Not Good Shit (actual shit). - Printable Version

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Not Good Shit (actual shit). - cladking - 08-18-2012

They add sodium tripolyphosphate to the food even though it's never been tested on man not because it has even one beneficial quality, but merely because it makes foods suck up water so the rich peoiple make more money when you buy it by the pound. They put pink slime in food not because amoniated crap is good for people but because they can sell it as 100% lean beef at $5 a pound and the rich people suck up your money. Now they have a new thing they're doing. They're adding seaweed to almost everything. They put it in ice cream and chicken.

The rich people bought and paid for the regulators so much of the time this crap isn't even mentioned on the label. The world is spending vast resources to mine, ship, and add crap to the food supply for the sole purpose of providing extra money for rich people to buy more legislation.

Actually I kindda even liked the seaweed when they first started using it around 1972. The first thing in whicgh I saw it was one of the big brand cinnamon rolls and it changed the texture to make it "creamier". Of course it gave me a bellyache so I avoided after that except where it's used pretty sparingly and appropriately. Chicken is not an appropriate use so we can simply assume seaweed is even cheaper then chicken. Of course "chicken" isn't even a natural food any longer because these animals are force fed on things that are mined or the same sort of garbage they force feed us. Of course what they sell as "chicken" is actually a bird like product impregnate with chemicals to make it hold water on a heavy plastic board with a sponge that has been saturated with water and with seaweed inside. I wouldn't say this is unsafe but there's not much chicken there and you get to pay for equipment that injects the water and everything else.

It shouldn't be too long until they figure out how to sell us our own shit back as chicken at the rate things are going. I have little doubt they're working on it. When they do I'll be tossing my crap in the garbage which is where most American made crap belongs anyway.

I believe the seaweed is called "Irish moss" and appears as "caragenan" or something similar on the label.

It gets harder and harder to shop all the time. Just a few years ago I did all my shgopping at a single grocery but now I run around from place to place looking for something similar to actual food.