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The One Percent - Cracker - 12-22-2011

I found this interesting:

New York City has a little more than 8 million residents. Of those many millions, 1% -- ONE PERCENT -- pays 43% of the income taxes. You know how many people that works out to? About 35,000 people. (It's not 80,000 because there are kids we don't charge yet, we just build a lovely deficit for them to pay later.)

Picture in your mind's eye the City of New York, not just Manhattan, but all five boroughs. Imagine the throngs here right now enjoying the holidays. Think about the police presence, the sanitation, the schools brimming with children...East Side, West Side, The Village -- a hell of a town! 8 million people!

Now imagine Yankee Stadium, or any average Major League ballpark, and fill it except for the nosebleed seats. That tiny number pays almost HALF the operating costs for the city. How's THAT for fair?

Another kick in the head is that ten percent of New Yorkers pay 71% of the taxes. Guess how much income it takes to crack that ten percent?You don't have to be one of the millionaires or billionaires whom the Divider in Chief loves to vilify. You need not be an evil fat cat making $200,000 -- perish the thought! What's it take to crack the top ten percent in the most expensive city in America? $105,000. Yep, a buck five.

And they talk about shared sacrifice. They blather on and beat annoying drums chanting about fairness and "Tax the rich until they're poor". They should all be going door to door chanting to the one percenters, "Thank You for the Civil Services, We Owe You One!"

You people have to stop listening to ACORN types. They lie.

Anybody want to Occupy my ass? What happened to them, anyway? Did they go away?

RE: The One Percent - username - 12-22-2011

I hate the 99% Occupy movement. I'm pretty sure they've relocated to shelters in the cold weather. One can only hope. Still, last I heard the democrats were proposing "increasing" taxes on those making over $1million. That's not the one percent and basically they were proposing taking taxes back to levels pre-George Bush tax cuts (on those earning OVER $1million). The republicans really DO seem like the party that wants to favor the rich. I heard Gingrich's tax plan basically amounted to some crazy tax CUT for millionaires while slashing middle income benefits in medicare, etc. If my family earned $150k or so, I'm pretty sure I'd pay more taxes (or lose benefits) under some of the current Republican proposals vs. what Obama is proposing. I think the tea party influence would fuck most middle to upper middle class wage earners. Yes, they'll cut some from the 47% who don't pay, but they'll take from the middle class and give, give, give to the millionaires.

Here's an article on Gingrich's tax plan. Really?

RE: The One Percent - Cracker - 12-22-2011

Newt is a douche. I think people get him and Limbaugh confused...

Obama is dead to me because of Obamacare.

I paid a greater percentage in taxes last year than ever and I had the same write-offs and income. They can say whatever they want, but I know how I was personally affected. I have to go by that when I make my decision. Cracker wasn't fooled. They fucked the middle class last year.

As far as millionaires are concerned, people need to stop worrying about somebody else's money. Why is it OK to do that? Obama and Occupy and ACORN made that seem the correct thing to do, but it isn't. Those people earned their money. If someone else wants to be a millionaire, they need to put in the hours and take the risks. I think it is totally fucked up to make people feel guilty about being successful. It is the entitlement mentality on crack.

RE: The One Percent - Duchess - 12-22-2011

They think people making $250,000.00 are rich. 78

RE: The One Percent - Smegma - 12-22-2011

I'd be thrilled to make three times my current annual salary... but yeah, I wouldn't consider that rich. Very comfortable though.

RE: The One Percent - Duchess - 12-22-2011

I don't make that. Should I have added a disclaimer?

RE: The One Percent - IMaDick - 12-22-2011

The Government thinks if you are single and make 30,000 a year you are rich, or if you are married and make 60 grand you are rich, if you are white and make 45,000 a year you are rich and you will pay taxes.

all of this crap about 250,000 and millionaires is a distraction.

They know where the largest pool of tax payers are, if they don't then we have wasted untold billions paying the IRS to find ways to screw us.

RE: The One Percent - Maggot - 12-22-2011

Cash is king in these troubling times......just keep it out of the bank.

