Tea parties? - Printable Version

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- Cynical Ninja - 05-15-2009

I have read a lot about some Americans having...."tea parties"?! what the fuck is all that about?, is it somehow connected to the Boston tea party?, it seems to be a popular past time amongst the facists in the US, have tea parties replaced cross burnings?

Do people honestly think that by having a tea party they are in some way comparing themselves to the brave people of the original tea party and their show of defiance? Surely nobody could be this retarded?, I might have a glass of beer to show my support for the brave boys at the battle of waterloo!, or I might have a nice buttered crumpet to show I identify with the lads of the RAF who saw off the Luftwaffe during the battle of Britain!

- Duchess - 05-15-2009

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Surely nobody could be this retarded?
Please, consider whothis group of peopleconsist of.

- The Antagonist - 05-15-2009

Both of you are retarded.

The tea parties are to protest the significant rise in taxes we are about to be reamed up the ass with.

Obama has spent more money than he had so he has to raise taxes on EVERYTHING for EVERYONE to pay it all back.

He promised no tax hikes for those making under $250,000 a year but he's already reneged on that.

All of this is done by people from ALL political leanings. No fascism is involved.

OP you come across as a fascist. You are intolerant of other's views and if people don't see things the way you do, then they are mocked and hated and called names without any letting up.

That is fascism.

- Cynical Ninja - 05-15-2009

The Antagonist Wrote:You are intolerant of other's views and if people don't see things the way you do, then they are mocked and hated and called names without any letting up.
I am notintolerant of other peoples viewsbut I reserve my right to Mock them at a Mock forum you dozy cow.

People having tea parties in protest?! ::lmao::::nuts::That must bethe famous American spirit of freedom and rebellionkicking in.

"Mr president some people are havingtea parties in protest!"

- The Antagonist - 05-15-2009

And yet again you show your retardation when it comes to American politics.

It all comes down to the state level. The people are sending a message to the lower level politicians in their states. It has very little to do with Obama at this 'tea party' level.

Our congressmen and senators are the targets. The people are letting them know they are unhappy and by doing this in a public display along with letters to their offices they let them know they can easily be out of a job come the next election if they continue to not work for us.

Unlike the UK..... politicians work for us not the other way around.

It's the congress and senate that enact the laws the president signs. Granted the president will put forth a bill he wants enacted but the congress has to approve it first.

Checks and balances. They don't always go the way we want but every two years we get to vote a new congress and senate into office.

So, my little muffin, mock the tea parties all you want - if you don't understand what you're mocking you look all the more foolish.

- LuMPyPussy - 05-15-2009

I must be a retard as well since I don't understand why these 'patriots' didn't start this ineffective protesting during the Bush regime when our coffers were being drained at an alarming rate... no, it's all Obama's fault, according to some.

- The Antagonist - 05-15-2009

You're right, they should have started then but they didn't.

It hit them in the face when all this spending was beginning and the realization of what was to come.

- Cynical Ninja - 05-15-2009

LuMPyPussy Wrote:I must be a retard as well since I don't understand why these 'patriots' didn't start this ineffective protesting during the Bush regime when our coffers were being drained at an alarming rate... no, it's all Obama's fault, according to some.

Haven't you heard Lumpy?, according to some the 8 years of Bush running your country didn't actually happen, it isALL Obamas fault.


- Cynical Ninja - 05-15-2009

The Antagonist Wrote:Unlike the UK..... politicians work for us not the other way around.

American politicians get more kickbacks than the rest of the worlds politicians put together my deluded little shrew.

American politicians earn one million times more than UK politicians and they do so through illegal/extremely dodgy means.

At least we have caught our politicians doing it and they are being forced to pay it back/stand down/resign.

American politicians work for the people?!


- FAHQTOO - 05-15-2009

The Antagonist Wrote:And yet again you show your retardation when it comes to American politics.

It all comes down to the state level. The people are sending a message to the lower level politicians in their states. It has very little to do with Obama at this 'tea party' level.

