29 stone dollop feeds her eight month old triplets McDs - Printable Version

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- Freak magnet - 05-05-2009

[Image: SNN2807AN-280_790959a.jpg] Busy ... Leanne admits feeding junk food from McDonald's to her triplets
29-stone mum feeds her eight-month-old triplets McDonald⿿s By STAFF REPORTERS
Published: 28 Apr 2009
[Image: btn-add-your-comments.gif] A 29-STONE mum who feeds her eight-month old triplets with McDonald's has insisted she is bringing the tots up in the ⿿best way she can". Leanne Salt, 24, said she is ⿿too busy⿝ to properly feed daughters Deanna and Daisy and son Finlee.

So she lets them eat her takeaways and gives them Wotsits snacks and microwave meals.
Leanne today defended giving her kids junk food on Sun Talk ⿿ which broadcasts every day on ⿿ when quizzed by DJ Jon Gaunt.
She said: ⿿I⿿m trying to bring up my children the best way I can and the best way I know. My children are happy.⿝
Sun columnist Jon branded the fast food diet as ⿿child abuse⿝.
But Leanne insisted: ⿿My children are healthy weights for their ages.⿝

A 68-strong team of medics delivered Leanne⿿s triplets last year, costing the NHS £200,000.
She now dresses them just one day a week when she goes out to collect her dole money.
The tots eat 1,249 calories a day instead of the 765 recommended for their 17lb weight.

Junk ... the triplets' daily diet

Leanne, who swelled to 40 STONE before the birth last August, eats an average of 3,000 a day ⿿ 1,000 more than is recommended for a woman.
She said: ⿿My babies were six months old when they had their first McDonald⿿s. They like fish and chips too. I chew the food first so they can eat it because they haven⿿t got any teeth yet. I give them packets of Wotsits as a snack at 2pm.
⿿Sometimes I⿿ll cook them a microwave lasagne. Babies are always hungry ⿿ sometimes it⿿s easier to give them food that⿿s already prepared.

⿿They⿿re on the baby food jars and love the fish pie and cottage pie meals. But I see no harm in letting them have a few bits of my takeaways too.
⿿They like the taste of them and it⿿s a treat. I let the triplets eat fries off my plate as I think it⿿s best they try all kinds of food to see what they like.⿝
She added: ⿿Anyway they don⿿t always have junk food ⿿ sometimes I cook a microwave meal. My babies are healthy.⿝ Leanne, of Coventry, blames her obesity on thyroid trouble.
[Image: SNN2807TR-380_790965a.jpg]'[color="red"]Healthy' ... Leanne Salt with her triplets[/color]

She got pregnant by her boyfriend of only four weeks in January last year. They split halfway through her pregnancy, and Leanne now lives with her brother and mum Jane, 46.
Their tiny house is strewn with laundry piles and toys.
Leanne receives £140 a week tax credit, £42 a week child benefit and £45 family allowance. She spends the £227 on food and ten cigarettes a day.
Her takeaways confession comes as figures show a shocking one in five children are raised on little but junk food.
The Infant and Toddler Forum poll also discovered that 65 per cent of mums NEVER cook meals from scratch.
Leanne said she also feeds her kids milk, scrambled eggs on toast and instant mashed potato with spaghetti hoops.
She told Closer magazine: ⿿I feed my babies vegetables every Sunday, and a lot of the baby food has fruit in it.⿝

Ok so how did he find the fucking hole ....role her talc and look for the wet spot.:shock:

How fucking busy can one fat cunt be .
Its not like its hard to boil up a spud and a bit of carrot...anythings better than giving them junk at that age AND it's a lot LESS hassle than getting the kids washed and dressed and dragging them out to go get McDonalds.

In todays newspaper shes whinging that the kids could be taken into care . Maybe she should of thought about that when she was pocketing the money for the Magazine interview.

I'm sorry but Leanne Salt and healthy just shouldn't be in the same sentence.

- LuMPyPussy - 05-05-2009

29 stone = 377 pounds. :shock:

- Cynical Ninja - 05-05-2009

I occassionally take my daughter to McDonalds if we miss the bus when I'm picking her up from school, she knows its a treat and she hardly eats any of the food anyway (she can be a fussy eater), all she wants to do is jump around the play area with the other kids.

But this is disgusting, babies need baby food and freshly prepared food mushed up so they can eat it, giving fastfood to a baby is child abuse, I hope social services take them off her, at least they will then stand a chance in life with a decent foster family.

- Duchess - 05-05-2009

I'm so fuckin' sick of reading about mothers/fathers blessed with children that they don't appear to deserve...Why..WHY..would she do this to those babies ?...All children deserve a healthy enviroment, a wonderful beginning...Ima masochist for reading this crap.

- ramseycat - 05-05-2009

337 pounds? Dayum.

Those poor kids.

- SyberBitch - 05-07-2009

Ugh!! I bet she gives them soda to drink too. ::doh::What a dumb cow.

- LKTraz - 05-16-2009

Proof positive that stupid people shouldn't breed!