sick fucker of the month - Printable Version

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sick fucker of the month - Lady Cop - 05-05-2011

disgusting fat pig...i guess he never wants an adult relationship. gross and grotesque. Smiley_emoticons_kotz it seems there's a "scientific" name for every sicko out there, to legitimize creepiness. his mom must be proud.

Daily Mail


Like any other baby, Stanley sleeps in a crib, wears diapers, and loves nothing better than being comforted by his mother as she bottle feeds him.

Except Stanley Thornton is 30-years-old - and his 'mother' is really his room-mate.

Mr Thornton seeks comfort in being treated like a baby, a condition known as paraphilic infantilism.

The 'adult baby' lives out his fantasies at his California apartment, where he has built himself a giant crib, play pen and even a man-sized high chair.

He spends his days playing with Lego as he sucks on his pacifier, and being spoon or bottle-fed by his room-mate Sandra Diaz, who willingly acts as his mother.

He said: 'For some people being an adult baby is a sexual fetish for them, but for most of us it's just, you know, you're doing it to relax, you come home from work, you change into baby mode, you put away your adult stuff and everything goes on hold.'

He first began his return to childhood when he was 14, as a way of coping when he started wetting the bed after being abused as a boy.
Regression: Mr Thornton says there's nothing else like waking up in a crib every morning, and it helps him get into the baby 'mindset'

Mr Thornton says there's nothing else like waking up in a crib every morning, and it helps him get into the baby 'mindset'

Mr Thornton said he adapted this child's playpen by putting a thick layer of wood in the bottom so it would support his weight

He started wearing diapers when he was 13, and then gradually realized he still wanted the comforts of babyhood - toys,a crib and even a pacifier. At 20, he began 'day wetting' and now wears a diaper every day.

He said: 'The first thought is you start thinking you're crazy, because this isn't normal, or at least that's what you think, you think you're the only one doing it.

'Then you go down the road and go on the computer and you find all these other people that are doing it, and you find the name for it.'

In 2000, he started website for other 'adult babies', where members can find 'mothers or 'babies', and tips on where to buy diapers.
Mr Thornton first began wearing diapers when he was 13, and started wetting the bed. Now he says he has to wear them 247 because he 'day wets'

According to his website, he used to work as a security guard, but had an accident and now claims disability benefit for a heart condition.

Each morning Miss Diaz, a former nurse, wakes him up in his 'nursery', where he sleeps in a crib dressed in a playsuit, underneath colourful mobiles hanging from the ceiling.

He said: 'I like it, it's very comfortable, it's easy to get into the baby feel while you're in it. There's nothing else like it, waking up in a crib as opposed to a bed.

'Sleeping in a crib, you wake up as a child and you go on from there, and it's easy to stay in the same mindset.'

Mr Thornton dresses in adult clothes when he leaves the house to buy wood for his latest project, an adult-sized high chair.
Mr Thornton explains how he built his own crib then painted it. A child's bedspread covers the bottom and mobiles and baby toys can be seen to the right

Paraphilic infantilism describes the desire to wear diapers and be treated like a baby.

Those who have a specific diaper fetish are known as diaper lovers (DLs). For them, the act of wearing a diaper is sexually arousing.

Those who enjoy being treated like a baby - which can include wearing diapers - but do not see it as a sexual fetish are known as adult babies (ABs).

ABs and DLs have no sexual desire towards children.

Because these fantasies are harmless, infantilists rarely seek medical help.

The urge to be treated as a baby usually begins between the ages of five and 15.

The majority are heterosexual, but just one in five are women.

Miss Diaz said: 'I love him like he is my favourite nephew, he is like my family member who lost his mother, and I'm like the aunt stepping in and saying I'm still here for you.'

Mr Thornton changes into adult clothes when he goes outside, but as soon as he gets home he goes back into 'baby mode.'

Some infantilists, known as 'diaper lovers', see the condition as a sexual fetish.

But Mr Thornton is keen to stress he and other 'adult babies' find comfort, not sexual satisfaction, by being treated as a child. Infantilists have no sexual desire towards children.

He said: 'Being an adult baby I've had a couple of different reactions, some good, some not so good.

'I've had some people that are perfectly fine with it and others that are just angry, maybe think you're automatically a paedophile because you're too into it.

'I like to be treated as a baby, just to get the love and affection, safeness, just to go back to a time when you're caring for a one or two year old.'

RE: sick fucker of the month - ramseycat - 05-05-2011

I really have no words....

