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You want to call me a racist? Fine, let’s talk about racism and what it really is, in real terms.
I do hold some people in disdain. Not every member of certain groups, but a large majority. I wasn’t born this way. I figured this out on my own, mostly in my adulthood. I was raised with the same core beliefs as my peers: All men are created equal. We all matter. We are all the same inside. As I grew into an adult lifestyle with adult responsibilities, I figured out that was a lie.
My attitude is based largely on the fact that this is my country. My family helped form the ideals of this country and the economy and they have fought in every war to establish it and defend it. We are still defending this country almost four hundred years later. I am an American in the strictest sense of the word. I love this country and I would die for it.
I didn’t grow up in a diverse area. Most of my peers where white, some Native American, and a few Hispanic. Everybody worked. Everybody helped each other. There were few fights, little crime, and no gangs. You could leave your car and front door unlocked and nobody would bother your personal property. Your neighbors kept their lawn looking decent and kept their trash in the burn barrel. Nobody had blankets for curtains or couches on the porch, even the very poor. People had a pride in what they did own because they worked for it.
When I moved to the South, I learned there were entirely different kinds of people. There are ghetto areas here I wouldn’t walk through with a police escort and nasty white trash trailer parks I wouldn’t drive by with my doors locked. I see people that breed like animals even though they can’t afford to feed, clothe, educate, or supply proper medical attention even for themselves. They throw trash on the ground, yell and scream at each other, talk too loud and curse in public, and flood the streets with loud music and half-dressed, filthy kids. They don’t nurture the next generation or build a better future. They don’t even take care of their own daily needs themselves. They buy no-contract cellphones and cheap, flashy clothes with any bit of cash they can get their hands on and count on the taxpayers to feed them and keep a roof over their heads. I don’t like being around people like that. I don’t live like that. I don’t want my kids to be around the offspring of people like that. They are ruining this country.
Why are a majority of some groups shitty? I suppose because they come from countries where living in a pasted-up shack is the norm. They don’t have pride of ownership bred into them. Because they don’t put in the sweat equity needed to buy things themselves, they have no concept of value or quality and caring for belongings. Easy come, easy go. If you don't have money to buy it, steal it. I have noticed a criminal mindset in many members of the African American, Hispanic, and white trash communities. They want a hook-up for free things or they want to buy things from a bootleg or fake name brand items from a stall at a swap meet. If a member of their community succeeds in the outside world, they want to attach themselves to that person and take from them like “crabs in a barrel," pulling each other back into the hell hole. They don’t build each up or work for the common good. They destroy any chance they are given and any property they acquire. The ones that do make it out stay the hell away from the ghettos and slums. They know how it is. Ghetto people don’t care about amassing huge amounts of debt at high interest because they don’t intend to ever pay it back. They don’t worry about tomorrow because they were born with, and will die with, their fucking hand out. They aren’t ashamed of serving time in jail or living a useless life. They are less civilized than most middle class people.
If it makes certain people feel better to call me a racist because I know how to behave and I am making a decent life for myself, go ahead. I don’t want to be dragged down by the flotsam in this society. I really don’t want my children around you. I don’t go where you go often (can’t even go to the damn movies or the zoo without seeing your ill-bred asses or hearing you bray). I don’t want you to move to my community and trash it. I don’t want you to bring your stupid, violent, nasty kids to my kid’s school. I won’t let you drag me down. I won’t let you make my child’s life worse. If that means I have to stay the hell away from you, and you stay the hell away from me, so be it. When you learn to behave like a human should, that won’t be a problem. I know it is possible. I have friends of every religion and race, none of them trashy.
If any of this makes you angry or hurts your feelings, you are probably a piece of crap. If you are a decent member of this society, you know exactly what I mean. You feel the same frustrations and understand my need to release some of my pent-up anger. No political labels needed. Either you are a decent, contributing member of society, or you aren’t worth my time. I am better than you. I have earned the right to say it.
If you are uppity or thin-skinned, you are likely a fake ass poser that doesn't feel as comfortable with your place in society as I do in mine. That is entirely your problem. It doesn't bother me AT ALL if I piss you off with every word I post.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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opportunity does not knock on every door.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
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(02-12-2011, 08:57 AM)IMaDick Wrote: opportunity does not knock on every door.
