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RIP Johnny Wowww im speechless at how some of u criminal demons like this page n sneak on it to see wat im saying or thinkin smh jus so you know i know who you are you know i know and KARMA is on its way to all you full effect... Justice WILL prevail thats my promise rest in heaven johnny n lisa love u both infinity n beyond
8 hours ago via iPhone · Like · Comment · View Feedback (4)Hide Feedback (4)
A and M like this.
Yea I just love how they try to make it seem like their pages r so helpful when all they do is spread FLAT OUT lies and speak horrible about family members. And people have the nerve to ask why we say some on the things we do about these pe...ople on Johnnys page. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE people and in my eyes they are no better than the people who committed this crime. For all we know they are the people that did it. They don't put THEIR name on the page. They could just be playing sum sort of sick game. DEFINITELY feel they need to be investigated!See More
7 hours ago
RIP Johnny Ive already report it to my best friend in dc the one that works intell for homeland securiry you know who im talkin about i wont mention names but your right that mock sight full low life wanna be cops sewer trash poor excuses for human life but like i said im sure they all have kids too and when it happens to them then they will know how we feel...KARMA
6 hours ago
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(03-05-2011, 03:45 AM)Countryside_Belle Wrote: (03-05-2011, 03:43 AM)shitstorm Wrote: (03-05-2011, 03:39 AM)BellaMia Wrote: (03-05-2011, 03:10 AM)shitstorm Wrote: (03-05-2011, 02:42 AM)BellaMia Wrote: I wish I knew about these well more this forum existed when my cousin died. He was ruled a suicide. I guess some one can stab their self through thier breast plate 4 times and then after losing all that blood and I would imagine being extremly weak proceed to slice his own throat. Then his gf decides not to ride in the ambulance and stay behind and clean the house blood, evidence, Etc. befor the detectives arrive. Oh lets not forget the sister of the gf was arrested on an unrelated charge and hung her self note long after on his birthday. She was the gf of the man my cousin was having problems with right befor it happened. Maybe having a dedicated group of great people like you all would have drew some more attention and found some real evidence. Crazy right?
OMG, BellaMia. His death was ruled a suicide?!!! That case needs to be reopened. That's an atrocity.
Yes i feel the same way. If you ever want to look at the autopsy reports and clipings let me know I will have my cousin thend them to me and email them to you or his name. But yes ruled a suicide.
If the reports can be emailed to you, they can be uploaded to a file that we can all see. If you don't know how to do that, someone can help. Then you can start a thread on it. His murder should not be written off like that.
I'd be interested as well Bella....the thread idea is a good one
Ok sounds great to me. Sunday is my day off I will try to get it all then. No i do not know how to put it into a file for all to see so someone will have to tell me then we are good to go lol... Thanks!
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(03-05-2011, 03:44 AM)Countryside_Belle Wrote: (03-05-2011, 03:39 AM)shitstorm Wrote: I have a friend who is a trout fisherman. He wants to be buried in the bank of a stream so the fish can eat him. Kind of a complete the cycle sort of thing. 
I think that's kind of cool, actually. I had a Hospice client last year that LOVED carnivorous plants, and bogs, and all sorts of strange plant life.
Yep, some of her ashes were spread out to the plants at a local nursery that she adored.....
I love that. It's very natural.
There was a famous comic book creator who had his ashes mixed with ink and that ink was used in an issue of his comics.
George Carlin used to say that he wanted to be blown up. I don't think he was, though, lol.
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Well it is very late. Goodnight Mockers! I will talk with you all tomorrow night I'm sure considering I am turning into one of these "addicts" speak of. Till then...
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RIP Johnny 30,000 reward between crimestoppers n private donation reward funds to anyone that has information leading law enforcement to arrrests of all the criminals in connection to my johnny n lisa death call 4192551111
5 hours ago via iPhone · Li
Any truth to the 30,000 reward ya think?
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Nighty night all....leaving for the weekend- wonder if anything will happen while I'm gone!?
