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Hey God...a question for you--
Did you hear the story about the author Anne Rice "quitting" being a Christian. Hmm..first she was an athiest...THEN she found God and became a Christian..and NOW she has had enough of you and has quit.
What is with the ficklness? Think she wants to jump back on the vampire bandwagon and start writing vampire books again??

There's nothing quite like jumping into different beds! Dunno what you might catch tho'!
so god, should witches be burned?
we used to hang them here in the colonies. (Salem)

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If I get a little cold, I don't mind burning a few hags...

I saw a photo of a headstone in your neck of the woods once

Here lies John Dunn
He was right
we was wrong
We strung him up
and now he's gone
So, God... I've always wondered, are Buddhists, Islamics, Hindus, and the like, all doomed to eternity in hell because they choose not to believe in you?
Of the millions of sperm injected into your mother's pussy, you were the quickest?

You are no longer in the womb, friend. The competition is tougher out here.

You have the choice to believe - or not!
(As you knew that anyway!)

Personally I believe in a Creator or Creator that may or may not be meta-physical or indeed physical.
Also, I believe that Creator(s) may or may not be aware of us, in the possible infinite possibilities of what may be inside or outside our Universe.

I don't distinguish between any concept of God -
like I said before it's people that are the fanatics, every major religion and denomination within.

My own personal problems with Creationism are: what is it that our Universe is expanding into and
what was at the core of the the 'Big Bang', why then, and other questions surrounding that.

I also believe that we are created never to understand fully our existence,
but to go about doing what it is we were programmed to do, whether you choose to call it nature not not.

I do think that the String Theory has a lot going for it.
(that took me years to begin to appreciate it, and even now I struggle deeply with it)
Even the eminent physicist and thinker, Stephen Hawking, believes in the concept of God,
but then he does have his chips stacked to one side, doesn't he? ::lol::

fwiw I chose the Christian/Jewish avatar as that was my upbringing.