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Do you feel lucky...? Well, do you???

Dear God! There's a voice of reason in Mock?!
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(12-19-2011, 07:17 AM)Duchess Wrote:

Dear God! There's a voice of reason in Mock?!

Yes, Dick is very reasonable, eh?hah
(12-14-2011, 11:31 PM)username Wrote:
(12-14-2011, 05:52 PM)Cracker Wrote: They have Internet in Africa, they have cars, they have TV, they have running water, they have cell phones.

Apparently this kid's parents didn't download the "feed your kid" app on their iPhone.

[Image: haiti-3.jpg]

Go ahead and blame the parents or darkie stupidity for this crap. You're okay with going to war for weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist but you summarily dismiss entire populations that are truly suffering (but oh, they're not strategically located so of course we don't spend a trillion dollars there because...what's in it for us)? Good thing we intervened and saved Iraq.

So, don't blame the parents? Should we blame me? Is it my fault? Who did that, user? Who? It isn't a trick question and it is super easy to fix the situation, so WHO DID THAT?

I like how you threw Iraq in there because we went to war in Iraq so we could starve kids that have nothing to do with us in Africa.

Do you see how you people think? Those kids are starving because their parents don't feed them. Who is stupid? Not Cracker, I feed mine. Fuck those people for having kids they can't feed. It is the worst sin in the world.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(12-15-2011, 09:11 AM)Middle Finger Wrote:
(12-14-2011, 11:09 PM)Cracker Wrote: Hahaha.

I don't hate black people. I just know how great they could be if they would STFU and follow the rules instead of always waiting for someone else to take care of them. There is a reason they didn't throw off the shackles too quickly and have been enslaved by every single other civilization. You know they are fast as hell so the reason has to be social.

So, instead of hailing any beauty of innocence, or indicating the blame on the tyrannical nature of the forces around them, you just pretend the problem with enslaved Blacks throughout history wasn't the evil of some but some inherent lack of ability of Blacks to "STFU and follow the rules."

Got it.

Go back and look at the picture user posted. It is worse than anything the people did here three hundred years ago. Why don't people give them shit for doing that to themselves? You won't see American black kids like that because we all feed them. Slavery could have been the best thing that happened to them, it removed them from starvation.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(12-15-2011, 09:12 AM)Middle Finger Wrote: I wasn't going to say anything because I got bored at the time, but now that I read your post I have to add in how stupid I thought Cracker's comments were regarding how these starving populations are walking around with cell phones and watching TV.

It wasn't stupid. They have cell phones and cars and TV. They just don't give a shit if a baby down the street is starving because they are niggers.

That is the only logical explanation. They had the largest land mass with the most resources, but like niggers, they fucked it up. They, as a society, shit on everything they have and each other. So I am stupid because I know that?

People like you make the problems there worse because you treat them like pets who should never have to take care of themselves. That doesn't help anyone. It eases your conscience and makes you think you are holy because you feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for that kid, too, but I would kick his parents' asses for doing that to him. Because I know what causes that shit and they don't get a pass from me for living like shit. They need to do better as a society.

You people are fucking stupid.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
They have airplanes, too. I remember seeing a picture of Jelly (WHO IS FROM AFRICA) skydiving. Maybe it is her fault people are starving. I think I'll go ask her...

I'm also sending Santa a list of all you Mockers who support child abuse. Having a child you can't feed is abuse and you people are okay with it. I'm telling.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
Right. It was so "ghetto" of the starving neighbors of that starving kid in the pic to let him be starved.
86 112
(12-19-2011, 03:24 PM)Middle Finger Wrote: Right. It was so "ghetto" of the starving neighbors of that starving kid in the pic to let him be starved.

Exactly, MF. The parents probably noticed there wasn't food before they humped. Why do starving people hump? WTF? Think about it for a minute. They probably have other starving children, but yet, they will still make more even though they know their situation is dire.

Explain to me. Explain why you would bring a child into that. I honestly have no idea why anyone would damn a child like that.

It's because that entire society views kids as property and they don't put the love of a child above themselves. They make more anyway even though they KNOW what they child's life will be like.

There just isn't an excuse for it or anybody to blame besides themselves. Until they stop doing that shit, nothing will change.

Here are some other pics, notice the lack of starvation:
[Image: South+Afrika+Trip+480.jpg]

[Image: bushmen-family-southafricapeople.jpg]

Why aren't they feeding the other people? Because they don't give a fuck.

"Aw, poor starving kids" doesn't help. If you really cared, you would be sending half of your income to those people. But you aren't. You just pretend you really care.

Until they quit fucking like monkeys and start educating themselves, it will never change. We have been trying to make things better over there for over a hundred years. It is throwing good money after bad because they refuse to change how they live. Darwin will take care of it because we really can't.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
Oh God Cracker, I can't bear to hear you conclude as brutal as that. There are all sorts of socioeconomic, enviromental, poor education factors. Those children are innocent victims. Some of those women do not even have a choice when it comes to sex. You have to look at each situation individually.

Have some compassion on them, what if that was us? That could be us. We don't know how they got to that place, it's not as black and white as that.

I'm feeling pretty lucky that someone is cooking dinner for me.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I am stockpiling so much food for Christmas day, it's obscene. I mean, I am going the seafood theme, but then I still want veges salads etc. Then there is the deserts. My life is so different from that of others, I do care about them, if there was more I could do I would.
(12-19-2011, 05:55 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: Oh God Cracker, I can't bear to hear you conclude as brutal as that. There are all sorts of socioeconomic, enviromental, poor education factors. Those children are innocent victims. Some of those women do not even have a choice when it comes to sex. You have to look at each situation individually.