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(03-05-2011, 02:18 AM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: (03-05-2011, 01:59 AM) Wrote: (03-04-2011, 12:57 AM)Jane Wrote: (03-03-2011, 09:16 PM) Wrote: It slipped while talking to a good source thats been in contact with one of the families. But as I told LC I can't help but wonder if the family isn't spreading that to scare the perps into turning themselves in??? There has been other talk that someone was recently arrested for it yet no names are given there either. But my source has had good info on everything else in this case hoping this is the same result.
can you verify if the rumors are true about Lisa being injured worse than Johnny? Was a baseball bat used? Was Lisa raped? Was her tongue injured?
I have heard that she was worse than him and it was a closed casket to his open but he didnt look good either but thats from him sitting so long I guess. She had an open casket
I wasnt sure either way I wasnt there. But it does make me feel better knowing that because the picture that painted for me was horrific.
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(03-05-2011, 12:57 AM)shitstorm Wrote: (03-05-2011, 12:42 AM)rotten_cotton Wrote: *neighborhood talk*
Heard today that the Straub's have been moving furniture out of their house and have not been staying there. So sad.
Oh, man, I'm actually glad to hear that. I cannot imagine having to live in the house where your child was murdered. I hope that family, friends, work buddies, church, whatever, all pitched in to help them.
Perhaps I'm just personally weird this way but I wouldn't necessarily mind being near where a loved one breathed their last breath. Of course, if much of this has stemmed from Johnny's actions, perhaps the parents aren't taking much comfort in the fact that he died there too. Do you reckon they're gonna put the home up for sale?
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(03-05-2011, 01:00 AM)BellaMia Wrote: I wonder if the Straub family and The Vasquez-Clarke families relationship has changed due to Maytee being using the media and internet to grieve and lash out
I doubt that the relationship between the two families has changed because I seriously doubt they had a substantial relationship even in the best of times. Probably the Straubs tolerated the Clarke's and that was about it. Now I'm sure they loathe them. Human nature.
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(03-05-2011, 04:09 AM)van64 Wrote: (03-05-2011, 12:57 AM)shitstorm Wrote: (03-05-2011, 12:42 AM)rotten_cotton Wrote: *neighborhood talk*
Heard today that the Straub's have been moving furniture out of their house and have not been staying there. So sad.
Oh, man, I'm actually glad to hear that. I cannot imagine having to live in the house where your child was murdered. I hope that family, friends, work buddies, church, whatever, all pitched in to help them.
Perhaps I'm just personally weird this way but I wouldn't necessarily mind being near where a loved one breathed their last breath. Of course, if much of this has stemmed from Johnny's actions, perhaps the parents aren't taking much comfort in the fact that he died there too. Do you reckon they're gonna put the home up for sale?
That house has got to be losing serious value. (?) Who would buy a home that 2 young people were murdered in? I don't care if the house was GIVEN to me. No way.
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(03-05-2011, 01:06 AM)Inspector Gary Wrote: (03-04-2011, 10:23 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: i want to know who the people who don't need cops call when they are robbed at gunpoint or beaten or raped.
THANK YOU LC!!! My husband is in LE and I would prefer that HE NOT risk HIS LIFE for THOSE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!! But NO!!! He risks his life for THOSE people with every car stop that he makes and every call that he answers!!! ABSOLUTELY NO APPRECIATION OR RESPECT!!! For those of you who feel this way, how about NOT calling on LE when YOU need help!!! Your husband chose his profession and your husband is paid for it. I pray he is never harmed in this line of work but it is a very risky job and in fact, as hijacked as the judicial system is in this country, I for one remain surprised that there are not more LE personnel killed each year than there are, especially judges.
We had a state trooper killed a few miles from where I live, a couple of years ago. The guy was travelling from Florida with his registration and driver's license paperwork in perfect order. The trooper stopped him and apparently became belligerent with the motorist. I can see this happening easily in my mind's eye because I have seen it on the undercover cop shows. There are some LE personnel (not saying all are that way of course) who are arrogant and overbearing. This state trooper was pushing his weight around that night and as it so happened, he was pushing his luck around. As the trooper begged for his life, the motorist ended it. Unfortunately, you can see the motorist's point of view. Everything is legal. He has been stopped and now he has a state trooper with an attitude on his hands and he snaps... he simply is not going to take it any longer. The motorist is facing the prospect of life in jail if not the needle (I think he should get the needle) but had the state trooper been a more respectful individual of a motorist he most certainly would be alive today to see his newborn child.
