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(12-16-2011, 07:27 PM)pyropappy Wrote: Fuck you, that plain enough you dolt. Just because you don't know what they mean doesn't mean I don't; I will use words as I see fit.

Okay. Just know that we're not impressed by your lame attempts to appear anything other than the uneducated, mindless nitwit that you are.

But please, continue your sesquipedalian style of posting if it somehow makes you feel smart.


It's not the words, dumbass. It's the content. Your suggestion that people who don't own guns are irresponsible was the height of retardness.
Commando Cunt Queen
(12-16-2011, 05:12 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote:
(12-16-2011, 05:01 PM)username Wrote:
(12-16-2011, 04:46 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: Would the psycho at Virginia Tech in 2007 have been able to take out more than 30 people if was armed with steak knives? Or ropes? Or foul language?

Dick (in all of his glorious, twisted logic) will tell you that if all of those students had just been packing, they could have shot back.

Gun advocates are fine. I just get tired of the frothing at the mouth from them about someone (me) choosing NOT to pack heat.

Guns... not knives, not rocks, not scissors, not harsh language, make crime so much easier for criminals.

All the school mass murders, fast food restaurant mass murders, subway (at least in this country) mass murders, etc. are the product of firearms.

Please enlighten me if I'm wrong.

While guns exist, you have a much better chance of being shot like Congresswoman Giffords at a public event, than being killed by a home-invader.

The guns had nothing to do with any of the murders, they are in animate objects.

And User is right, no one should be an unarmed victim to do so is simple stupidity..

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(12-12-2011, 12:24 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: I'm sure none of you Gun Advocates have any small children running around. Your stupidity on this topic ensures me of that.

Actually, some of us Gun Advocates DO have small children around. I have a 22 month old, 5 year old and a 10 year old. My 10 year old has been handling and shooting guns since he was 5. My 5 year old is about to start. We (hubby and I) start teaching them rules of gun safety at around age 2 1/2.

We currently have multiple types of guns in the house including shotgun, 22 rifle, M-4, 45 revolver, 22 revolver, 9mm semi-auto, etc etc. (My hubby is a gun smith and avid gun collector.)

Even with all of the training that my children receive, they will never have access to any of the guns without my husband or I present. All of the guns are either locked in a safe or on my or my husband's person.

Living in a low crime rate area is a good idea, but it will not keep you safe. I live in a rural low crime area where everyone knows everyone. That did NOT keep someone from trying to break in the front door at 2am when my husband was in Kabul. I don't know if the dog barking scared them away or if they saw me standing there with a gun pointed at the door. I do know that I was being watched for about 2 months before that and it all stopped after that.

My choice is to never be without a gun in my home. I am also contemplating getting my concealed carry permit. Hubby already has one. However, I do not think that everyone should have one. Only people that are comfortable with the idea should have one. Just don't try and take away my right to own one. I will fight for that right.

Well for sure not "Everyone" should have access to or own or carry a gun. But, a lot more people should than do. The virginia tech thing would not have happened if just 1 person in there was carrying and had the atendant training that comes with a CCW. There without a doubt a Lot of people that should never be allwed around a gun, the virginia tech shooter for instance, there was a huge cockup ever even letting that squirril out in public. People should get more involved in what is going on in their neighborhood, take the street back from the assholes. Kill off a few more of them and it will make a difference. We have gun laws but there are holes. There should be better ones, but as we know our wonderful democratically led government doesn't have a great track record for making intelligent gun law decisions, remember Fast and Furious?
Its a choice thing, and its your right to choose either way. I choose to be secure and safe and I taught my kids the same as I was taught. Amazingly, even the crackheads in my family have never been shot either.
(12-16-2011, 04:46 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: For all you gun-lovers, let me ask something.

Would the psycho at Virginia Tech in 2007 have been able to take out more than 30 people if was armed with steak knives? Or ropes? Or foul language?

Didn't think so.

I'm pro firearms. I've served in the military. I've handled weapons.

Don't for one FUCKING minute tell me that crime would be just as bad if guns were no longer available.

Complete bullshit.