Have some compassion on them, what if that was us? That could be us. We don't know how they got to that place, it's not as black and white as that.

I know what the factors are. I have a degree in shit like that.

I'm tired of seeing kids die over there. It has been going on for thousands of years. I refuse to give them a pass to continue killing their own children. That is what they are doing, killing their own children slowly.

We have tried every type of aid and education program and birth control program over there. So have many other countries.

I have no compassion for people who have children they can't feed. People have to stop doing that. It is child abuse. Why do they do that? Because women and children are property and aren't loved like we love our children. That hasn't changed in the last 30,000 years and is likely not to change.

They are hopeless.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(12-12-2011, 12:32 AM)Lady Cop Wrote: someone told me once that being born into a filthy shithole rife with disease and starving to death before age 1 was a step in that person's karma. that they had some bad stuff to make up for in stages.

i am not saying i believe that, but i thought about it. probably as good an explanation as any since there isn't one really.

yes, i know i was very fortunate in to whom and what circumstances i was born. i am ever grateful.

If it was karma for being an evil son of a bitch in a previous life you'd be bought back as Donald Trump not have it all over with in 12 months...

“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
(12-19-2011, 06:10 PM)Cracker Wrote: I know what the factors are. I have a degree in shit like that.

I'm tired of seeing kids die over there. It has been going on for thousands of years. I refuse to give them a pass to continue killing their own children. That is what they are doing, killing their own children slowly.

We have tried every type of aid and education program and birth control program over there. So have many other countries.

I have no compassion for people who have children they can't feed. People have to stop doing that. It is child abuse. Why do they do that? Because women and children are property and aren't loved like we love our children. That hasn't changed in the last 30,000 years and is likely not to change.

They are hopeless.

Here's the thing though Cracker, what about the lack of education impacting on their understanding of having children? There would be no condoms over there, no birth control, AIDS is rife, and in some parts, whether you like it or not you are a muslim. The thing in particular with Somalia is that it is run by the Al-Shabab islamic militants. They have just sent the aid agencies away because they don't want western "influence" because they are helping feed their population, they feel they will be indebted to us. So they would rather children starve to death as part of "God's will", inshallah and all that.

Because they are not educated they have no insight into the politics that is governing their lives. Some of them would accept it as the status quo. I think also the thing to remember is that famines are man made, droughts are not. When you see someone starving, you have to remember there is actually enough food in the world to feed them. The evil that exists in our world that is stopping the food from getting through, whatever that reason is.

A few months ago, I worked with this immigrant from Western Africa. I asked her what she thought of the current crisis she was like "what has that to do with me?". She couldn't care less, I was horrified and told her in no uncertain terms. She was very pissed off with me that as a white woman who was not from that part of the world that I would care for these people, when you look in contrast she couldn't give a rats behind. She even said to me "well you are not from there what would you know". She was sorted in this nice country she nows lives in, to hell with the rest of them!

I care about those people in particular in the Horn of Africa, they are on my heart, I can't help it, I wish I could do more. They need our voice over here to help them.
(12-19-2011, 05:52 PM)Cracker Wrote:
(12-19-2011, 03:24 PM)Middle Finger Wrote: Right. It was so "ghetto" of the starving neighbors of that starving kid in the pic to let him be starved.

Exactly, MF. The parents probably noticed there wasn't food before they humped. Why do starving people hump? WTF? Think about it for a minute. They probably have other starving children, but yet, they will still make more even though they know their situation is dire.

Explain to me. Explain why you would bring a child into that. I honestly have no idea why anyone would damn a child like that.

It's because that entire society views kids as property and they don't put the love of a child above themselves. They make more anyway even though they KNOW what they child's life will be like.

There just isn't an excuse for it or anybody to blame besides themselves. Until they stop doing that shit, nothing will change.

Here are some other pics, notice the lack of starvation:
[Image: South+Afrika+Trip+480.jpg]

[Image: bushmen-family-southafricapeople.jpg]

Why aren't they feeding the other people? Because they don't give a fuck.

"Aw, poor starving kids" doesn't help. If you really cared, you would be sending half of your income to those people. But you aren't. You just pretend you really care.

Until they quit fucking like monkeys and start educating themselves, it will never change. We have been trying to make things better over there for over a hundred years. It is throwing good money after bad because they refuse to change how they live. Darwin will take care of it because we really can't.

Once again, after reading a post by you, I find myself hating dark people. If they have sex and know someone in town with a cell phone, my blood boils. There is no excuse for being stupid and starving like that.
86 112
Holy shit, shrink that pic so it stops blowing the margins ...
86 112
I found a map..........
[Image: 2y596.jpeg] explains everything!
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
How acurate is that map? I mean, it's right on the money.
(12-19-2011, 06:40 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: [quote='Cracker' pid='210716' dateline='1324332632']
I care about those people in particular in the Horn of Africa, they are on my heart, I can't help it, I wish I could do more. They need our voice over here to help them.

Well said Aussie. In Durfur (sp?) women and children every day get raped and murdered and kidnapped just for going to get drinking water for their children because they have to leave the village...there are often raids within their villages. i wished we could go in and just blast away the sons of bitches and help them set up an infrastructure...we can't afford the resources i know...our own country is hurting big time.

Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference! Love3
That map was funny, i've got to admit.
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference! Love3