Now, while the motorist's paperwork was in order, he was carrying drugs. Once again, one can make the argument that if you do not give a law enforcement individual a reason to lose their lives, that person would still be alive. It is just a shame to see one man dead and another man's life ruined over a handful of pills. There has to be a better way when you consider societies have been using and abusing 'controlled substances' for generations and it didn't harm them.
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(03-05-2011, 01:22 AM)dontbedumb Wrote: (03-05-2011, 01:10 AM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: (03-05-2011, 01:00 AM)BellaMia Wrote: (03-04-2011, 02:51 PM)aileen Wrote: (03-04-2011, 02:41 PM)WolfHouse Wrote: I can not imagine how the Straubs must feel when that LE said
that it was provoked by the victims. That is about as mean a
thing to say as I can recall coming from LE.
I wouldn't be surprised if they voice their opinions about that comment...not publicly per say, but to whom made the comment. But something tells me, they'll wait until the case is cracked, and then speak their minds to make sure their daughters character was not discredited.
I wonder if the Straub family and The Vasquez-Clarke families relationship has changed due to Maytee being using the media and internet to grieve and lash out
Straubs wanted distance before all this
I can't blame them! Agreed. What family with even a shred of normalcy wouldn't seek distance from the Clarke's?
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(03-05-2011, 01:24 AM)shitstorm Wrote: Could be that the Straubs never stayed in that house upon returning to this nightmare.
That would make sense but I thought I had read somewhere, either in an individual's post or in a news release, that the Straubs were living there. I personally would probably not want to stay there, even for a night knowing what had happened downstairs, but if the family did want to stay there to be close to Lisa, I for one do not think that behavior would be beyond being able to be understood. I have read before where mothers and fathers who have lost children to killers often return repeatedly to the place where their children's bodies were found. I can understand that. I do not have children but I can understand that.
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(03-05-2011, 01:25 AM)lawheeze Wrote: (03-05-2011, 12:52 AM)Freshbait78 Wrote: I'm with you Sharit. If Maytee had read through here she would see that not everyone was talking shit about her or Johnny. I was one. I've had NOTHING but sympathy for the lady. I was giving everything a pass. At this point I'm over it & it has nothing to do with her wishing for people to choke on shit & everything to do with her acting like this is a game to her now. She sounds like a NEENER NEENER NEEEENER little child. I don't think there is any gradation for her between her desired level of Maytee and Johnny worship on the one hand and evil demons on the other hand. You are either for her or against her, and the fact that there is even one person here who is not her worshipper spoils the whole forum for her. That is too bad because overall, members here have sent much positive thinking her way. Saying a special prayer tonight that the perps will be brought to justice sooner rather than later...
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(03-05-2011, 01:37 AM)imsuchawildflower Wrote: (03-04-2011, 09:01 PM)van64 Wrote: (03-04-2011, 07:38 PM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: (03-04-2011, 07:30 PM)Adub Wrote: Police detectives do lie. And they snitch. After experiencing this in a situation with one of my own, I conjured up the word pig. And then I laid into my daughter for being so fucking naive.
I feel that the police are the "Thin Blue Line" standing between "us" and Anarchy. The more we constrict their ability to act in our best interests the closer we get to Anarchy.
The police are no one's friend and trust me, they do not act in our own best interests.
well isnt that the biggest crock of shit Ive ever read...
Why is that so hard for you to wrap your mind around the concept? It is thinking like that, blind thinking like that, that allow LE to get away with things they should be held accountable for. Not all LE of course, but a substantial enough number that the phenomenon has been noted.
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They could be looking for the owners of the DNA forever , if they don't already have a DNA match on file . Am I correct here ????
That makes sense to me. Unless the DNA is available to be matched, there is simply nothing to match it to and ergo, no DNA link to any perp. Like others, I am making an educated guess that much of the evidence LE has in this case is DNA.
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(03-05-2011, 01:41 AM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: (03-05-2011, 01:31 AM)BellaMia Wrote: (03-05-2011, 01:10 AM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: (03-05-2011, 01:00 AM)BellaMia Wrote: (03-04-2011, 02:51 PM)aileen Wrote: I wouldn't be surprised if they voice their opinions about that comment...not publicly per say, but to whom made the comment. But something tells me, they'll wait until the case is cracked, and then speak their minds to make sure their daughters character was not discredited.
