I know I'm always bitching about this... - Printable Version

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I know I'm always bitching about this... - Cracker - 12-04-2011

You thought of about three different things, didn't you? hahaha

The house next door was just listed for sale. It was listed at 61.5% of the purchase price (traded hands in the last five years). Of course it won't sell for the asking price, that is just the starting point.

Remind me why I want to pay for this house. I will pay almost DOUBLE. Please try to appeal to my decency, sense of fair play, and good citizenship. Because now I don't want to pay for this bitch when I could get a better house for less...

Oh, and I saw a few Mexican kids waiting for the bus. Once one house goes...

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Smegma - 12-04-2011

Oh my god, Mexicans! Just burn the house and run.


RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - IMaDick - 12-04-2011

(12-04-2011, 08:36 PM)Cracker Wrote: Remind me why I want to pay for this house. I will pay almost DOUBLE.

Thanks for making your post easy to crop down to the essentials.

You want to pay for the house because you're a retard.

Retards always do the wrong thing.

Just cut your payments in half, they won't evict you.

Just go get approved for another loan before you do, so if the bank is stupid, you can already have another loan approved to buy another house, If you want to be a real jerk about it, get the second loan approved at the same bank.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Maggot - 12-04-2011

Whats the interest rate there 4.25% ?

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Cracker - 12-04-2011

(12-04-2011, 08:39 PM)Maggot Wrote: Whats the interest rate there 4.25% ?


(12-04-2011, 08:38 PM)Smegma Wrote: Oh my god, Mexicans! Just burn the house and run.


You can choose to raise your cats around minorities, but I choose not to raise my family in a crime-ridden neighborhood.

We probably have a different perspective on this because your cat is black and my kids are not.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Cracker - 12-04-2011

(12-04-2011, 08:39 PM)IMaDick Wrote:
(12-04-2011, 08:36 PM)Cracker Wrote: Remind me why I want to pay for this house. I will pay almost DOUBLE.

Thanks for making your post easy to crop down to the essentials.

You want to pay for the house because you're a retard.

Retards always do the wrong thing.

Just cut your payments in half, they won't evict you.

Just go get approved for another loan before you do, so if the bank is stupid, you can already have another loan approved to buy another house, If you want to be a real jerk about it, get the second loan approved at the same bank.

I'm seriously thinking about leasing this one out and buying another one.

I just can't see paying double for this house because some asshole in the front of the subdivision let their home be repossessed (two assholes now, actually).

The house next to me IS NOT a repo. That is the regular price. It isn't a shithole (nice house) and has a lovely, huge, flat, fenced yard.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Maggot - 12-04-2011

You may want to consider buying it as a second mortgage and combining the two with a lower interest rate. You could add 200.00 to the rental per month for the headache and would be close enough to see if anything was going on that you did not like. Rental contracts can be done up any way you like. Give them a lawn mower as a house warming gift.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - aussiefriend - 12-04-2011

How come in America we never see you guys talking about your indigenous population? The native american indians?

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - IMaDick - 12-04-2011

(12-04-2011, 10:10 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: How come in America we never see you guys talking about your indigenous population? The native american indians?

What do you want to know, I know quite a few.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Cracker - 12-04-2011

(12-04-2011, 10:10 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: How come in America we never see you guys talking about your indigenous population? The native american indians?

I grew up around Native Americans. They mostly stay on the res and drink. haha

Minorities = crime in Georgia. Whenever people of color start inhabiting an area, the crime rate experiences exponential growth.

I don't feel a bit guilty about wanting to raise my kids in a safe neighborhood. Not even a little. If blacks and Mexicans could behave, I wouldn't have a problem sharing my neighborhood. But they don't behave. They act like shit and I don't, so we don't blend too well. You won't catch me living in a white trash trailer park, either.

Why should I lower my standards to keep from hurting their feelings? Fuck them. Act right and I won't have anything negative to think. If you keep stealing from your neighbors and bringing drugs and violence with you wherever you go, you get a negative reaction. Don't blame me for not wanting to be a victim of their bullshit. I don't have to live like that.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Cracker - 12-04-2011

(12-04-2011, 09:49 PM)Maggot Wrote: You may want to consider buying it as a second mortgage and combining the two with a lower interest rate. You could add 200.00 to the rental per month for the headache and would be close enough to see if anything was going on that you did not like. Rental contracts can be done up any way you like. Give them a lawn mower as a house warming gift.

I haven't decided what I'm going to do. I'll decide within the next year.

I'm not going to let guilt decide for me. I pay my bills. I have never had a slow or late payment. I keep the yard and house up. Why should I lose my ass because somebody else didn't keep up their obligation? I don't see a good reason to suffer.

