up comedians in the current curcuit.

Hannity is an aging frat boy with a corncob up his ass.

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - IMaDick - 04-07-2011

(04-07-2011, 12:11 PM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote: He is one of the best (unintentional) stand up comedians in the current curcuit.

Hannity is an aging frat boy with a corncob up his ass.

Not quite as funny as the royal family. hah

and speaking of corn cobs, How is Mr. Brown?

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - Maggot - 04-07-2011

People are pissed because his gold prediction was spot on. How could such a dumb ass be so right about something. Silver @ 45 by the end of the month if it hits 50.00 we are in big trouble.

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - Cynical Ninja - 04-07-2011

(04-07-2011, 12:24 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Not quite as funny as the royal family. hah

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - Duchess - 04-07-2011

(04-07-2011, 12:25 PM)Maggot Wrote: People are pissed because his gold prediction was spot on.

I'm not pissed, I didn't have a clue he said that.

I don't like him because he blubbers, Maggot, you KNOW how I feel about weepy men.

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - Methusala - 04-07-2011

(04-07-2011, 12:25 PM)Maggot Wrote: Silver @ 45 by the end of the month if it hits 50.00 we are in big trouble.

To Hell with Beck; tell me more about your comment on silver.
Preferably before the market closes. Smiley_emoticons_smile

RE: FOX Gives Beck the Boot - Maggot - 04-07-2011

(04-07-2011, 04:17 PM)Methusala Wrote:
(04-07-2011, 12:25 PM)Maggot Wrote: Silver @ 45 by the end of the month if it hits 50.00 we are in big trouble.

To Hell with Beck; tell me more about your comment on silver.
Preferably before the market closes. Smiley_emoticons_smile

I predicted silver @ 40.00 per oz by spring 1 month ago people said I was nuts. Because of inflation (do not listen to the gov. inflation is here just look at what you pay for food each week) I bet it hits 50.00 by the end of june. Gold is set for 1500.00 soon despite the ups and downs all because of inflation. It will hit hard this summer.

Get those crops in the ground! Cheers

I was wrong about oil though and thought it would be at least 115.00 by now. But lets let the tax man make the final chop.