How many forums/message boards have you been on? - Printable Version

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How many forums/message boards have you been on? - ramseycat - 06-10-2012

Seems like quie a few Mockers are not strangers to the forum world. So how many boards before Mock? How many are you currently on?

Besides Mock, I have only been on three boards. Two boards that were just for mom's of boys - one a break off from the original. And another mom's board. Funny how the mom's boards talk about anything and everything like Mock but without the insults. Very little chat about being a Mom. Mostly chat about life in general.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - Donovan - 06-10-2012

I've visited a number of message boards related to topics that interested me at the time, with varying success. The best boards almost always drift from the original mission statement and morph into dynamic communities. Since we are online, there are no traditional nonverbal or visual personality traits to keep our attention, so our written persona becomes our entire identity. And there's only a set amount of time you can spend on any topic before you've covered pretty much everything.

I find that it is never the messageboard topic that holds me to a place, it's always the force of the personalities there. So I guess you Mockers can take that as about the highest compliment I give to people: you interest me.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - IMaDick - 06-10-2012

not very many, and all of them prior to Mock were nicey nice forums.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - Duchess - 06-10-2012

Mock is the first site I was ever a regular at. I never fit in on "nice" boards.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - JsMom - 06-10-2012

Mock is my first and only board. Smiley_emoticons_wink I'm here to stay bitches.

I have no interest in joining any other board. Mock has me spoiled. I'm not into to trolling whatsoever but a "nice board" would suck. I like Mock because there is a good mix of personality.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - sally - 06-10-2012

A few, but this is the only one I visit anymore. I found Mock through a mommy forum, that's where I knew crazy black Julie from.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - Ma Huang Sor - 06-10-2012

Ive posted on messageboards since Usenet, so I couldn't really tell you. Probably 40 or 50, I never kept track. I currently post on 4 boards currently, including this one.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - ZEROSPHERES - 06-10-2012

I like Mock and especially enjoy reading what Ma Huang Sor posts.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - Ma Huang Sor - 06-10-2012

Watch it Zero, that fucking award is mine I tell you. ALL MINE!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - ramseycat - 06-10-2012

40 or 50 boards? Wow. That's a hellavalot of boards.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - username - 06-10-2012

It just occurred to me that I've known Sally online for damn near 7 years. I think the fact that it just occurred to me, and Sally didn't mention me at all, speaks to the depth and importance of our internet relationship.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - Lady Cop - 06-10-2012

i remember we have had this conversation before, but lots of new people since then.

i was long term mod at forum garden, 24, and now here. all mainly doing crime stuff, but not exclusively. i like a variety of subjects.

i was at another forum also for a while, TK's. i just don't have the time for more than one forum.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - Ma Huang Sor - 06-10-2012

You posted at TK?

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - Ma Huang Sor - 06-10-2012

(06-10-2012, 12:55 PM)ramseycat Wrote: 40 or 50 boards? Wow. That's a hellavalot of boards.

Not really. When I'm cruising the web and come across something that looks interesting I usually register, log in and give it a whirl. When I was a comic book geek I posted at all the comic boards, of which there are a few, and then when I learned what trolling really was I decided that was my new hobby, and there's just an endless shitload of trollsites.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - Lady Cop - 06-10-2012

(06-10-2012, 01:17 PM)Ma Huang Sor Wrote: You posted at TK?

not troll kingdom. Twitchen Kitten. lots of pet stuff and recipes and animals etc.

oh, and i have never been anyone but Lady Cop, for someone who asked. and i am NOT the "ladycop" who is stealing my name somewhere else. maybe a defunct forum called rant/rave.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - Ma Huang Sor - 06-10-2012

Twitchen Kitchen? Epileptic chefs? That would be funny. Mix batter till smooth. Stop. STOP!!!!

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - sally - 06-10-2012

(06-10-2012, 12:56 PM)username Wrote: It just occurred to me that I've known Sally online for damn near 7 years. I think the fact that it just occurred to me, and Sally didn't mention me at all, speaks to the depth and importance of our internet relationship.

Meh, we're not as close as Ma and Donovan and don't sicken everyone with tales of our internet relationship in every other thread, but I'd still consider you a friend. Plus I didn't want to mention anything because Aussie is already paranoid enough that we're ganging up on her.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - Ma Huang Sor - 06-10-2012

Maybe you should try to not use the words "Donovan" or "ma" in every post you make. That may be too much of a challenge for you.

I'm beginning to think you like me.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - Cracker - 06-10-2012

(06-10-2012, 01:24 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: Twitchen Kitten.

(06-10-2012, 01:36 PM)Ma Huang Sor Wrote: Twitchen Kitchen?

At least Donovan can read.

RE: How many forums/message boards have you been on? - username - 06-10-2012

(06-10-2012, 01:43 PM)sally Wrote: Meh, we're not as close as Ma and Donovan and don't sicken everyone with tales of our internet relationship in every other thread, but I'd still consider you a friend. Plus I didn't want to mention anything because Aussie is already paranoid enough that we're ganging up on her.


I was going to write a long post about how righteous and solid you are...brah.