Middle Finger Wrote:I don't think material in this "Non-Mock" forum should be protected in the sense that people can't copy and paste it, or reference it, to mock. I have zero interest in protecting talk here as a general rule, and the only reason I would ever consider a new forum like this amongst our forums here at Mock is so that it can be used against people.
Otherwise, this site can lose its mock flavor and become Mock Light. This attitude decreases my hesitation. That's just what I wanted to hear, boss man.
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In my mind, all the new forum area would provide is a place where people can have serious conversations free from name-calling, harassment, insults, and mocking.
Anyone can use their words against them on the site, openly. Just not in that particular forum.
That is how I could see it going down. Otherwise, people just tough it out and ignore what they want.
I see the pros to both ways.
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Sinister Wrote:Liquid Wrote:MF - Could we call this new area "For Bitches and Whimps"
IF it is made, I like this idea, or something similar. Good call, Liquid. ::thumbs::
I'd want it invisible to lurkers, too, by the way. Like the members only area. The Sally Sofa?
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MF and sinCUNTer;
Here is my suggestion expanded. To keep it simple for you MF, why not create a new category called:
Bitches and Wimps
-->Subforum - Movies, TV & Music
-->Subforum - Daily Life
-->Subforum - Everything Else
Just a thought to put all "tame" non-mocked material in one simple section with subforums that encompass all potential topics.
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I just think its a little lame to come here for "tame"
That is all.
Duchess Wrote:I don't care that this is Mock...I don't care that I'll be incinerated for this comment...I'm horrified that Z is going to be reading this crap...It's like a goddamn black cloud hovers over Mock every time this crazy bastard enters. You don't think Zenith knows she is as black as the ace of spades? She lives in fucking Detroit. She lives in a city that is the most crime-filled city on earth. A city that is almost exclusively Negroid.Negroes are by and large uneducated, criminal, and a drain on the economy. If she has an IQ over 40 she has to know her race is a lesson in abstract failure. We are all seeing what happens when Whites do not own Blacks. Look at South Africa. Since the White minority gave that country back to the Black majority; it has been riddled with crime and poverty, and the currency has failed against each and every other currency on earth. Blacks are lower animals. They need to be cared for like a dog or a cat.
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I will just admit that racism is my kryptonite. It makes me all ready to fuck someone up. MooseFucker, I honestly hope that your racial mock's are just play, and if they are not, I hope you get ironically killed in a drive by by some black gang kid. It'd serve you right.
Middle Finger Wrote:In my mind, all the new forum area would provide is a place where people can have serious conversations free from name-calling, harassment, insults, and mocking.
Anyone can use their words against them on the site, openly. Just not in that particular forum.
That is how I could see it going down. Otherwise, people just tough it out and ignore what they want.
I see the pros to both ways. People already have a lot of rules about decorum on your other site, 24. If they want to talk in a forum free of mocking; they should go to that site. If you make a set of rules removing mocking on any portion of a mock forum; you are a fucking idiot.
Momster Wrote:I will just admit that racism is my kryptonite. It makes me all ready to fuck someone up. MooseFucker, I honestly hope that your racial mock's are just play, and if they are not, I hope you get ironically killed in a drive by by some black gang kid. It'd serve you right.
So you openly admit that most Blacks are thugs? ::lmao:: Did you know that any time you randomly think of three Black males in USA; that two out of the three are either in prison, in jail, on parole, or on probation? 13% of the population; but 90% of the thugs.
AnonyMoose Wrote:13% of the population; but 90% of the thugs. Actually, the correct stat - and I have researched this myself - is blacks make up 14% of the population and commit 44% of the violent crime.
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AnonyMoose Wrote:Momster Wrote:I will just admit that racism is my kryptonite. It makes me all ready to fuck someone up. MooseFucker, I honestly hope that your racial mock's are just play, and if they are not, I hope you get ironically killed in a drive by by some black gang kid. It'd serve you right. So you openly admit that most Blacks are thugs? ::lmao:: Did you know that any time you randomly think of three Black males in USA; that two out of the three are either in prison, in jail, on parole, or on probation? 13% of the population; but 90% of the thugs. No, I don't openly amit that I think that. I know that there are gangs, and I hope you get shot by a black guy. That is all. I wouldn't be upset if you got shot by a white guy, a mexican guy, an arab, an italian, a japanese or chinese guy either. Or a woman. But I would hope you were shot by what you mock.