I wonder if the Straub family and The Vasquez-Clarke families relationship has changed due to Maytee being using the media and internet to grieve and lash out
Straubs wanted distance before all this
I did not know that. Is there a story behind it? If so please tell. I am curious now to the relationship between them.
I Quote an earlier post:
- seasontickets - 02-22-2011 12:49 PM
I've been reading for a while and have decided to post a comment. An associate of mine who is close friends with the Straub family said that they (the Straubs) were at their wits end with Lisa and that they allowed Johnny to stay at their house because it would be easier for them to keep an eye on their daughter. I was also told that Maytee tried to get money from the Straubs in some elaborate scheme months before the murders. Also, a friend of mine who works in the restaurant business says some of the cooks (who purchased drugs from Johnny) were talking about how Johnny owed a lot of money (she didn't specify) for pills and cocaine. While obviously this is just heresay at this point, it is something to consider.
Does anyone know if it is typical for a drug dealer to 'carry' a dealer as Johnny allegedly was? I would be surprised if a host dealer he is getting drugs from would allow him to owe a lot of money to him for the simple reason that he is probably never going to collect on it. That's just good business sense that the illicit drug business would be a cash business.
Oh on a separate note, there was a case on the first 48 hours show on A&E where a drug user and his girlfriend robbed their drug delivery guy and ended up stabbing him to death. The drug user and his girlfriend ordered drugs up but had no money and no intention to pay for them. In fact, the drug user and his girlfriend met the drug delivery guy with only one intention: to rob him of his drugs. The drug delivery guy ended up being stabbed to death.
The episode reminded me of this case and I was thinking to myself...could it have been that whomever showed up there that cold night could have shown up under the pretext of buying drugs and then things went downhill from there. We may never know the answer to that.
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(03-05-2011, 01:42 AM)imsuchawildflower Wrote: (03-04-2011, 09:14 PM)van64 Wrote: (03-04-2011, 08:09 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Sorry, birthdate should read 1954. Typo. Retired. Ahhhhhhh.[/b]
that's some typo! date and age! wow!
Damn Cops you just can't sneak shit past them.  
Pardon me LC while I reply to PIG Boy.
Here is your pig for you shitbird.
Geez not another dick in the house.
Nah, Im pretty sure you are the only one.
[/quote] Phew. For a minute there I was worried.
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(03-05-2011, 01:48 AM)Sincere Wrote: (03-05-2011, 01:45 AM) Wrote: (03-05-2011, 01:40 AM)Sincere Wrote: (03-05-2011, 01:38 AM) Wrote: UGH!! WILL SOMEONE JUST TELL US SOMETHING ALLREADY ITS KILLING ME!!! STREET TALK IS THEY ARE LOOKING FOR THE OWNERS OF THE DNA LE SAYS NOTHING...PURE TORTURE
They could be looking for the owners of the DNA forever , if they don't already have a DNA match on file . Am I correct here ????
Yes and it is irritating!!!!
Does anyone know if any of the people that have been questioned have had DNA swabs done on them ??? I know absolutely nothing more than I read, and less if I misread something, but wouldn't it make sense for LE to ask people for swabs so they can be eliminated as suspects? With as many questionable and shady characters as there are bound to be in a case like this, I would imagine LE would be swabbing people left and right if for no other reason than to eliminate them.
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(03-05-2011, 01:50 AM)PURPLECATS Wrote: (03-05-2011, 12:57 AM)shitstorm Wrote: (03-05-2011, 12:42 AM)rotten_cotton Wrote: *neighborhood talk*
Heard today that the Straub's have been moving furniture out of their house and have not been staying there. So sad.
Oh, man, I'm actually glad to hear that. I cannot imagine having to live in the house where your child was murdered. I hope that family, friends, work buddies, church, whatever, all pitched in to help them.
I AGREE i could never live there anymore and never knowing if they would come back
You mean wondering if the perps would come back? Ah but LE assures us that the perps may not even be in the same state and furthermore, if you don't instigate your own death, you're good to go. No worries. Be happy.