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Is Howard a homophobe?
The new war bitch talks about gays a lot, using put-downs when he refers to them. He seems a bit overly concerned about gays in general.

Is he a homophobe?
86 112
No such fucking animal as a homophobe. That's a PC-inflicted bullshit term that the fucking liberals slapped on to an opinion.

So no, Howie is not a homophobe.
Yes, there is such a thing as a homophobe. It's anyone who has a phobia of homosexuals. Homo-phobe. Get it?

Stop smoking cigarettes for one fucking second and get out a dictionary.
86 112
I disagree, there is such a thing as homophobia and it's usually an indicator of latent homosexuality.

Poor Howie. ::aww::
Thank you, LMPP. You're a voice of reason in a dark, homophobic world.
86 112
You fucking dipshits will just continue to suck up the pap that is spoon-fed to you by some liberal fucktard who wants to impose a derogatory connotation to not liking faggots. It doesn't mean a person is afraid of queers to not like them, for fuck's sake. The term phobia is indicative of a fear. The only thing to fear from a faggot is that he'll whack you with his purse.

Here ya go; right from Webster's in case you dimbulbs doubt me;

Main Entry:
Sinister Wrote:No such fucking animal as a homophobe.
You are incorrect. Here is the definition:

86 112
To answer the fucking question, no I`m not homophobic at all. However, having said that, I do have a hard time trying to understand why a guy would want to fuck another guy.

My whole beef with homosexuals is the need they seem to have to flaunt their bent sexuality in our damn faces and also the fact that they think they should have a right to get married and raise kids for fucks sake.

While I don`t consider myself homophobic, I`m certainly not that keen on the fuckers and I think that`s quite normal for any red blooded female fucking man to feel that way.

So, if LittleMissshittyPants thinks that makes me a latent homosexual, then she really hasn`t a fucking clue what she`s on about.

I really wish people would put their god damned brains in gear before they open their stupid gobs and started spewing out some psychological bullshit they read in some fucking liberal publication.
Howard_hopkinso Wrote:To answer the fucking question, no I`m not homophobic at all. However, having said that, I do have a hard time trying to understand why a guy would want to fuck another guy.

My whole beef with homosexuals is the need they seem to have to flaunt their bent sexuality in our damn faces and also the fact that they think they should have a right to get married and raise kids for fucks sake.

While I don`t consider myself homophobic, I`m certainly not that keen on the fuckers and I think that`s quite normal for any red blooded female fucking man to feel that way.

So, if LittleMissshityPants thinks that makes me a latent homosexual, then she really hasn`t a fucking clue what she`s on about.

I really wish people would put their god damned brains in gear before they open their stupid gobs and started spewing out some psychological bullshit they read in some fucking liberal publication.
Wow, see what he did there?

Well done, Howie, you little queer bait. ::haha::

LMPP, you think he's a repressed homo, or just ignorant in regard to people being born with a biochemistry that has them attracted to the same gender?
86 112
i don't give a rat's arse who fucks who as long as it's consensual. i grew some tolerance in south florida. and who the fuck knows if it's nature or nurture?

Good point, Donut & Sitting Your Fat Ass In The Cop Car Bitch.
86 112
Next thing you know we're going to see people who want to fuck their salt shaker, or maybe a tree. I want tofuck my computer desk.

I mean, it makes as much sense as 2 guys fucking. Or 2 girls. It isn't normal.

And that is my OPINION.
Middle Finger Wrote:Good point, Donut & Sitting Your Fat Ass In The Cop Car Bitch.

yes, as opposed to fucking silicone pillows with your shaven genitalia.

note: it is most original to refer to cops and donuts in the same brilliant clever breath. your wit is astounding. ::flip::

jackboots Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Good point, Donut & Sitting Your Fat Ass In The Cop Car Bitch.

yes, as opposed to fucking silicone pillows with your shaven genitalia.

note: it is most original to refer to cops and donuts in the same brilliant clever breath. your wit is astounding. ::flip::

I thought he was talking about those 'roid pillows. ::lmao::

He doesn't really shave his dangly bits, does he? ::ban::
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
jackboots Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Good point, Donut & Sitting Your Fat Ass In The Cop Car Bitch.

yes, as opposed to fucking silicone pillows with your shaven genitalia.

note: it is most original to refer to cops and donuts in the same brilliant clever breath. your wit is astounding. ::flip::

I thought he was talking about those 'roid pillows. ::lmao::

He doesn't really shave his dangly bits, does he? ::ban::
shit, i don't think you could describe his naked bits as dangly. more like a tiny little barely- seen -on x-ray -protrusion. he uses those pink ladies' shavers too.

Dear Ignorant Bitch,

Having sexual attraction toward another adult of the same gender is not akin to feeling attracted to trees and so forth. Gender-based sexual orientation is a boat that both heterosexuality and homosexuality share. Now I understand how it is atypical, but not only is this variation a consistent norm from the beginning of time, it's surely not as inherently repulsive as wanting to fuck some skanky-ass motorcycle rag that shoves burning cancer sticks in her mouth daily. I'd probably prefer to have some pretty man-bitch go down on me than go through an experience that must be like licking the inside of a full ashtray clean. At least the pretty man-bitch will have teeth on the light end of the color spectrum. At least with the pretty man-bitch I won't be compelled to pretend I am infected with some highly communicable death disease in hopes of being put into one of those power-hose scrub-down apparatuses you see in movies.

In conclusion, if it's normal to want to have sex with some WD40 charbroiled outhouse bitch, it's normal for some people to be attracted to the same gender.
86 112
Those teeth don't look stained to me. And I don't know how to doctor pics, so don't even go there, asshole.
I'm not even sure which one is you. I mean, I know it's not likely that you're the one on the right with facial hair, looking as if you were Bullet's brother or something, but who the fuck knows what happens after years of sucking on tar sticks and drinking brown crap has on a woman.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:Dear Ignorant Bitch,

....In conclusion, if it's normal to want to have sex with some WD40 charbroiled outhouse bitch, it's normal for some people to be attracted to the same gender.