That isn't true. Education is free here. College is free, too, if you are willing to work hard and do well. Some kids have it rough because of crappy parents, but what they do with the rest of their life is entirely up to them. It's a free country, Dick. You can be, do, or have anything you want as long as you are willing to work for it.
If you sit on your ass in the crib watching MTV, only the Jehovah's will knock. If you stand up, you can go anywhere.
Remove all the excuses and all you have left is the real blame. If you have a shitty life, you have only yourself to blame.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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Excellent post!I can agree with so much of what you put forth.
I have found that those who dont pay their bills or work for a living and those who have very little can find some kind of goverment subsidy or assistance to help them.They can continue to be rewarded for their poor judgements and lack of motivation to do something with their lives by getting all kinds of freebies.
And it is not just one family member,it becomes a legacy.The daughter or son learns the system from the mother and it carries on thru the next generation as they do the same thing.It is so much easier to not do shit and live off the sweat of our labors and taxes than it is to get a job and pay your own way.
Now,..I will statements do not apply to all as some are in definate need but it is a VERY SMALL percentage.
There is no incentive to change as far as the entitlements.No restrictions or demands on what must be done to be entitled to those bennies/freebies.They dont have to take a piss test,do community service,required to be on birth control,the food stamps can be used to buy anything and loopholes are in place so that they can sell or transfer them to others and is widely abused,They can be given cars and cell phones now,...the list goes on.
The Illegal Immigrants,...their entitlements are unbelievable and they dont even belong here and the cost to you and I are staggering to say the very least.They can go to college or any high school.Fuck,I aint even going into this here...
There are Scholarship programs that allow the welfare and poor kids to go to College,even medical school yet the dumb fuckers like me and my wife who bust our ass both working to try to give our kids the opps to go to College find we are "not in need" because we paid too much fucking taxes or own our own home.
These entitlement programs should have some sort of payback such as doing community service or volunteer work of some sort to those very programs or communities so that costs can be lowered somewhere.There should be some sort of payback for all they are given.If you give thought to it,I'm sure there all many intellegent productive idea's we can come up with..
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(02-12-2011, 09:40 AM)Cracker Wrote: (02-12-2011, 08:57 AM)IMaDick Wrote: opportunity does not knock on every door.
That isn't true. Education is free here. College is free, too, if you are willing to work hard and do well. Some kids have it rough because of crappy parents, but what they do with the rest of their life is entirely up to them. It's a free country, Dick. You can be, do, or have anything you want as long as you are willing to work for it.
If you sit on your ass in the crib watching MTV, only the Jehovah's will knock. If you stand up, you can go anywhere.
Remove all the excuses and all you have left is the real blame. If you have a shitty life, you have only yourself to blame.
You see the problem is I disagree with your definition of racism, what you wrote is not what racism is it is the result of racism.
Racism dictates that a particular race be held down and kept unable to succeed.
The following generations of those who were held down by an oppresive society seldom gain at the rate of the oppressor society.
opportunity does not knock on every door, and even if you wish to argue that point, even when it does knock those who are the generational off spring of those who were oppressed are much less likely to understand the purpose of it.
It's a learned response not a genetic one.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
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OMG, I meant that college is free if you get an academic scholarship. After some research, I found if you are low income the federal government will pay for all of your college and will give you food stamps and pay for your housing while you attend. WTF? How does anybody bitch about being poor and not having a chance? I wonder how many of these students are actually successful. If you just give them a college education without expecting them to contribute anything in return for it, will they just trash it or waste it?
I'm not even going to think about the years I worked three jobs to get through school and the student loans I am still paying. I could have just sat on my ass and had the taxpayers send me to school. I am thoroughly disgusted.
If this is how it works, poor people get every chance for free and middle class has to work hard for it, why aren't the tables turned? Why doesn't every hoodrat and every hillbilly have a PhD? Because it entails work and effort. It is much easier to sit at home and bitch about the The Man keeping you down.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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(02-12-2011, 10:55 AM)IMaDick Wrote: You see the problem is I disagree with your definition of racism, what you wrote is not what racism is it is the result of racism.
