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Original Sin.
OK, OK, I know I don't talk about that ancient belief that people believed eating figs grown in geyser water could literally make you live as long as Methuselah very often. This is largely because they actually believed it and recorded it and when I report what they said people want to look at me a little cross-eyed. To refresh your memory a little it was called mefat (mfkzt) and looked like ejaculate in water. The tree was called by various names but the Bible refers to it as "Tree of Life" and "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil". It is also known as the tree of wisdom. It was "protected" by a serpent which is our confused understanding of their word that meant something like "leak". CO2 leaked out of the ground and could make a man feel like he'd just had a rib ripped out if he got too much.

Well, long story short it finally occurred to me that the original sin was in eating from this tree. This has led to a flurry of Bible searching and reading. Long story short I believe that this was a "sin" only because it caused so much strife, envy, and greed. There wasn't nearly enough available to feed more than a few people and no one else liked it. I've long worried that there was something sinful about even studying this stuff. The Bible seems clear on the subject and often condemns figs. Today we could probably produce enough for everyone on earth. Of course if they don't get some knowledge of good and evil and some wisdom they'd breed like rabbits and we'd run out in a couple centuries. Or maybe they were wrong and there's no such thing as mefat that makes your bones smell good.

Just thinkin' here.

Some day when I grow up I hope to be able to see the obvious. If it were a snake it'd have bitten me.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]
[Image: figs.jpg]
Vile Figs

The band names are coming fast and hot today.
If it was a snake you wouldn't have been looking for it
Fig newtons are heavenly.
(08-07-2012, 10:10 PM)OnBendedKnee Wrote: [Image: figs.jpg]

Way cool. I thought only I noticed that.

There are a few more places that figs get the back of the hand as well as the back of other parts. Adam and Even sewed fig leaves together to hide their nakedness as they were banished from the garden.

Figs are a low quality food and usually require a lot of work to make them ripen so they are an inefficient food. But it would appear when grown in the right place (where the water springs forth from the earth) they become magic figs overseen by Sopdu;

480d. in this thy name of Dwȝ.m, as Sopdu, (who lives) under his kśb.t-trees.

This is the only surviving specific name for the type of tree that was the "Tree of Life". kśb.t-trees.

1216d. They give to N. the tree of life whereof they live,
1216e. that N. may, at the same time, live thereof.

1511b. living on figs, drinking wine.
1512 a. N. anoints himself with that with which you anoint yourselves;

816b. who clothe themselves in purple (?), who live on figs,
816c. who drink wine, who anoint themselves with ḥȝt.t-oil,

I could grow these by the train load in a few years.

1 And he said unto me: 'Enoch, why dost thou ask me regarding the fragrance of the tree,
2 and why dost thou wish to learn the truth?' Then I answered him saying: 'I wish to
3 know about everything, but especially about this tree.' And he answered saying: 'This high mountain which thou hast seen, whose summit is like the throne of God, is His throne, where the Holy Great One, the Lord of Glory, the Eternal King, will sit, when He shall come down to visit
4 the earth with goodness. And as for this fragrant tree no mortal is permitted to touch it till the great judgement, when He shall take vengeance on all and bring (everything) to its consummation
5 for ever. It shall then be given to the righteous and holy. Its fruit shall be for food to the elect: it shall be transplanted to the holy place, to the temple of the Lord, the Eternal King.

6 Then shall they rejoice with joy and be glad,
And into the holy place shall they enter;
And its fragrance shall be in their bones,
And they shall live a long life on earth,
Such as thy fathers lived:

And in their days shall no sorrow or plague
Or torment or calamity touch them.'

This last is from the book of Enoch and is the reason this book was omitted from Bible; it speaks well of figs. In another passage he describes the place they were growing as the Giza Plateau.

Everything is simply dismissed as the ramblings of sun addled bumpkins because everyone knows that it is we who are the pinnacle of creation.

Yeah, I'm sure (the) God(s) are real proud of modern man.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]
(08-07-2012, 10:59 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Fig newtons are heavenly.

There are different types of figs and it's only the egyptian sycamore fig that fixes mefat from dissolved egyptian red sandstone in its fruit. There are likely a few other plants that might work as well and it appears grapes work to a limited extent.

"Mefat" in nature is not extremely rare and anyone eating something and not growing old would probably put two and two together. There probably aren't many plants that work. The mefat "molecule" is quite large.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]
Cladking - Is there a modern source?
(08-07-2012, 11:54 PM)Riotgear Wrote: Cladking - Is there a modern source?

Oh, no.

I certainly wouldn't expect one for a plethora of reasons not least of which who would let people know that he had access to a means to live 1000 years?

I discovered this (the belief in long life) by coming to understand the Pyramid Texts which is written in a language unlike modern languages. Modern languages were "confused" by the guy from Babel who built a tower (probably Meidum in Egypt). This belief in long life survived in many many ways. It's not only the Bible and Enoch but the sciences of chemistry and alchemy which are almost certainly derived from the hometown of the person who discovered natron (NA = Sodium) added to CO2 geysers caused an eruption. Chemmis is the name of the town and is only a few miles from Giza. This is the basis of the stories and myths about the fountain of youth. I've put together a little information on how this food supposedly affected people. People who ate the figs apparently needed to restrict caloric intake to get maximum effect and if they were in fair heath and too old would soon be at the peak of life for up to 1000 years. If you were extremely old and ate it you would not get full effect.

