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Is HIV cured? - Cracker - 08-18-2011

Have you heard about DRACO?

Parse this:

Imagine taking a single pill that could cure almost any viral infection. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States say they have developed a drug that, so far, has killed every virus it’s been tested on in the laboratory.

The drug - known by the acronym DRACO - works by chemically targeting viral-infected cells and prompting them to self-destruct, eliminating the disease in the process.

DRACO takes advantage of the fact that when viruses infect animal cells, they insert pieces of their genetic core - complex strands of nucleic acids called RNA that regulate cell function by switching genes on or off. This viral RNA wraps itself around the single-strand RNA in the animal cell to form a unique molecule called double-stranded RNA.

By recognizing these double-stranded RNA molecules, DRACO can hone in on virus-infected cells, explains Todd Rider, a senior scientist at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory where the compound was developed.

Rider says that when DRACO detects a cell with double-stranded RNA, it activates a so-called cellular "suicide switch," in much the same way that human cells are programmed to self-destruct if they begin to grow out of control.

“If a cell thinks it’s becoming a cancer cell, it will try to kill itself for the greater good," said Rider. "So in this case, the DRACO treatment is activating the suicide switch in the presence of any double-stranded RNA. So, it will kill any virus-infected cell.”

Rider says DRACO has been successfully tested in petri dishes against 15 viruses that cause everything from the sniffles to life-threatening diseases.

“So far we’ve cured the common cold, four different strains of the rhinovirus," he said. "We’ve cured H1N1 influenza, two different strains. We’ve cured a stomach virus; we’ve cured the polio virus, various DNA adenoviruses, dengue hemorrhagic fever and several examples of arenavirus and bunyavirus.”

The last two viral infections can cause inflammation of the brain.

Rider says there are many more viruses he wants to test DRACO on, including the virus that causes AIDS. A broad spectrum antiviral drug that works against HIV could be especially useful since some people can develop resistance to anti-retroviral drugs.

Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, agrees that DRACO could potentially work against the human immunodeficiency virus. But Fauci says a variety of effective drugs are already available to treat HIV.

“So, there isn’t a compelling need to have a drug like this for HIV," said Fauci. "It’s more relevant for those viruses for which we don’t have any good drugs, and there are plenty of those around.”

Fauci says there is a trend in microbial research now to develop catch-all drugs like a universal flu vaccine that would protect against all strains of influenza, and DRACO, with its potential to target and eliminate all types of viral infections.

“The more we learn about the fundamental basics of viral biology and bacterial biology and other microbial biologies, the more opportunities we have to develop interventions such as this particular apparently broad-spectrum antiviral," he said.

MIT’s Todd Rider predicts it could be another decade before DRACO is ready for general use.

Let's throw a shit load of money at this one. Fuck Obama care, let's speed this along.

RE: Is HIV cured? - HairOfTheDog - 08-18-2011

This is really encouraging and exciting. The Dept of Health and Human Services should be devoting generous grant funding to fast-track this research.

Hopefully, the fat-cat pharmaceutical companies can somehow buy into this technology so they don't feel threatened that many of their current medicines will be rendered unnecessary if/when DRACO receives FDA approval for consumption. These companies employ a huge number of people nationally and worldwide and have a strong degree of influence as a special interest group. Would hate to see the research or FDA approval of such a beneficial health aid be delayed due to politics and finances.

Definitely going to follow this one...

RE: Is HIV cured? - Cracker - 08-18-2011

I know someone who died of Swine Flu (H1N1) and a few people who have died from AIDS. Some cancers are tied to a virus (HPV, EBV). Maybe this can help some people.

We still have a huge population problem, though, so this creates a problem, too. Around 33 million people have HIV, almost 3 million more are added each year and about 2 million die. If we keep people alive, we have to feed them.

RE: Is HIV cured? - Mickeymouse - 08-18-2011

This would be so great! I'm going to be following this one too! We need to buy stock in this!

RE: Is HIV cured? - Maggot - 08-18-2011

I am doing a job for Lincoln Labs, it's a fortress in there. A pain in the ass to make deliveries. They are using a ton of stainless anti-microbial steel wrapped in this special plastic that cost 25 cents a square foot. They have a ton of money.
I hope they do some good with this old world.

