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JURY DUTY - Duchess - 05-15-2012

Do you do it or do you either disregard the notice or do what you have to do in order to get out of it?

RE: JURY DUTY - Ma Huang Sor - 05-15-2012

No show up, you have to, just prejudice yourself toward whatever trial you're being asked to sit through. If it's an insurance thing, make sure you point out the bad experiences you've had with insurance companies, etc etc I've been selected for jury duty several times and always been excluded. It's pretty easy.

RE: JURY DUTY - IMaDick - 05-15-2012

I would do jury duty it's a civic duty, however some of my past seems to always bring up a peremptory challenge and I get excused.

I have been called a few of times for State and once for Federal and have never sat on a jury.

RE: JURY DUTY - Ma Huang Sor - 05-15-2012

In your case it would be a poorly hung jury.

RE: JURY DUTY - ramseycat - 05-15-2012

Hey! Stop being mean to insurance companies Ma.

I have received the summons but never had to actually go. We get assigned a number and you call the court the night before to see if your number was selected. If it was, you go to the court house and go through the selection process. If not, you go about your regular business. You have to call each night until the jury is selected or the case pleads out.

RE: JURY DUTY - Lady Cop - 05-15-2012

it is a civic duty i agree.

but i have weaseled out of it on state and Fed. levels, they do NOT want cops and prosecution-minded people on juries. even if you say you can keep a fair open mind...your bias is what it is. hardwired.

do not ignore the notices. there will be a bench warrant out for you.

RE: JURY DUTY - IMaDick - 05-15-2012

(05-15-2012, 12:59 PM)Ma Huang Sor Wrote: In your case it would be a poorly hung jury.

It's actually a little creepy for you to be thinking about the size of my dick.

But I do understand the fascination about it.

RE: JURY DUTY - ramseycat - 05-15-2012

I think I would enjoy it. I find the criminal justice system fascinating. I have to admit I know I could't be objective if it were a crime against a child.

RE: JURY DUTY - Ma Huang Sor - 05-15-2012

(05-15-2012, 01:03 PM)IMaDick Wrote:
(05-15-2012, 12:59 PM)Ma Huang Sor Wrote: In your case it would be a poorly hung jury.

It's actually a little creepy for you to be thinking about the size of my dick.

But I do understand the fascination about it.

You have a dick? You're such a cunt I find that difficult to believe.

RE: JURY DUTY - Duchess - 05-15-2012

I didn't get a notice. This thread was inspired by QB saying she wouldn't want to be on the jury in the Zimmerman case.

RE: JURY DUTY - IMaDick - 05-15-2012

(05-15-2012, 01:05 PM)Ma Huang Sor Wrote:
(05-15-2012, 01:03 PM)IMaDick Wrote:
(05-15-2012, 12:59 PM)Ma Huang Sor Wrote: In your case it would be a poorly hung jury.

It's actually a little creepy for you to be thinking about the size of my dick.

But I do understand the fascination about it.

You have a dick? You're such a cunt I find that difficult to believe.

I have already taken you for walk, go lay down by your bowl.

RE: JURY DUTY - Ma Huang Sor - 05-15-2012

(05-15-2012, 01:06 PM)Duchess Wrote:

I didn't get a notice. This thread was inspired by QB saying she wouldn't want to be on the jury in the Zimmerman case.

I'd love to be a juror in that case, but I'd get bonked on the first round out, no doubt.

RE: JURY DUTY - Ma Huang Sor - 05-15-2012

(05-15-2012, 01:07 PM)IMaDick Wrote:
(05-15-2012, 01:05 PM)Ma Huang Sor Wrote:
(05-15-2012, 01:03 PM)IMaDick Wrote:
(05-15-2012, 12:59 PM)Ma Huang Sor Wrote: In your case it would be a poorly hung jury.

It's actually a little creepy for you to be thinking about the size of my dick.

But I do understand the fascination about it.

You have a dick? You're such a cunt I find that difficult to believe.

I have already taken you for walk, go lay down by your bowl.

I love it when you admit how easily you get trolled. It's refreshing.

RE: JURY DUTY - HairOfTheDog - 05-15-2012

I've served twice. One was a really interesting scandalous case and one was not - but the process and deliberations are always interesting regardless of the case. It's hard working around work commitments to serve, but if we all try to get out of it, only slackers with nothing in the world to do (or not smart enough to get out of it) end up on juries. It's an important civic duty, imo.

P.s. The concept of professional juries appeals to me in some ways...

RE: JURY DUTY - Lady Cop - 05-15-2012

ever since the casey anthony debacle i have felt it was time for professional jurors. get some reasonably intelligent people who will have a basic understanding of the law.

that florida jury was the worst collection of 12 complete morons deliberating i have ever seen. ever. and i was a LEO down there many years.

but i didn't want to start an argument about that case here. sorry. it still enrages me.

RE: JURY DUTY - Cynical Ninja - 05-15-2012

I worked for Northumbria police for 11 years so no call ups during that period.

I have been called up once since then but the case in question collapsed.

RE: JURY DUTY - HairOfTheDog - 05-15-2012

Yep, LC, that's the case (post 15) and verdict that made me seriously start considering the benefits of moving to professional juries as well. The outcome on that one still pisses me off too...

RE: JURY DUTY - QueenBee - 05-15-2012

I have gotten 5 or 6 summons in my life. Only actually had to report once. I do not disregard them...figure, I am about as fair an impartial as one can get. Unless you have beady eyes or something.
I do know that lawyers are saying that jurors are a lot more savy these it the CSI and Law & Order effect. They all want proof, DNA, fingerprints everything.
About 30-some years ago my uncle (father's brother) was murdered in his home. He was 84 years old. The guy was caught, and my dad went to the trial every day. Less than a year later, my dad was summoned for jury duty, and did have to show up. Turns out the defense attorney was the same one who defended the guy who killed my uncle. The attorney took one look at my dad, confered with the judge and the judge called my dad up and said "sir, you are excused, thank you for coming".

RE: JURY DUTY - thekid65 - 05-15-2012

(05-15-2012, 12:52 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Do you do it or do you either disregard the notice or do what you have to do in order to get out of it?

Just got called for the 1st of next month. Sat on a jury for a short 3 day trial about 2 12 years ago. Dont mind it a bit, really. Work pays me full salary for my time.

I think everyone oughta do it at least once.

Disregard the notice...yeah, brilliant move Duchess.

RE: JURY DUTY - Duchess - 05-15-2012

(05-15-2012, 03:44 PM)thekid65 Wrote: Disregard the notice...yeah, brilliant move Duchess.

I've read of people doing that, I believe their called scofflaws. I've never been asked to serve on a jury but if I were I'd do the right thing.