I believe the mefat was "fossilized" auric sulphate. At the current time the US government controls most of the worlds supply of this "chemical" and might not know it. It belongs to an individual of whom I wish not to provide details. There is a very substantial quantity in existence and it's likely much more could be found. The problem and reason for the original sin is the ancients didn't understand the science. Of course they might have just been sun addled and I'm mistaken. They had to seek natural sources and these sources were quite limited in the ancient world.

It is entirely possible that a very old individual is alive today. It might no longer be wise to name him but suffice to say he is not only the spitting image of his great great grandfather but his ears are the same shape. He's probably a mere youngster born in the mid-17th century. You'd recognize the name. I don't have to stand by any of this since it's the ancients who believed in it and I merely researched it.

I really shouldn't mention that if you google the number of the beast you get a single hit and he's associated (loosely) with what might be the worlds largest supply of mefat. This is just a coincidence one would think. Khufu himself (as in Khufu's Horizon "G1") went on an expedition to gather mefat in the western desert. It's recently been found that this was most probably the site of a natural spring. Mefat appears to have been a constituent part of sandstone along with siderite and it's this siderite (similar to red ochre) which is mistakingly believed to be mefat. This was at Water Mountain and it was an arduous journey from Heliopolis. The PT also suggests there was copper sulphate as well as a few other things like hydrogen sulphide and sand that came up in the water. The accretion occured on the primeval mound (philosophers stone) and was known as the ben ben. It was called the "sandbank of horrible face bringing water".

[Image: 794px-Fly_geyser.jpg]

Sure, it all sounds crazy but it ties together all of human history and shows how we managed to get out of the caves.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]
This is very strange. I was backing through what I knew about '666' within the last 48 hrs unrelated (obviously). It's more than a little disconcerting.

Thanks for the breadcrumb trail. I'm on it.
You'll never find it with 666.

I have it on fairly good authority that the number is 616 and the means of googling it is not very intuitive.

I'll check and see if the hit is still there.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]
The real number is 616.


It's gone. This will make it impossible probably.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]
616 From the P115 fragment yes? I couldn't make head or tails out of it.

Edit: Or the Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus?
Do you feel like talking more about the shape of ears?

My figs will be ripe soon.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(08-08-2012, 01:44 AM)Riotgear Wrote: 616 From the P115 fragment yes? I couldn't make head or tails out of it.

Edit: Or the Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus?

Very interesting.

I knew nothing of this and wasa simply told by an amateur Bible scholar he thought the number was really 616. And another had suggested that it should read "six one hundreds on ten and six" which sounds like a misunderstanding of binary to me. "10010010010010010010111111"
[Image: egypt_5.gif]
(08-08-2012, 01:47 AM)Riotgear Wrote: Do you feel like talking more about the shape of ears?

I just learned this recently and haven't had time to confirm or observe the facts but in trying to identify individuals I found that it is believed that the shape of the ears is nearly as individual as fingerprints and doeasn't run extremely closely in families. I don't know but when comparing old drawings, photographs, and modern pictures of a certain European family there is one ear that seems to span the centuries. This is a very large very wealthy family. Of course this can be simple coincidence and the inherited ability to make money. Or maybe the patriarch has had a few century headstart on everyone else. I don't suppose I don't really believe there is anyone alive today older than 120 but if there is this would be he.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]
(08-08-2012, 06:22 AM)Duchess Wrote:

My figs will be ripe soon.

are you ovulating?
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

(08-08-2012, 06:22 AM)Duchess Wrote:

My figs will be ripe soon.

I wouldn't do it and if you do I'd shop around. You don't know what you're getting and there's little chance it will work even if you have the sycamore fig. It's easier to just sell silicon and it's too expensive to test.

But work this into the soil and maybe in a few years...

If I could be sure of what I'm getting and capable of it I'd start growing something right away. Then I'd start analyzing the Egyptian sandstone and making sure I'm on the right track. If there were positive results I'd worry about mass production.

I don't know how strongly I believe any of this but I very strongly believe our ancestors were highly intelligent and believed in this based on their own science which is completely different than ours. I suppose the disconnect is simply the fact that it's so incredible it's hard to believe.

It's all so simple and all it took to discover it was to believe the ancients weren't superstitiuous and to actually read what they wrote. Everything flows from their words. All of human history is explained. How fantastic can this be? A logical man has to suspect confirmation bias even if all the facts want to fit. There are two factored that reduce the odds that it's just confirmation bias. The big one is that this could not have been done by any man alive today or in thousands of years without the computer. Why wouldn't someone stumble on it early in the computer age. The second is that the implication of it all being true is that the language changed in 2000 BC which is the primary reason it became lost and hidden in the first place. The few loose ends were cut off by modern religions which arose in 2000 BC to try to preserve the ancient knowledge and then morphed into trying to suppress both the ancient "religion" they mistook as paganism and the women who worked to preserve the practical aspects of ancient knowledge (witches).

How ironic can it be that everything just makes perfect sense once it is accepted that it's modern man who is the superstitious bumpkin speaking a confused language and the ancients were wise and "intelligent"?

Somehow it all seems so poetically perfect that it must be real.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]
sheesh Clad. i can see why the ancients may have ascribed magical attributes to an innocent fruit. figs are lush and sweet and sensual and warm from the sun and one of my FAVORITE things in the world! damn you! hah

[Image: FigTree1.jpg]

they are also uterine-shaped , heavy and the interior is like the rich fertile interior of a womb.
