The Antagonist
This shit has been irking me from as far back as I can remember. I need to let it out. This site is as good as any to do this in and if it offends anyone here, too fucking bad. If it were meant to offend anyone specifically you certainly would know it!
I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY HATE the casual 'girlfriend' kiss.
When someone greets you and gives you that fake kiss on the cheek. Well it's never in the cheek, you get a loud kissing sound in your ear! but regardless, I hate it.
DO NOT KISS ME. DO NOT HUG ME. I do not know you and do not want you touching me. 99% of the time it's people you barely know that do this too. I do not know where you'vebeen or what the fuck you have had last in your nasty mouth.
DO NOT KISS ME. You probably have some fucked up cootie and I don't want you passing it on to me.
AndI want to throw in babies here. Why is it when women have ababy and you go over to see it, the first thing they do is say, (as they are passing the little thing to you) "Wanna hold him?"
NO I do NOT want to hold your baby! NO NO NO NO!
EVERY time I pick up a kid it's like picking up a toad. I get pissed on or barfed on. Sorry, I do not want the responsibility of holding your child!
I am uncomfortable with this notion and please, for the sake of everyone else on this planet, think before you start handing your kid around like a plushie toy! There are many people who don't like holding YOUR child!
If I wanted to hold a child I would have had one of my own.
I wonder if the "child passers" are secretly hoping to pawn the little germ factory off on anyone who looks pliable to give themselves a rest of their self created Hell-hole of permanent babysitting?
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You are one unfriendly mother fucker. You fit right in with the other two crust-crabs, let me tell you. Please tell me you dislike weekends like they do, too, so I can tie a big bow of greasy sausages around all three of your fucking heads and package you bitches up as some sort of demented holiday gift for my dog to chew on. And I'll give you a big wet kiss and make you hold a baby, you anti-social filth bag.
The Antagonist
Do that and I'll make your dog turn on your greaseball ass.
I do not hate weekends so fuck you, you lose. Weekend hate was the requirement needed for your stupid plot anyway. ::flip::
Yeah, I could handle your damn dog, too. And JB would just shoot it.
Ant, I could not agree more about EVERYthing you said here. Unless I am putting out my hand to shake yours, do NOTtouch me or you may find yourself meeting the business end of my fist.
If you try to kiss me, you WILL find yourself meeting my fist. I kissed my Granny when she was alive and I kissmy son on the cheek. No one else meets my lips.
As for the kid.....don't get me started. The very first time I changed my son's diaper he pissed right in my face. That was bad enough, I sure as fuck don't want someone else's kid ejecting some bodily fluid on me!
I've donethe whole kid thing. For 19 years. So now, I'M DONE WITH CHILDREN!!!!
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OK, point taken about the weekends. Let me say this, too: I hate the fake kiss thing. I want a real kiss on the cheek, which I also give out!
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I'm very affectionate and I do hug my closest friends whenever I encounter them, I do not do that kissy face chick bs tho & babies make me nervous so I try to never give the impression thatI would be delighted to hold anyones kid, I'd rather hold their new puppy.
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I think everyone should just shut the fuck up and kick each other in the nutsack.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Mr. Incivility
Maggot Wrote:I think everyone should just shut the fuck up and kick each other in the nutsack. Gotta agree with you Maggot, I think all good friends should greet eachother with a nice cock punch!
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Mr. Incivility Wrote:Maggot Wrote:I think everyone should just shut the fuck up and kick each other in the nutsack. Gotta agree with you Maggot, I think all good friends should greet eachother with a nice cock punch! ::lmao:: War Fag got me ...
The Antagonist
Mr. Incivility Wrote:Maggot Wrote:I think everyone should just shut the fuck up and kick each other in the nutsack. Gotta agree with you Maggot, I think all good friends should greet eachother with a nice cock punch!
What are you both? Pain whores?
Look, I don't mind affectionate greetings by my close friends and family. I'd rather not but I'llsuck it up and do it.But when it comes to first introductions and the occasional friend you see again and again only at someone else's house or party, fuck that. Keep your nastiness away from me.
That air kiss shit is rampant here.
I don't like when I'm standing in a line and the jerkoff behind me feels the need to be so close they touch me as well. That usually gets them a good elbow in the gut with a fake apology, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were standing so close to me. You might want to take three steps back now."
But the whole baby thing.... I don't want that responsibility!!!! I never said I hate their kids..... I just don't want to hold them. And believe me, if I had kids, I would NEVER, EVER consider just handing it over to someone in that regard! Like Duchess, I try my best to avoid these people and not even comment on the kid lest they think it's an invitation to hold it.
I don't know you or your kid and I won't take responsiblilty for it! Parents should be more cautions IMO.
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I hate that too - when people stand so close to you on line and there isn't a lack of space or any real reason to do so.
The Antagonist
Yeah, especially those whose breath you can feel blowing your hair or on your neck.
I've had a few even closer where I can feel their goddamn dicks pressed up against me. That did NOT fare well for them! Atlantic City is a great place where that happens way too much.
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If you look up the word taciturn in the dictionary you will probably see a picture of me next to the entry. Apart from my girlfriend, my daughter, my parents and my one best friendkeep your fucking hands to yourselfokay ?
I detest over familiarity and physical contact greetings, part of my dislike is because I was a bit of a hooligan when I was younger and I still have the instinct of physical contact meaning imminent physical attack.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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Ordinary Peephole Wrote:part of my dislike is because I was a bit of a hooligan when I was younger and I still have the instinct of physical contact meaning imminent physical attack. Oh brother, we have to listen to the BS tough guy wannabe fighter thing again.
Good to see you, OP. :kiss::
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Everyone gets molested by the invisible hand. It's inevitable, get used to it, and just relax.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
The Antagonist
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:If you look up the word taciturn in the dictionary you will probably see a picture of me next to the entry. Apart from my girlfriend, my daughter, my parents and my one best friendkeep your fucking hands to yourselfokay ?
I detest over familiarity and physical contact greetings, part of my dislike is because I was a bit of a hooligan when I was younger and I still have the instinct of physical contact meaning imminent physical attack.
Soare yousaying that if you weren't an overly violent person who needs to be medicated due to him being considered a danger to society, you'd be groping and touching people whether they like it or not?
What exactly if you're not a 'groper' is that other 'part'?
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Middle Finger Wrote:Ordinary Peephole Wrote:part of my dislike is because I was a bit of a hooligan when I was younger and I still have the instinct of physical contact meaning imminent physical attack. Oh brother, we have to listen to the BS tough guy wannabe fighter thing again.
Good to see you, OP. :kiss::
I wasn't a tough guy I was a fuckhead.
Nice to see you too bitch. ::bigg::
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
The Antagonist Wrote:Yeah, especially those whose breath you can feel blowing your hair or on your neck.
I've had a few even closer where I can feel their goddamn dicks pressed up against me. That did NOT fare well for them! Atlantic City is a great place where that happens way too much. 
Oh that makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.
It is really bad for me when they are too close to me on my right. That's the side I'm blind on, so I have a good excuse for ramming someone with my elbow when they are too close on my right. "Oh gee, I didn't see you" and I really didn't!!!
Yeah, standing in lines is bad; I try to keep my right side to a wall or wherever there is less traffic. I don't like people being behind me at all. At restaurants, I have to sit with my back to a wall.
Mr. Incivility
Quote:I wasn't a tough guy I was a fuckhead.
As opposed to the sweetness and light that you are now?
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I wasn't a tough guy I was a fuckhead. Hey look!!!! Poophole admitted something the whole forum can agree on!!!