Racism dictates that a particular race be held down and kept unable to succeed.
The following generations of those who were held down by an oppresive society seldom gain at the rate of the oppressor society.
opportunity does not knock on every door, and even if you wish to argue that point, even when it does knock those who are the generational off spring of those who were oppressed is much less likely to understand the purpose of it.
It's a learned response not a genetic one.
We have had at least one full generation without "oppression," as you call it. At the rate hoodrats and hillbillys and reproduce, two or three full generations free of any real force holding them back. The only thing holding these people back is EACH OTHER.
I have already written tomes on here regarding generational poverty. The information is out there, free, for anybody to possess and learn from if they are so inclined. I took advantage of it because of my profession. If I were poor, I would also have an interest in how I could better myself and un-fuck my attitude and situation.
If you are a slave, others can control you. If you are an American, you have NO FUCKING EXCUSE not to do better. NONE. I chose not to stay in the gutter after a difficult life situation. Other people choose to stay down. There was no outside control, just the strength of my character and the desire to do right by my children.
People who raise their children in hovels and let them throw away their education should have their asses beat. They have ruined another generation if they do so.
There is no real excuse. If you knew what I do for a living, Dick, you would realize I know this FOR A FACT. The difference is inside all of us. If you raise your kids to be entitled, whining, blaming, pathetic citizens, that is what you will get. If you raise your kids to not make excuses and to always do their best, you can rest easily when they leave the nest.
I raised my kids myself. They are funny, contributing, decent, kind people. They don't expect a handout or to get goods or services they didn't earn. They have never had to supply a food stamp, free lunch number, or Medicare card in their lives. Because I bothered to stand up and work my ass off, I have ensured my grandchildren will also have a decent life. THAT is how it works. One generation at a time. One weak link can be fixed, generations of lameness and fuck-upness is harder to overcome. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
People with excuses are just that; people with excuses. I know better.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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How many generations of oppression? if the opportunities had been present for the same amount of time that the oppressing society has had to reach upward, I think the tables would show at least a more even advancement.
I'm not saying that the pathway to success is not there today for people who have been held down in the past, but in reality they are in the earliest stages of growth into a life where success is the norm and failure is the option.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
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(02-12-2011, 10:49 AM)Misguided Wrote: Excellent post!I can agree with so much of what you put forth.
I have found that those who dont pay their bills or work for a living and those who have very little can find some kind of goverment subsidy or assistance to help them.They can continue to be rewarded for their poor judgements and lack of motivation to do something with their lives by getting all kinds of freebies.
And it is not just one family member,it becomes a legacy.The daughter or son learns the system from the mother and it carries on thru the next generation as they do the same thing.It is so much easier to not do shit and live off the sweat of our labors and taxes than it is to get a job and pay your own way.
Now,..I will statements do not apply to all as some are in definate need but it is a VERY SMALL percentage.
There is no incentive to change as far as the entitlements.No restrictions or demands on what must be done to be entitled to those bennies/freebies.They dont have to take a piss test,do community service,required to be on birth control,the food stamps can be used to buy anything and loopholes are in place so that they can sell or transfer them to others and is widely abused,They can be given cars and cell phones now,...the list goes on.
The Illegal Immigrants,...their entitlements are unbelievable and they dont even belong here and the cost to you and I are staggering to say the very least.They can go to college or any high school.Fuck,I aint even going into this here...
There are Scholarship programs that allow the welfare and poor kids to go to College,even medical school yet the dumb fuckers like me and my wife who bust our ass both working to try to give our kids the opps to go to College find we are "not in need" because we paid too much fucking taxes or own our own home.
These entitlement programs should have some sort of payback such as doing community service or volunteer work of some sort to those very programs or communities so that costs can be lowered somewhere.There should be some sort of payback for all they are given.If you give thought to it,I'm sure there all many intellegent productive idea's we can come up with..