RE: Is HIV cured? - HairOfTheDog - 08-18-2011

(08-18-2011, 07:50 PM)Cracker Wrote: I know someone who died of Swine Flu (H1N1) and a few people who have died from AIDS. Some cancers are tied to a virus (HPV, EBV). Maybe this can help some people.

We still have a huge population problem, though, so this creates a problem, too. Around 33 million people have HIV, almost 3 million more are added each year and about 2 million die. If we keep people alive, we have to feed them.

As cold as it sounds, it's a realistic problem and concern. It would be interesting to see an analysis of what it costs to keep over 30 million HIV-infected patients alive vs. the cost of feeding them for a longer life span resulting from an earlier cure. Feeding a greater number of healthy people for a longer span of time might actually be less costly than treating the disease for an average 15 year cycle (avg HIV to aids to likely fatality).

I am actually just as excited about DRACO's possible cure for non-terminal ailments like the cold, flu, stomach virus... That's where I worry about the implications on the marketplace though. The pharmaceutical companies make a mint in cold and flu season with all of the over-counter temporary remedies; they will not want to lose that market. They're smarter than me by a long shot; so WTF am I worried about? They will all find a way to get their piece and are probably funding some of the research now. So, possibly the same types and volume of products will be out there, but they'll be more effective (and probably more expensive).

RE: Is HIV cured? - username - 08-18-2011

(08-18-2011, 08:34 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: If we keep people alive, we have to feed them.


Don't worry, the scale is tipped in Somalia. Kids are dropping like flies there so it's all good. Smiley_emoticons_fies

Jeebus freaking Christ.

RE: Is HIV cured? - username - 08-18-2011

I misquoted. Cracker said if we keep people alive, we have to feed them. I think I heard that the Obama administration is going to stop deporting illegal immigrants if they haven't been charged with a crime...? Done.

RE: Is HIV cured? - BlueTiki - 08-18-2011

True dat.

"More potato salad, Pedro?"

RE: Is HIV cured? - Fibonacci Prima - 08-18-2011

(08-18-2011, 10:33 PM)username Wrote:
(08-18-2011, 08:34 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: If we keep people alive, we have to feed them.

Don't worry, the scale is tipped in Somalia. Kids are dropping like flies there so it's all good. Smiley_emoticons_fies

Jeebus freaking Christ.

The flies are dropping because they can't get a good meal either. Sad all around.

RE: Is HIV cured? - BlueTiki - 08-18-2011


RE: Is HIV cured? - username - 08-18-2011

(08-18-2011, 10:49 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: True dat.

"More potato salad, Pedro?"

If you're going to pander for votes, at least offer up a decent taco salad.

Yo quiero taco bell?

RE: Is HIV cured? - BlueTiki - 08-18-2011

(08-18-2011, 11:43 PM)username Wrote: Yo quiero taco bell?

I've heard Taco Bell is changing their slogan to "Run FROM the Border."

Could the guy be anymore obvious?

We already have unemployed citizens, fer chrissakes!

RE: Is HIV cured? - username - 08-19-2011

(08-18-2011, 11:50 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: Could the guy be anymore obvious?

Only if he decides to model his wife's short sleeve shirts at some gay pride parade. Smiley_emoticons_stumm

RE: Is HIV cured? - BlueTiki - 08-19-2011




RE: Is HIV cured? - username - 08-19-2011

They all pander. On the other hand we have Rick Perry...

"Let us prey...hominous, dominous, econimous..."

Ah- (upper class white) -men.

RE: Is HIV cured? - Cracker - 08-19-2011

(08-18-2011, 10:47 PM)username Wrote: I misquoted. Cracker said if we keep people alive, we have to feed them. I think I heard that the Obama administration is going to stop deporting illegal immigrants if they haven't been charged with a crime...? Done.

Seriously, can he do that? Why have a Congress if the president makes the laws and rules? WTF?

(08-19-2011, 12:01 AM)username Wrote: Only if he decides to model his wife's short sleeve shirts at some gay pride parade. Smiley_emoticons_stumm

Seriously, can he do that? Why have gay men if the president is married to a gorilla?

RE: Is HIV cured? - Duchess - 08-19-2011

Hahaha! I think she's lovely, she has awesome arms & I think it is fuckin' cool that some of her clothes come from the same place mine do. hah

RE: Is HIV cured? - Cynical Ninja - 08-20-2011

I dare say the labs who created HIV should do their bit to try and cure and it and make some money out of it at the same time.