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CHRISTMAS EVE OR CHRISTMAS DAY? - Duchess - 12-21-2012

When do you open gifts? Is there a tradition to it? Do you go to Midnight Mass? You non-believers can disregard that last one.

RE: CHRISTMAS EVE OR CHRISTMAS DAY? - ramseycat - 12-21-2012

We sometimes go to Midnight Mass. It's actually at 9pm. We open presents on Christmas morning at home.

RE: CHRISTMAS EVE OR CHRISTMAS DAY? - Midwest Spy - 12-21-2012

My wife's family opens gifts Christmas Eve night, and then Santa's presents are opened Christmas morning.

We also go to a church service Christmas Eve day.

RE: CHRISTMAS EVE OR CHRISTMAS DAY? - sally - 12-21-2012

I let the kids open one gift each on Christmas eve and the rest on Christmas morning.

RE: CHRISTMAS EVE OR CHRISTMAS DAY? - justme - 12-21-2012

Christmas Eve church then open gifts with husband's family. Christmas morning is opening gifts with husband and kids.

RE: CHRISTMAS EVE OR CHRISTMAS DAY? - username - 12-21-2012

Growing up, we went to a very late Christmas Eve service but I haven't continued that with my kids (heathen that I am). The kids get to open one present on Christmas eve and the rest the next day.

RE: CHRISTMAS EVE OR CHRISTMAS DAY? - username - 12-21-2012

The cursor on my computer is FREAKING OUT. Sonofabitch is out of control. It's like a freaking Mexican jelly bean. I don't need this over the holidays.

RE: CHRISTMAS EVE OR CHRISTMAS DAY? - nrkerr - 12-21-2012

I am not Catholic, so Midnight Mass would be a no. I have been attending Christmas Eve services, in the evening.

We open presents Christmas morning, after my in-laws walk across the street to our house.