If "regular" people like you and I know this, don't you think low income people know this, too? I'm pretty sure they have brochures at the welfare office and are probably required to tell the recipients they are able to go to school. Why don't all of them go? Because they don't have to better themselves to eat. It is much easier to sit around all day than it is to get up and go to work. That is the bottom line.
If people had to pay for their own children, they would take better care of them and value them more and invest themselves in their children's future. But because the taxpayers feed them, they let them be our problem.
I wasn't born rich and I'm not rich now. I am a middle class citizen doing what I can to have a good life. It isn't always easy, and it is getting progressively harder because of all the weight we are having to carry around with us. How many people are self-supporting opposed to those who receive benefits of some kind? How many people am I carrying on MY back? I should just have to pay for MY family, NOT somebody's else's. That is THEIR job. I resent it. FUCK THOSE PEOPLE! You are taking food from MY children's table.
If I am paying for you, I own you. Get over here and cut my grass and do some light dusting.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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(02-12-2011, 11:24 AM)IMaDick Wrote: How many generations of oppression? if the opportunities had been present for the same amount of time that the oppressing society has had to reach upward, I think the tables would show at least a more even advancement.
I'm not saying that the pathway to success is not there today for people who have been held down in the past, but in reality they are in the earliest stages of growth into a life where success is the norm and failure is the option.
Dick, it doesn't matter. Education is the great equalizer. We haven't stolen slaves for three hundred fucking years. That is enough time to get a fucking clue.
If you are talking about immigrants, they are the product of, and the fucking PROBLEM of, THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. Only come here if you want a better life. If you want to be fucking pathetic, STAY HOME!
You have that mindset; the defeatist mindset that I am talking about seen with people raised in generational poverty. It isn't a real, tangible thing, it is a fucking excuse to be pathetic. All it takes is about ten minutes of changing your attitude and it is GONE! Poof! It is an EXCUSE. Only the weak are willing to limit themselves to such a pathetic excuse for their lives. It is not acceptable to me.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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So, if people are raised to not do well generation after generation, they will have to concede this fact: I am NOT the racist, YOU ARE! YOU provide the environment of being lower class and not being able to succeed. YOU are the reason you don't do well. YOU are raising your kids to fail. YOU ARE A RACIST BECAUSE IT IS THE EASY WAY OUT!
Because I prefer you get off your fat ass and be equal so I can have more vacations.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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I know so many people who recieve benefits that shouldn't be getting them. My sister's girlfriend for example, that lazy good for nothing slut gets $200 per month in food stamps and she doesn't even visit her kid, the grandparents have custody. She doesn't last at a job for more than two weeks because she's too lazy to wake up in the morning and she sells the food stamps to buy roxi's. I don't even want to think about this anymore, my blood pressure is going up lol.
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Cracker, I Am personally an over achiever, I have never let standards get in my way of setting my goals higher I was raised a poor white boy but financial considerations aside looking just at advantages from just being white back then were immense, the white race has been in a supreme position for thousands of years, the 1960's decade were the years where the bar was raised for the oppressed in this country.
are there lazy fucks who think the system is the way to go? of course there are, but the problem is the system itself ,it was originally generated as an oppression tool, it was and is designed to hold back those who are most readily fooled by the give me a fish don't go fish for myself mentality.
welfare is an oppression tool, just like special lines at the college for the affirmative action crowd, it's all designed to propagate the handout, nanny state ,you can't take care of yourself bullshit that an oppressive government wants from those people.
you want people to be self sufficient? stop the programs that provide free college, free education, and free food and shelter.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
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I don't even know why they call them "benefits." That term implies they are getting what they earned or deserve. It is charity, plain and simple. Unearned charity at the kindness, or hijacking of wages, of others.
People who allow themselves to live as pets who depend on a master have reduced themselves to an animal-like existence. They are wasting the life with which they were entrusted. My tax money should go to retirees who worked their asses off to make this a great place to live, not some fat, lazy bitch with 5 kids by different uneducated, hoodlum fathers.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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(02-12-2011, 11:40 AM)Cracker Wrote: So, if people are raised to not do well generation after generation, they will have to concede this fact: I am NOT the racist, YOU ARE! YOU provide the environment of being lower class and not being able to succeed. YOU are the reason you don't do well. YOU are raising your kids to fail. YOU ARE A RACIST BECAUSE IT IS THE EASY WAY OUT!