RE: sick fucker of the month - username - 05-05-2011

That is wrong on so many, many levels.

I'm not sure who's more fucked up, him or the looney broad that plays along.


And of course he's getting public assistance for his heart condition, fat fuck.

RE: sick fucker of the month - trixie - 05-05-2011

Well.... that was informative...

RE: sick fucker of the month - IMaDick - 05-05-2011

opie has put on a little weight since his last photo.

pursuit of happiness? whatever.

RE: sick fucker of the month - kitty1 - 05-05-2011

Geezus!! WTF! Does she wipe his ass and let him suck her tits too? And he doesn't care that everyone knows about his fucked up private life?! He aint just eating pureed beets and Cheerios. That fat fuck is going to McDonald's and Dairy Queen....Hog! I've seen some crazy ass shit on this site in the last few months and I fuckin love it!!!

RE: sick fucker of the month - FAHQTOO - 05-05-2011

This kind of crap makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. Creeps me the fuck out!!!

RE: sick fucker of the month - Lady Cop - 05-05-2011

i try to find the occasional weird and bizarre pervert for the people of Mock. 17

RE: sick fucker of the month - Fibonacci Prima - 05-05-2011

Something nice-ish to least the only thing that one is hurting is his pride. Ew. Can you imagine being his neighbor?

RE: sick fucker of the month - Sonny223 - 05-05-2011

Sounds like baby Duchess to me!

RE: sick fucker of the month - Duchess - 05-05-2011

(05-05-2011, 05:44 PM)Sonny223 Wrote: Sounds like baby Duchess to me!

Hahahaha! 86

RE: sick fucker of the month - Lady Cop - 05-05-2011

(05-05-2011, 05:44 PM)Sonny223 Wrote: Sounds like baby Duchess to me!


that diaper thing simply disgusts me. how can a grown man intentionally urinate on himself??? Jesus! he is nauseating!

RE: sick fucker of the month - Duchess - 05-05-2011

heh heh

I love it when LC tasers the assholes. Respect-applause

RE: sick fucker of the month - Disciple - 05-07-2011

A couple of sick fucks. Funny how people find each other, isn't it?

RE: sick fucker of the month - QueenBee - 05-07-2011

I am sorry, but those jammies are an insult to penguins everywhere. Sign_pervert

RE: sick fucker of the month - Lady Cop - 05-19-2011

pursue it Senator!
link to diaper man's website is in this article. pathetic.

The senate's top waste watcher is demanding to know how people who live their lives as 'adult babies' are able to claim disability payments.

Oklahoma Republican Senator Tom Coburn was incensed into action after watching a recent programme where an adult baby, who was featured wearing diapers, sleeping in a crib and feeding from a bottle, was also able to build the life size crib, drive a car and set up a website.

Senator Coburn has asked the agency's inspector general to look into how 30-year-old Stanley Thornton Jr and his 'mother' Sandra Dias are able to collect Supplemental Security Income instead of working.

According to the Washington Times, in a letter to Inspector General Patrick P. O'Carroll Jr, Senator Coburn wrote: 'Given that Mr Thornton is able to determine what is appropriate attire and actions in public, drive himself to complete errands, design and custom-make baby furniture to support a 350-pound adult and run an Internet support group, it is possible that he has been improperly collecting disability benefits for a period of time.'

In an email response to The Washington Times, Mr Thornton threatened to kill himself if his Social Security payments are taken away, and said the television episode showing him doing woodwork oversold his abilities.
He wrote: 'You wanna test how damn serious I am about leaving this world, screw with my check that pays for this apartment and food. Try it. See how serious I am. I don’t care.
'I have no problem killing myself. Take away the last thing keeping me here, and see what happens. Next time you see me on the news, it will be me in a body bag.' SOUNDS OK. 12

But Mr Coburn said that the fact he was able to set up his website, and build his 'nursery' made him ineligible for disability payments.

He said that the 30-year-old is 'cognizant that his choice to live as an adult baby violates social norms' and that he appeared to have the skills to hold down a normal job.

The senator also questioned why Miss Dias, a former nurse, collects SSI benefits, 'since she is able to provide childcare' to Mr Thornton.

RE: sick fucker of the month - Duchess - 05-19-2011

At the very least that is emotional blackmail. Take away his fuckin' check & make his fat ass get a job. He hasn't got the balls to kill himself & if he does, it wouldn't be any loss.

RE: sick fucker of the month - koko - 05-21-2011

even worse in video..

yuck :O