First of all, speaking for myself here, I am not a gun-lover. It makes you look weak and ignorant when you describe people who understand they can't depend upon others for to protect the safety, property, and freedom. I am not a gun lover - I don't even like guns in particular. But I am an effective self-defense lover because I am a hater of making the job of bad guys easier. I am anti-defenselessness and anti-helplessness. Not a "gun lover." I am for my elderly parents having more than a cell phone and karate at their disposal. Does that make you an anti-elderly self-defense person? Now, as for your point, freedom comes at a cost. There will always be those who break the law and abuse freedom. You don't dismantle a basic right or freedom because others abuse it or mistakes and accidents happen. That is why we do not get rid of dogs or pools even though more kids die of pool drownings and dog attacks than weapons in many neighborhoods.
86 112
(12-16-2011, 11:11 PM)IMaDick Wrote: The guns had nothing to do with any of the murders, they are in animate objects.

Dick, in all of the spree shootings around our country, the guns had EVERYTHING to do with the murders.

They are the easiest of the 'in animate objects' (as you describe them) to use when you want to kill as many people as quickly as possible.

So, Maggot, while you're defending your home, and bravo to you, I believe you'll agree that you have a much better chance of being gunned down at your local mall, than in your well-defended home.

Are you a carry and conceal guy? Do you have a firearm with you at all time? If so, great. I hope you take out the next whackjob who's about to blow everyone away at your local Starbucks.

How 'bout the 4 unfortunate officers in Seattle a couple of years ago at their local coffee shop? Four of them, all armed, still didn't have time to return fire when some fuckup decided he was going to go cop-killing one morning.

The good-guys (I consider you Mock Members with guns the good guys) are rarely around with their firearms when they're needed to stop some sort of spree-killing as it's about to take place.

I wish you good guys would acknowledge that guns DO kill people, though. Mass/spree murderers rarely use something else.

Cracker, nice try with the Oklahoma City bombing example. Try again.
(12-16-2011, 08:36 PM)Cracker Wrote:
(12-16-2011, 05:12 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: Please enlighten me if I'm wrong.

911 ~ box cutters and planes. Can't get a gun on a plane.

Charles Manson's loonies used knives. Yippee. 40 years ago.

Moms drown their kids or choke them. I'm not worried about someone else's mom drowing me or my kids.

Oklahoma City, bomb made with fertilizer. Huh?

I could go on... please do.

I would rather be shot than stabbed if I had a choice in the matter. Super.

Guns are not part of our culture here. You cannot own a gun. It's unusual to see one. We did have a guy who went on a shooting spree years ago, he killed 33 people. It was a big deal. However, when one hears of shooting sprees they are usually in the US. It's true.
(12-17-2011, 02:08 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote:
(12-16-2011, 08:36 PM)Cracker Wrote:
(12-16-2011, 05:12 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: Please enlighten me if I'm wrong.

911 ~ box cutters and planes. Can't get a gun on a plane. And look what happend...

Charles Manson's loonies used knives. Yippee. 40 years ago. What? That made no sense. Dumbass.

Moms drown their kids or choke them. I'm not worried about someone else's mom drowing me or my kids. So they don't count because it isn't your kids? Dumbass.

Oklahoma City, bomb made with fertilizer. Huh? Jesus Midwest Spy, it was on the news. It was a mass murder. Remember?

I could go on... please do. Why? You will just post more stupid shit.

I would rather be shot than stabbed if I had a choice in the matter. Super. If you get stabbed, don't come crying to me.

(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(12-16-2011, 05:12 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: Gun advocates are fine. I just get tired of the frothing at the mouth from them about someone (me) choosing NOT to pack heat.

Guns... not knives, not rocks, not scissors, not harsh language, make crime so much easier for criminals.

All the school mass murders, fast food restaurant mass murders, subway (at least in this country) mass murders, etc. are the product of firearms.

Please enlighten me if I'm wrong.

While guns exist, you have a much better chance of being shot like Congresswoman Giffords at a public event, than being killed by a home-invader.

(12-16-2011, 09:49 PM)username Wrote: Your suggestion that people who don't own guns are irresponsible was the height of retardness.

I will be happy to enlighten both of you. The second amendment has nothing to do with protecting yourself and your family from crime. It is about protecting yourself, your family and your property from an over bearing government. You myrmidons have swallowed the progressive lies hook, line and sinker.

Our fore fathers had just finished fighting a war of oppression by an out of control government. That government usurped the right of free men to peaceably assemble, removed their right to have a say in their government and attempted to remove their means to defend themselves. Read the Declaration of Independence sometime it is very enlightening.