Because I prefer you get off your fat ass and be equal so I can have more vacations.
Fuck you and your red capitol letters, I disagree with you, you won't change my mind by yelling at me, Im an adult.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
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(02-12-2011, 11:50 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Cracker, I Am personally an over achiever, I have never let standards get in my way of setting my goals higher I was raised a poor white boy but financial considerations aside looking just at advantages from just being white back then were immense, the white race has been in a supreme position for thousands of years, the 1960's decade were the years where the bar was raised for the oppressed in this country.
are there lazy fucks who think the system is the way to go? of course there are, but the problem is the system itself ,it was originally generated as an oppression tool, it was and is designed to hold back those who are most readily fooled by the give me a fish don't go fish for myself mentality.
welfare is an oppression tool, just like special lines at the college for the affirmative action crowd, it's all designed to propagate the handout, nanny state ,you can't take care of yourself bullshit that an oppressive government wants from those people.
you want people to be self sufficient? stop the programs that provide free college, free education, and free food and shelter.
Why have whiter people been dominate in this hemisphere? (There are great ancient civilizations that still survive/have collapsed, not all of them white.) You have to ask yourself that. We all come from a Genetic Eve, the same progenitor. We all started out in the same place. People with lighter skin and eyes moved further away from the mother land because they were more driven to survive bad climate changes. People willing to take their chances stayed and are among the darker skinned peoples. That is the historical perspective. Fuckers are still fighting and starving to death.
Is it still relevant today? I really don't know. I don't WANT a majority of some peoples to be stupid and lazy. I want ALL PEOPLE to do their fair share and be productive and raise healthy and happy (and fewer) children. But that isn't the way it is. I don't accept any blame for, or excuses for, being a piece of shit. Therefore, I didn't raise any. I don't think it is because of my racial profile. I think it is because my parents would have fucked me up if I was a criminal or a loser.
The people who get angry at this idea are pieces of shit holding on to some bullshit excuse and letting their own children down. Instead of living with that truth and making it better for themselves and their own families, the cry "RACIST" at me and blame me for doing the right thing. I call bullshit. THEY are ruining themselves. I am paying for them to do better, but they JUST FUCKING WON'T!
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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(02-12-2011, 11:52 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Fuck you and your red capitol letters, I disagree with you, you won't change my mind by yelling at me, Im an adult.
Was I talking to you? Are you one of those folks?
If people would stop and think for about two seconds they would come to a shocking revelation: Cracker is the humanitarian because she thinks ALL PEOPLE can do well and succeed if they try. Cracker doesn't buy the bullshit excuses people feed their own children to hold them down. Cracker has higher expectations for every single citizen. Oh, and Cracker likes red.
I am not the racist, Dick. I am the anti-racist. I am a realist. I see past the lies and ignorance and justifications.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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(02-12-2011, 11:52 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Fuck you and your red capitol letters,
It was my thesis statement. A revelation of epic proportions! A change in the standard paradigm that forces people to accept the responsibility for their own circumstance! Oh no, can't blame whitey! Oh no, I teach my own children to be less than they are and I let them down, not society. OH NO, I SUCK! :shocka:
You are white? I always thought you were brownish...
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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My first job was busing tables and mopping floors. I did that for about a year when I was in 8th grade. When I applied for a better job somewhere else, the guy asked me one question, "Was that hard work?" I said that it was. He hired me on the spot. After working for him for a few years, I asked him why he hired me for a job in which no experience. He said it was because he asked me if I worked hard and I smiled when I said I did. He said most people look angry when you ask them if they want to work hard. I have had better and better jobs since then. I have never had trouble finding or keeping a job because I work hard, with a smile. Some of you fat ass whiners would benefit more from this information than from the check you take from me and my family every month.
Where are all the victims in this thread? Don't have anything to add besides calling me a racist?
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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The only reason I'm not participating in this thread right now is because I'm trying to maintain my happy demeanor today.