Momster Wrote:But I would hope you were shot by what you mock.
So far I have mocked SAHM's, bikers, the poor and lower middle class, the uneducated and academically uncredentialed, Christians, Citizens of United Kingdom, and most recently African Americans. Probably some otherfolkstoo. Which of those groups of readers on this forum do you prefer shoots me?
I fucking own EACH AND EVERY ONE of you idiots. Everypiece of stinky bait I throw out thereends upwith you fucktools fighting each other to put the hook in your mouth first. I thought there would be other good mockers on this board; but truly the only ones that even understand the concept of this board seem to be OP and Sinister. Even the fucking idiot owner of this site doesn't understand his own board. You all gave me the bestpresent a person could ever have - an endless supply offish to shoot in a barrel.
Sinister Wrote:AnonyMoose Wrote:13% of the population; but 90% of the thugs. Actually, the correct stat - and I have researched this myself - is blacks make up 14% of the population and commit 44% of the violent crime.
I said 90% of the thugs. That is an objective statement. 9 out of 10 people that wear those pants down to their knees and dress in 20 lbs. of cheap gold plated jewelry are Nig-Nogs. And it's 13.7% of the population and I dropped off digits less significant than the decimal place.
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AnonyMoose Wrote:Momster Wrote:But I would hope you were shot by what you mock.
So far I have mocked SAHM's, bikers, the poor and lower middle class, the uneducated and academically uncredentialed, Christians, Citizens of United Kingdom, and most recently African Americans. Probably some otherfolkstoo. Which of those groups of readers on this forum do you prefer shoots me?
I fucking own EACH AND EVERY ONE of you idiots. Everypiece of stinky bait I throw out thereends upwith you fucktools fighting each other to put the hook in your mouth first. I thought there would be other good mockers on this board; but truly the only ones that even understand the concept of this board seem to be OP and Sinister. Even the fucking idiot owner of this site doesn't understand his own board. You all gave me the bestpresent a person could ever have - an endless supply offish to shoot in a barrel. hmmm, I suppose I am middle class. What monetary bracket sticks you there? I guess I could shoot you myself!
Sinister Wrote:Middle Finger Wrote:I don't think material in this "Non-Mock" forum should be protected in the sense that people can't copy and paste it, or reference it, to mock. I have zero interest in protecting talk here as a general rule, and the only reason I would ever consider a new forum like this amongst our forums here at Mock is so that it can be used against people.
Otherwise, this site can lose its mock flavor and become Mock Light. This attitude decreases my hesitation. That's just what I wanted to hear, boss man. I like that, actually. ::stir::
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Moose...Are you crazy ?...Do you look demented ?...Do dogs run from you & babies burst into tears as you pass by...Do flowers wilt when you give them a glance ?...Darling, do you have horns ?
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Duchess Wrote:Moose...Are you crazy ?...Do you look demented ?...Do dogs run from you & babies burst into tears as you pass by...Do flowers wilt when you give them a glance ?...Darling, do you have horns ? Ewe spelt herpes wrong.
Momster Wrote:hmmm, I suppose I am middle class. What monetary bracket sticks you there? I guess I could shoot you myself! The middle class is actually a blend of monetary bracket, education, and employment. You could shoot me yourself if you had the IQ to even figure out who I am. I highly doubt you could locate your car keys, let alone someone on the internet.
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AnonyMoose Wrote:Momster Wrote:hmmm, I suppose I am middle class. What monetary bracket sticks you there? I guess I could shoot you myself! The middle class is actually a blend of monetary bracket, education, and employment. You could shoot me yourself if you had the IQ to even figure out who I am. I highly doubt you could locate your car keys, let alone someone on the internet. Oh Moose. You don't know me at ALL.