RE: The One Percent - Cracker - 12-22-2011

(12-22-2011, 06:50 AM)Duchess Wrote:

They think people making $250,000.00 are rich. 78

No, it was $105,000. That is considered the 1% for NYC. I imagine in Omaha, NE dollars that is $24,000.

RE: The One Percent - username - 12-22-2011

(12-22-2011, 05:28 AM)Cracker Wrote: As far as millionaires are concerned, people need to stop worrying about somebody else's money. Why is it OK to do that? Obama and Occupy and ACORN made that seem the correct thing to do, but it isn't. Those people earned their money. If someone else wants to be a millionaire, they need to put in the hours and take the risks. I think it is totally fucked up to make people feel guilty about being successful. It is the entitlement mentality on crack.
I'm beyond caring about whether or not we let the Bush tax cuts expire for millionaires (or if we otherwise "raise" taxes on millionaires) but to cut their taxes more seems insane to me given the current state of the economy. Yeah, I want the 47% to pay something. It bugs me that you can have any income and not only NOT pay any income taxes but get money back. There should be some minimum tax. I don't care if it's $10....$10 over 47% of the population is a lot of money.

I'm sure that's overly simplistic but I'm caffeine deprived.

RE: The One Percent - Cracker - 12-22-2011

(12-22-2011, 02:07 PM)username Wrote: .
I'm beyond caring about whether or not we let the Bush tax cuts expire for millionaires (or if we otherwise "raise" taxes on millionaires) but to cut their taxes more seems insane to me given the current state of the economy. Yeah, I want the 47% to pay something. It bugs me that you can have any income and not only NOT pay any income taxes but get money back. There should be some minimum tax. I don't care if it's $10....$10 over 47% of the population is a lot of money.

I'm sure that's overly simplistic but I'm caffeine deprived.

I agree. The people bitching the loudest about wanting "millionaires" to pay more are the people who pay NOTHING to run this country.

How do we allow so many people pay nothing? You would think they would be grateful, but no, they just want more of our money.

That is just so wrong. Don't let the shitty people run this country. They can't even run their own house.

RE: The One Percent - ramseycat - 12-22-2011

We have the Occupy Albany people around here. Their permit to "live" in the park expires today. Not sure if they are going to get a new one. But really, how about they try getting a job? Or do something productive instead of living in a tent in a park making a mess and getting arrested every other night?

RE: The One Percent - Jurassic - 12-22-2011

At the end of the day it is the same everywhere.

You work, you support the lazy bastards, the immigrants and every other fucker who doesn't give a toss.

But, like everyone else we vote these people in to run the countries and never bother to get rid of them so they join the gravy train with excessive pensions etc.

RE: The One Percent - username - 12-22-2011

(12-22-2011, 04:50 PM)Jurassic Wrote: But, like everyone else we vote these people in to run the countries and never bother to get rid of them so they join the gravy train with excessive pensions etc.

I'm telling you, we're fucked by lobbyists and campaign financing.

I read this morning that our county board of supervisors just authorized $400k to pay for lobbyists. If you multiply that number over and over and over again, how much money is going towards basically buying votes and political favors? The whole damn system is corrupt. We've got to get money out of the election/political process.

I'd love a good independent candidate. I'd really like to flip off both parties this election and vote for someone who isn't beholden to either party.

RE: The One Percent - Sterling - 12-22-2011

(12-22-2011, 07:04 PM)username Wrote: I'm telling you, we're fucked by lobbyists and campaign financing.

I'll wait until after the Holidays to declare that I am employed by a PAC. Christmas doesn't really present itself for this type of discussion. However - I do agree that we are a corrupt bunch, serving corrupt interests, greasing the palms of corrupt representatives and power brokers.

RE: The One Percent - Cracker - 12-23-2011

(12-22-2011, 07:28 PM)Sterling Wrote: I'll wait until after the Holidays to declare that I am employed by a PAC. Christmas doesn't really present itself for this type of discussion. However - I do agree that we are a corrupt bunch, serving corrupt interests, greasing the palms of corrupt representatives and power brokers.

It's the lesbian coalition, isn't it?

Lunch tastes better on someone else's dime, I do know that. haha