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Gun Control - Misguided - 04-08-2013

Check this out! This guys hits the bulls eye dead on.This needs to get around.I just received it from a friend and I agree so compleatly...
7 minutes of your time but so much worth the listen...

RE: Gun Control - Maggot - 04-08-2013

I voted! Virtually hah..........He is only saying what everyone knows. Some refuse too hear it, others will just go where the wind blows. Common sense is still true no matter what color it is.

RE: Gun Control - Misguided - 04-08-2013

Maggot,...just cant figger it out man,...I cannot understand why it has gotten this far in a country and a population that has a substantial degree of common sense and the fact that we all know the history of our country began with a armed rebellion and that being disarmed or restricted makes us weaker victims?WTF..

RE: Gun Control - Maggot - 04-08-2013

51% of Americans have never seen a country ruined by Socialism. They have 80% faith in government and have 26% common sense. Majority rules.

RE: Gun Control - LuciferLynn - 04-12-2013

A little interesting something I read today....I was reading an article about how the new revised edition of the DSM-5 (the "psychological bible", as it's known to some) has added temper tantrums, skin picking and hoarding as mental illness. In other words, if your child has a temper tantrum, they are deemed "mentally ill". If your house looks like a pig sty, yep you're fucking gonzo. If you go to the doctor b/c you're not sleeping, you can't concentrate, you're just really stressed, you're labeled with an "anxiety disorder". Putting these sort of labels on people will not allow them to purchase a firearm. You can't purchase one if you've got a mental illness, so here comes the DSM-5, working hand in hand, so it would seem, with the government to make it that much harder for citizens of the US to purchase and own and use a firearm b/c you had a fit in a store over a toy when you were 2. In addition to that, b/c these are all "mental illnesses", these people could, theoretically, collect disability checks. How long til all of us are labeled with some sort of mental illness? Sweet weepin Jesus, this country is going straight to hell on a slide.