Have you read the papers lately? Congress is in the process of passing legislation allowing the DOJ to arrest and detain America citizens, indefinitely, without trial, they deem a threat. Congress is declaring America a battlefield. This is the scariest piece of legislation I have ever heard of.

It most certainly is not “retarded” to expect every citizen of this country to be prepared to defend our God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If you choose to ignore that obligation then I would say that is the ultimate of irresponsible behaviors.

If you think it can’t happen to you, or this is America, it will never happen here I would suggest you reread your history. During WWI Woodrow Wilson created internment camps for German Americans. During WWII Roosevelt created internment camps for Japanese Americans. We won’t even mention Lincoln suspending the “writ of habeas corpus” during the civil war.

Being prepared against violent felons is only a tiny part of my argument; you had better be prepared to fight off an invasion of anarchists, communists, radical Muslims and progressives trying to fundamentally change our system of government. What they have in store for you will make you pray you were just the victim of a crime.

I have said this before, but it bears repeating, if you have not read “The Coming Insurrection” you had better do so yesterday and prepare yourself and your family for what awaits.

This world is changing, and not for the better.
America has had an on-going love affair with firearms~~and supporters like to spout that they need them to protect their
right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and in some cases this is so. However, in most cases the carrying of firearms by our "citizens" more often results in the taking away the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness from others.
Do you think the number of people carrying firearms to protect themselves is that successful? More often, the weapon is
in the hands of the bad guys. Yikes! My area permits concealed weapons and a local restaurant here has posted a
"no weapons" sign in front (they do sell alcohol). I personally do not want to be around someone who is drinking and
carrying a weapon. No wonder USA has such a high number of fatalities via guns. In and around the city, there have
been numerous shots in the dark, shots at stoplights, shots at people walking, running. driving, sitting and minding their
own business. Recently a road rage incident involving two men resulted in one shooting the other. (He died) Is this
what you mean when you say you need to protect your right to life, etc.
Black people commit most crimes. It seems it would be easier to just get rid of black people.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(12-18-2011, 12:30 AM)pyropappy Wrote: I will be happy to enlighten both of you. The second amendment has nothing to do with protecting yourself and your family from crime. It is about protecting yourself, your family and your property from an over bearing government. You myrmidons have swallowed the progressive lies hook, line and sinker.

Our fore fathers had just finished fighting a war of oppression by an out of control government. That government usurped the right of free men to peaceably assemble, removed their right to have a say in their government and attempted to remove their means to defend themselves. Read the Declaration of Independence sometime it is very enlightening.

Have you read the papers lately? Congress is in the process of passing legislation allowing the DOJ to arrest and detain America citizens, indefinitely, without trial, they deem a threat. Congress is declaring America a battlefield. This is the scariest piece of legislation I have ever heard of.

It most certainly is not “retarded” to expect every citizen of this country to be prepared to defend our God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If you choose to ignore that obligation then I would say that is the ultimate of irresponsible behaviors.

If you think it can’t happen to you, or this is America, it will never happen here I would suggest you reread your history. During WWI Woodrow Wilson created internment camps for German Americans. During WWII Roosevelt created internment camps for Japanese Americans. We won’t even mention Lincoln suspending the “writ of habeas corpus” during the civil war.

Being prepared against violent felons is only a tiny part of my argument; you had better be prepared to fight off an invasion of anarchists, communists, radical Muslims and progressives trying to fundamentally change our system of government. What they have in store for you will make you pray you were just the victim of a crime.

I have said this before, but it bears repeating, if you have not read “The Coming Insurrection” you had better do so yesterday and prepare yourself and your family for what awaits.

This world is changing, and not for the better.

You're a worthless piece of monkey dung and a paranoid freak to boot. Go ahead and live your life under your tin foil hat. I hope, btw, that you've built a radioactive proof bomb shelter too since you're so worried about all the possibilities.

You think we're going to repeat the Japanese or German internment camps? If so, I guess if I were a Muslim in America I might arm myself...

People like you are what is all wrong with America. Freaking fanatical dingnuts. Jesus.

Commando Cunt Queen
I'm more worried about severe weather and black people. As soon as the flood/blizzard/fire/earthquake hits, blacks go shopping in closed stores and other people's houses.

