Ooohhhh...Mock is sick ? - Printable Version

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- Duchess - 05-08-2009

Some Mockers are getting security warnings but, I'm not...What the hell ?

- Cynical Ninja - 05-08-2009

You are wasting your time, MF has abandoned us,this place will be dead within a month.

He's "done a sinister".

He hasn't got theguts to kill the place off so he has just abandoned it to let itslowly die.

- LuMPyPussy - 05-08-2009


- SyberBitch - 05-08-2009

But why would he take the trouble to migrate the site to a new server and all that, if he planned to shut it down? Doesn't make sense.

There are half a dozen of us here, at least, who could easily set up an alternate site if this one did collapse. I don't think he would do that though. Frank loves Mock. Right?::dunno::

- Cynical Ninja - 05-08-2009

SyberBitch Wrote:Frank loves Mock. Right?::dunno::
Not anymore it seems, he has - 12::aww::::tip::

- Middle Finger - 05-08-2009

Yes, I love Mock, you crying bitches ... Jesus, do you love and need me that badly?

The site should be fixed - I am monitoring.

- LuMPyPussy - 05-08-2009

Any ideas how this is happening?

Oh sorry, I forgot I'm not allowed to ask questions.

- LuMPyPussy - 05-08-2009

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:You are wasting your time, MF has abandoned us,this place will be dead within a month.

He's "done a sinister".

He hasn't got theguts to kill the place off so he has just abandoned it to let itslowly die.
Something weird going on here... this was posted today, but it's already won POTD?

- The Antagonist - 05-08-2009

Lumpy, more than one post can win a POTD because the win depends on the percentage of the max allowed votes you can use.

OP - quit whining. You're the only one who's gutless around here.

- Duchess - 05-08-2009

Ant, I think she means it's odd 'cuz OP just posted that today & todays votes haven't been tallied yet, so to speak.

- LuMPyPussy - 05-08-2009

Duchess Wrote:Ant, I think she means it's odd 'cuz OP just posted that today & todays votes haven't been tallied yet, so to speak.

Yes, that is indeed what I mean. I'm not a complete fucking idiot, thanks very much. :?


- The Antagonist - 05-08-2009

doesn't matter. If the votes hit the parameters set for the win POTD shows instantly. There is no 'end of the day tally'.

- LuMPyPussy - 05-08-2009

The Antagonist Wrote:doesn't matter. If the votes hit the parameters set for the win POTD shows instantly. There is no 'end of the day tally'.
Since when? The votes are usually tallied at 10ish, my time.

- The Antagonist - 05-08-2009

I never noticed that. On my sites it's instant.

Maybe the issues on the server with that Trojan has something to do with it?

- Liquid - 05-08-2009

I think the Trojan on this site crashed my home desktop computer. I am currently really messed up.

- sally - 05-08-2009

The Trojan was probally Frank's little goodbye present to everyone.

- LuMPyPussy - 05-08-2009

sally Wrote:The Trojan was probally Frank's little goodbye present to everyone.
I'd vote for that but it'd probably show up as POTD for last week.

- The Antagonist - 05-08-2009

Liquid Wrote:I think the Trojan on this site crashed my home desktop computer. I am currently really messed up.
Whatever you do don't FTP to any servers, but I'm sure you know that already.

- LuMPyPussy - 05-08-2009

The Antagonist Wrote:
Liquid Wrote:I think the Trojan on this site crashed my home desktop computer. I am currently really messed up.
Whatever you do don't FTP to any servers, but I'm sure you know that already.
Why would he send flowers to some waiters.

- The Antagonist - 05-08-2009

LOL - FTP = file transfer protocol
servers = the servers where his websites live at the hosting company.