Our congressmen and senators are the targets. The people are letting them know they are unhappy and by doing this in a public display along with letters to their offices they let them know they can easily be out of a job come the next election if they continue to not work for us.

Unlike the UK..... politicians work for us not the other way around.

It's the congress and senate that enact the laws the president signs. Granted the president will put forth a bill he wants enacted but the congress has to approve it first.

Checks and balances. They don't always go the way we want but every two years we get to vote a new congress and senate into office.

So, my little muffin, mock the tea parties all you want - if you don't understand what you're mocking you look all the more foolish.

Why bother with all that shit when we could just just eat a couple of crumpets with our pinky fingers sticking straight up in the air.........that'll show them bastards.


- Maggot - 05-15-2009

Tea parties are basically people standing up and complaining about taxation. If you believe that 45% of your wages is OK to give theGovernment to do with what they want, I guess that is what you are comfortable with giving away. Remember that every year this goes up 2% even folks without an education may have the skills needed and may see the advantage of stopping the Government from taxing the people who work to feed the people who do not. But then again the ones that do not work do not want too.

I believe the barter system may be the next step in avoiding taxation. Avoiding getting taxed is the best way to get around things. Remember that even if you have not contributed a single dime into SSN you are entitled to a piece of the pie.......what makes anyone even think this will change in the future. The slackers will always be taken care of over the folks that actually pay into the system.

Avoiding paying taxes is tantamount to surviving and the will of the system as it stands today.::thumbs::.........barter is better!

- LuMPyPussy - 05-15-2009

Am I missing something? Granted we pay out the nose on welfare programs, etc but the fucking war in Iraq sucked this country dry. The money's gotta get paid back somehow, doesn't it? As it stands, China's going to own the US in the very near future.

- Maggot - 05-15-2009

And another thing Fuckwads...........replacing a persons AC coil for the trade of getting lawn care and free Chlorine for a pool has saved me about 360.00 in State and Fed taxes, I know for a fact that no anti abortion pro abortion groups will ever get a dime of that..........It makes me happy. ........Fuck them welfare Fucks!::dlaugh::

Trace THIS bitch..........::flip::.......::karate::

- Maggot - 05-15-2009

LuMPyPussy Wrote:Am I missing something? Granted we pay out the nose on welfare programs, etc but the fucking war in Iraq sucked this country dry. The money's gotta get paid back somehow, doesn't it? As it stands, China's going to own the US in the very near future.
Every war sucks the country dry............every war.....Smiley_emoticons_stumm

- Maggot - 05-15-2009

Again If I have to get a haircut I will try to cut a deal........

If I have to get a tuneup I will try tobabysit a parrot (HeH).....

If I need a lawyer......I will see if he needs new plumbing....

If I need tree removal.....I will trade something......

If I want computer service .........I will trade vegetables or venison

If I need oil ........I will tune-up furnaces for trade..........

Bartering can go a loooooong way people!!!!!!And Taxes be damned....At least 50%.......:Diablo:....take no prisoners fuckheads!Hahahahahahahahahahah

- SyberBitch - 05-15-2009

Maggot Wrote:I believe the barter system may be the next step in avoiding taxation.
I'm very pro-barter system. I let every small business I meet know that I am open to trading. I've not had many take me up on it yet, but I think it's a great way to save $$$, especially on 'services' where the only thing being 'spent' is your time.

I'm currently about to get a 4x7 outdoor aluminum business sign for $90, because I gave a guy some deep discounts on his computer work. That sign normally goes for nearly $400.

- Maggot - 05-15-2009

SyberBitch Wrote:
Maggot Wrote:I believe the barter system may be the next step in avoiding taxation.
I'm very pro-barter system. I let every small business I meet know that I am open to trading. I've not had many take me up on it yet, but I think it's a great way to save $$$, especially on 'services' where the only thing being 'spent' is your time.

I'm currently about to get a 4x7 outdoor aluminum business sign for $90, because I gave a guy some deep discounts on his computer work. That sign normally goes for nearly $400.
::thumbs::..........It does work! I am constantly asking at every turn.:cool: