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Why Facebook Sucks - Ma Huang Sor - 05-03-2012

4.7 million “liked” a Facebook page about health conditions or treatments (details an insurer might use against you).
4.8 million have used Facebook to say where they planned to go on a certain day (a potential tip-off for burglars)
20.4 million included their birth date on their profile, which along with the following, can be used by identity thieves
39.3 million identified family members in their profile
900K discussed finances on their wall
1.6 million liked a page pertaining to racial or ethnic affiliations
2.3 million liked a page regarding sexual orientation
7.7 million liked a page pertaining to a religious affiliation
2.6 million discussed their recreational use of alcohol on their wall
4.6 million discussed their love life on their wall

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - Duchess - 05-03-2012

FaceBook is da debil.

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - Lady Cop - 05-03-2012

why i would never join. ^

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - username - 05-03-2012

I'm getting stalked by my 3 or 4 closest friends from middleschool on Facebook.

I must have 20 messages from them recently that I haven't replied to (I wouldn't even know they were there if I didn't get an email about them).

It's making me crazy...they keep wanting to get together. I'm just not interested.

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - FAHQTOO - 05-03-2012

(05-03-2012, 02:30 PM)username Wrote: I'm getting stalked by my 3 or 4 closest friends from middleschool on Facebook.

I must have 20 messages from them recently that I haven't replied to (I wouldn't even know they were there if I didn't get an email about them).

It's making me crazy...they keep wanting to get together. I'm just not interested.

I went from 160 some friends the other day, down to 47. I got rid of all the people that wanted to friend me and then never said a word to me...WTF is that about. Some of the deleted included family members.

I'm mainly on there to steal pics from family when they post them.

I had one stupid bitch on there taking a pic of her dinner every night and posting it...delete.
Another posted "Watching stuff on tv", REALLY, that's fucking fascinating...delete.

I've only got close family and friends left.

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - LuciferLynn - 05-03-2012

My profile is set to private and I only friend people I know personally. In addition, when I set it up, I set something so you can only find me through other friends, searching for my name gives you no results. And just to make it extra difficult, I switched last names after setting it up. If I want to be your friend, ill contact you, thanks.

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - ramseycat - 05-03-2012

I love because I can keep up with my nieces and nephews. One of my "friends" on there posts every damn thing she does and sits back and rakes in the compliments. Like her bikini pics. All the damn time. She is 47 years old and even though she looks fabulous, it's ridiculous for her to be posting pics like that. Her kids even post that it's embarassing and she still does it.

I just reconnected with an old boss of mine earlier this week. She wants me to call her about an opportunity so that is a good thing. She has the most perfect handwriting. Funny how you remember things like that about a person.

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - Duchess - 05-03-2012

I don't understand the allure of sharing every little aspect of one's life. I don't get it at all. I think it's very strange & it makes my lip want to curl.

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - Ma Huang Sor - 05-03-2012

I just play Angry Birds all the time. My favrit game. Other than that, FB can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - LuciferLynn - 05-03-2012

I keep in touch with friends that don't live here and family. I like seeing pictures of their kids and knowing what's going on in their lives.

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - ramseycat - 05-03-2012

(05-03-2012, 07:09 PM)Duchess Wrote:

I don't understand the allure of sharing every little aspect of one's life. I don't get it at all. I think it's very strange & it makes my lip want to curl.

That's why I don't. It's annoying. I put very little on there. Just an update here and there. But it was clearly enough to interest a member here. Anyway, I keep up with family that lives all over the country too.

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - FAHQTOO - 05-03-2012

(05-03-2012, 07:09 PM)Duchess Wrote:

I don't understand the allure of sharing every little aspect of one's life. I don't get it at all. I think it's very strange & it makes my lip want to curl.

Most people with common sense don't do that. They're on FB to keep up with family and close friends. If people start annoying me with their stupid shit, I hide them and can't see it, but I can go lurk on their page to check for new pics, or maybe a crumb of intelligence they throw out once in awhile.

There's nothing wrong with FB, it's the retards who don't utilize the tools they're given that fucks it up.
I've never gotten a virus from FB, but I don't click on stupid shit either.

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - Cynical Ninja - 05-04-2012

I have about 30 "friends" mainly family members and friends I am still in touch with, I hardly go on it nowadays, waste of time really.

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - ramseycat - 05-04-2012

My nephew has over 1000 friends on FB. I know he doesn't have that many friends. I think in college they add everyone they meet at parties or sporting events or bars. He puts some stuff on his page that is a bit questionable at times as well. I told him he needs to knock that off because prospective employers will look at his page and see that crap. He is graduating from Alabama in December so he needs to get his act together now. He said he is going to delete his page when he graduates but I don't think that will help as he has already had several companies express interest in him. His grades are outstanding but his FB page might do him in.

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - Ma Huang Sor - 05-05-2012

check this shit out:

[Image: 525523_10150829960634655_501319654_94651...3438_n.jpg]

RE: Why Facebook Sucks - Duchess - 05-05-2012

Damn. Those are the kind that deserve to be trolled.