Poor people can refinance their mortgage and have it forgiven to the fair market value. Why can't I? Why can't people who pay their bills benefit from a fair market value reduction? Because they think we are stupid assholes that will just keep on paying. Fuck that. Really, fuck that. I'm tired of always being the responsible one who pays then bitches later. I'm going to figure out what is legally the best thing to do for me and my family.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - ramseycat - 12-05-2011

Hang on to the house. The market always turns around eventually.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Middle Finger - 12-05-2011

(12-04-2011, 08:36 PM)Cracker Wrote: You thought of about three different things, didn't you? hahaha

The house next door was just listed for sale. It was listed at 61.5% of the purchase price (traded hands in the last five years). Of course it won't sell for the asking price, that is just the starting point.

Remind me why I want to pay for this house. I will pay almost DOUBLE. Please try to appeal to my decency, sense of fair play, and good citizenship. Because now I don't want to pay for this bitch when I could get a better house for less...

Oh, and I saw a few Mexican kids waiting for the bus. Once one house goes...

Good morning, Cracker! I hope a giant taco shell crashes onto your house, you fat-mouthed racist rag.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Cracker - 12-05-2011

(12-05-2011, 11:05 AM)Middle Finger Wrote: Good morning, Cracker! I hope a giant taco shell crashes onto your house, you fat-mouthed racist rag.

What? I should embrace people who don't fucking work but somehow get to live in the house some working person couldn't afford to keep? Fuck you and the people who embrace the shittiness in others.

It doesn't make you a hero, it makes you part of the problem.

It is more racist to give someone a pass because they are brown. You forgive them like you would forgive your dog for shitting in my neighborhood.

I dislike people who live at the expense of others. If all you mouth-proud liberals would voluntarily contribute to the pieces of shit in the world they would let me keep more of the money I earned for my family. But you never do that, you just talk shit.

I don't want to live around blacks and Mexicans. You can if you want.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Middle Finger - 12-05-2011

(12-05-2011, 07:02 PM)Cracker Wrote:
(12-05-2011, 11:05 AM)Middle Finger Wrote: Good morning, Cracker! I hope a giant taco shell crashes onto your house, you fat-mouthed racist rag.

What? I should embrace people who don't fucking work but somehow get to live in the house some working person couldn't afford to keep?

I'm not "Liberal" nor do I disagree with your basic point right there. My observation wasn't based upon that scenario. It was based upon you being a fat-mouthed racist rag regardless and in addition to.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Cracker - 12-06-2011

Yeah, still doesn't sting for some reason.

[Image: 062010_ss001.jpg]

For Georgia:

Percentage delinquent/in foreclosure:
Whitey 6.5 Blacky 15.8 Brownie 13.4

Percentage with completed foreclosure:
Whitey 6.5 Blacky 14.6 Brownie 14.7

Now you and the other chubby go pay a dark person's mortgage for them (one each, don't be cheap) so I don't have to pay for their public housing anymore. Then you can do something real with your love instead of pretending their behavior doesn't fuck over hard-working people everywhere.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Middle Finger - 12-06-2011

(12-06-2011, 12:10 AM)Cracker Wrote: Yeah, still doesn't sting for some reason.

[Image: 062010_ss001.jpg]

For Georgia:

Percentage delinquent/in foreclosure:
Whitey 6.5 Blacky 15.8 Brownie 13.4

Percentage with completed foreclosure:
Whitey 6.5 Blacky 14.6 Brownie 14.7

Now you and the other chubby go pay a dark person's mortgage for them (one each, don't be cheap) so I don't have to pay for their public housing anymore. Then you can do something real with your love instead of pretending their behavior doesn't fuck over hard-working people everywhere.

I'm not sure why you think I wasn't aware that there are disproportionately more minority poor people than Caucasian, or that our tax dollars support those kinds of programs. Even more so, I don't know why you think those facts have any bearing on you being a racist rag. I can only assume you are deflecting the truth about some ugly racism you actually do harbor by throwing out statistics showing what we already know and even agree with.

There is probably more agreement with more of your basic position than you think since you seem to be mindlessly assuming there isn't. That is a common reaction by racist people when their racism is called out.

Based upon your machine gun style of racist-based posting and how you are reacting to my posts with stats I am already aware of, I feel confident that you have some sort of emotional problem and actually are a racist despite being correct in many of your positions and facts. Calm down and center yourself. You make the kids nervous.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Cracker - 12-06-2011

I'm sure you feel every statement made by a white person is racism. I know it must be hard being a dark person in the white man's world.

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - SIXFOOTERsez - 12-06-2011

Having an opinion that just happens to be supported by facts that someone is uncomfortable with is not racism

RE: I know I'm always bitching about this... - Maggot - 12-06-2011

I saw a video on television yesterday from some students cell phone that showed a black kid beating the crap out of a white kid. The title to the story was "Violence in school" not "Racism in school"
It kinda bothered me, only because if the rolls were spun around the story might have been different. It was a Boston school.