If they had a trade-a-gun-for-a-darkie program I would do it.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
What we need is campaign finance reform (big time). Screw special interest groups, lobbyists...etc. They're the real force behind politics. Unfortunately.
Commando Cunt Queen
(12-18-2011, 01:18 AM)Cracker Wrote: I'm more worried about severe weather and black people. As soon as the flood/blizzard/fire/earthquake hits, blacks go shopping in closed stores and other people's houses.

If they had a trade-a-gun-for-a-darkie program I would do it.

hah You're just bad. I liked your tradeawalmartpersonforamexicanwillingtowork idea.
Commando Cunt Queen
(12-18-2011, 01:25 AM)username Wrote: What we need is campaign finance reform (big time). Screw special interest groups, lobbyists...etc. They're the real force behind politics. Unfortunately.

That is true. I don't even know if it can be fixed. I think Ron Paul doesn't put up with too much bullshit because he is rich and doesn't need to pander so much. That may be the best we can do for now.

I was thinking today about how hard it is to be president. You have to know the names of every place and every person and you have to know how to behave in every situation and you have to know how the gov't works and all the laws and you have to try to make everybody not whine... It goes on and on. Gov't is hard work. You have to make it your career to do well at it. I bet they don't sleep in too often.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(12-18-2011, 01:34 AM)username Wrote: hah You're just bad.

You may be the only one who understands me. I am just bad. Smiley_emoticons_smile

(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(12-18-2011, 01:14 AM)username Wrote:
(12-18-2011, 12:30 AM)pyropappy Wrote: I will be happy to enlighten both of you. The second amendment has nothing to do with protecting yourself and your family from crime. It is about protecting yourself, your family and your property from an over bearing government. You myrmidons have swallowed the progressive lies hook, line and sinker.

Our fore fathers had just finished fighting a war of oppression by an out of control government. That government usurped the right of free men to peaceably assemble, removed their right to have a say in their government and attempted to remove their means to defend themselves. Read the Declaration of Independence sometime it is very enlightening.

Have you read the papers lately? Congress is in the process of passing legislation allowing the DOJ to arrest and detain America citizens, indefinitely, without trial, they deem a threat. Congress is declaring America a battlefield. This is the scariest piece of legislation I have ever heard of.

It most certainly is not “retarded” to expect every citizen of this country to be prepared to defend our God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If you choose to ignore that obligation then I would say that is the ultimate of irresponsible behaviors.

If you think it can’t happen to you, or this is America, it will never happen here I would suggest you reread your history. During WWI Woodrow Wilson created internment camps for German Americans. During WWII Roosevelt created internment camps for Japanese Americans. We won’t even mention Lincoln suspending the “writ of habeas corpus” during the civil war.

Being prepared against violent felons is only a tiny part of my argument; you had better be prepared to fight off an invasion of anarchists, communists, radical Muslims and progressives trying to fundamentally change our system of government. What they have in store for you will make you pray you were just the victim of a crime.

I have said this before, but it bears repeating, if you have not read “The Coming Insurrection” you had better do so yesterday and prepare yourself and your family for what awaits.

This world is changing, and not for the better.

You're a worthless piece of monkey dung and a paranoid freak to boot. Go ahead and live your life under your tin foil hat. I hope, btw, that you've built a radioactive proof bomb shelter too since you're so worried about all the possibilities.

You think we're going to repeat the Japanese or German internment camps? If so, I guess if I were a Muslim in America I might arm myself...

People like you are what is all wrong with America. Freaking fanatical dingnuts. Jesus.

You will never convince a liberal that the government is out to get them, they desire the government to enlarge to the point where they don't have shit of their own, and no one else does either, they want everything handed to them, they want to be told when to have dinner, and how many hours a day you can have electricity and how many miles you drive your car.

They have fought long and hard to be rid of the restrictions that they see in the Constitution, those things which limit their authority to tell other people what to do ,what to think and when to breath.

If you think for one minute they will see any logic in freedom, you're sadly mistaken.

they are the reason we as individuals have to wear seatbelts while school children packed into a school bus do not, they are the reason we can't paint our houses with paint that lasts,cut down tree's for lumber,and the reason we have plastic bags and plastic bottles,why this countries children are out of control and parents have no right to change them,why we have so many social programs every fucking state is broke and getting broker, why illegal aliens are allowed to cross our borders at will, and why we gave libya to terrorists and a top secret drone to iran.

they in fact are the loons but they always call freedom loving people the ones who are fucked up, this is how you can spot a liberal, it never changes.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams


[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]