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- SyberBitch - 10-23-2009

About an hour ago, (around 11pm) I heard someone knocking on my door. I go down to see who it is. It's a young woman who looks like she's in tears.

I open the door and ask what's up. She says that her little boy is in the hospital and she had to come home, but she needs to call (I forget who) and doesn't have a phone.

I ask her why he's in the hospital. She says he has Swine Flu....

It turns out that her little boy is a year old and got what appeared to be a normal head cold two days ago, then today he started running a high fever.. like 105 - 106. She said that Tylenol wasn't touching it.

Basically, scared the living shit out of me.

Of course, despite my better judgment, I said she could use my cell phone (outside) if she doused her hands with Purell first. Then I wiped the phone down with Purell (twice) after she was done.

A few days ago, my son came down with a head cold. He had a bit of a fever that second day (never got above 101) and he seems to be doing better the last few days, but still has a stuffy nose and a low-grade fever with a little bit of cough.

What worries me, of course, is that it's going to drop into his lungs and turn into pneumonia.

I was feeling pretty good about how my son has been fairing with this 'cold', and now I'm all freaked out from this neighbor.


- LuMPyPussy - 10-23-2009

Lots of it going around where I live... a co-worker's small child had 104 fever, but she's fine now after about a week.

Makes you want to live in seclusion, doesn't it.

- Duchess - 10-23-2009

LuMPyPussy Wrote:Makes you want to live in seclusion, doesn't it.
Yes, it does...And I don't want others coming into my secluded place either...The media has managed to scare the crap outta me in regards to this subject...I find myself giving the evil eye to people who so much as cough or sneeze when they are in my vicinity.

- ramseycat - 10-23-2009

Syber, take your son to the doctor. I don't think he should be running a fever this long. My oldest is sick with a severe sinus infection. It is in every part of his sinuses. I was scared to death that it was Swine Flu but it's not. The doctor said that with Swine Flu they will have a constant fever. I would check your son out to be sure.

- SyberBitch - 10-23-2009

LuMPyPussy Wrote:Lots of it going around where I live... a co-worker's small child had 104 fever, but she's fine now after about a week.

Makes you want to live in seclusion, doesn't it.
Hell yes... germy bastards.

Of course, my own son might be a germy bastard, but I'd rather not take chances!

Those high fevers are some scary shit. I'm not happy about the pneumonia aspect either.

- SyberBitch - 10-23-2009

ramseycat Wrote:Syber, take your son to the doctor. I don't think he should be running a fever this long. My oldest is sick with a severe sinus infection. It is in every part of his sinuses. I was scared to death that it was Swine Flu but it's not. The doctor said that with Swine Flu they will have a constant fever. I would check your son out to be sure.
I would, but here's the problem.

First, if he DOESN'T have 'swine flu', he will most likely be exposed to it, or to a more virulent strain if I do take him into ER (or the pediatrician). As long as he's not very sick, he's better off staying at home.

Second, aside from that first day, he has only had a low-grade fever and he hasn't felt warm today, so HOPEFULLY, he's kicking whatever it is that he has.

I've been loading him down with vitamin C in his drinks, and giving him a little piece of my 'Airborne' tablets in his bottle every so often. Of course I'm worried, but I'm just counting on the idea that most people don't get super sick.

- LKTraz - 10-24-2009

Boy oh boy....the media sure has done its job scaring the holy flying fuck out of everybody, now haven't they?

The actual number of cases of H1N1 are not as you would believe due to a skew in the data.

- SyberBitch - 10-24-2009

LKTraz Wrote:Boy oh boy....the media sure has done its job scaring the holy flying fuck out of everybody, now haven't they?

The actual number of cases of H1N1 are not as you would believe due to a skew in the data.
And then we have this:

Whatever IS going around, I don't know if it's H1N1 or something completely different, but whatever label they want to give it, it's nasty and it's widespread.

- sally - 10-24-2009

I've never had the flu or a flu shot. I never even get colds. Knock on wood, I'll probally die of the swine next week.

- Duchess - 10-24-2009

I think I'm going to stop reading about it...Only the bad crap is ever talked about, never anything about the thousands that get it & make a full recovery.

- SyberBitch - 10-24-2009

Duchess Wrote:I think I'm going to stop reading about it...Only the bad crap is ever talked about, never anything about the thousands that get it & make a full recovery.
Well, I think that's what we're all counting on, Duch.

Even with the 'higher fatality rate', you still have a very small chance of actually dying from this flu. However, that probably isn't super reassuring when your little kid is laying there with a 105 degree fever. =p

- Duchess - 10-24-2009

SyberBitch Wrote:However, that probably isn't super reassuring when your little kid is laying there with a 105 degree fever. =p
I'd be scared outta my mind, no doubt about it.