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Russia no gay - da?
Stephen Fry (google him I'm not doing your fucking homework) says the UK should boycott the 2014 winter olympic in Russia because of new “anti gay” laws.

In Russia you now cannot give anyone under the age of 18 any information about homosexuality whatsoever, you can't even tell them it actually exists by law.

What say you mockers?
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
I say, I've gotta get some work done soon. Been 'effin off all day.

Regarding the OP, I read a related news piece with a pic recently which was ludicrous.

It was about a group of Russian gay-haters, six men, who meet regularly in a wilderness location to strategize.

They were all shirtless perched on a rock in the photo (wish I could find it again) and every one of them looked totally closeted. The old saying, "we hate in others what we most fear in ourselves" came to mind.

I think it's backwards thinking and a backwards discriminatory law that will only hurt Russian society. Idiocy.

Do I think anyone should boycott the Olympics over it? I don't. Why hurt the athletes that have trained their lives to compete. JMO.

However, there are many restaurants and bars here in San Francisco (and I take it all over the country/world) that have been banning Russian vodka for a few weeks now.

With the Russian anti-gay law officially passed, I imagine more will join the bans and I think that's a better way to protest. Hit 'em in the pocketbook, make a statement, and give a more progressive country's brand a chance.
As much as I love Stephen Fry I don't think the Olympics is the place to make that sort of political statement. The whole point of the Olympics is to transcend our differences. You are not going to change the law there by boycotting a sporting event.
(08-07-2013, 05:21 PM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: In Russia you now cannot give anyone under the age of 18 any information about homosexuality whatsoever, you can't even tell them it actually exists by law.

That really is archaic & only reinforces my belief that they are backwoods there.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(08-07-2013, 05:55 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: It was about a group of Russian gay-haters, six men, who meet regularly in a wilderness location to strategize.

It's all your fault. I suggest people don't google "Russian gay men wilderness images". Jesus. I didn't find your picture but I got an eyeful.

Hey Russia!!! It's 2013!!! What a backwards move (excuse the pun).

President Obama has added his voice to a growing chorus of international leaders and sportsmen concerned that Russia's new anti-gay laws could be enforced at the 2014 Sochi Olympics.

The laws ban "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations," making it a crime to openly discuss gay rights and relationships where minors can overhear.

"I think [Vladimir] Putin and Russia have a big stake in making sure the Olympics work," Obama told Jay Leno during an appearance on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" on Tuesday night. "And I think they understand that for most of the countries that participate in the Olympics, we wouldn't tolerate gays and lesbians being treated differently."

The International Olympic Committee has said the laws will have no influence on anything that happens during the Games but Russia's sports minister seemed to contradict that in recent comments.

I think Russia needs to agree to refrain from enforcing its anti-gay laws at the Winter Olympics. Otherwise, I like THIS suggestion that I picked up from the Huffington Post.

To make a real statement, to send a message to the Russians that these laws cannot stand, the IOC has to go a step further. Instead of the rest of the world refusing to go to Sochi, there's one step that the IOC can take that will land a wake-up slap on the face of the Kremlin: Ban Russia from competing in their own Winter Olympic Games.

Why debate the exclusion of American, Canadian, British and other athletes when it's Russia that's in violation here? The new Russian law is in clear and direct conflict with the Olympic Charter, creating a system of discrimination that forces LGBT athletes into a life of fear and isolation. "The practice of sport is a human right," the charter reads. "Every individual must have the possibility of practising sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play." That's not just an isolated sentence in the midst of dozens of charter pages; it's right up front, in the section called "Fundamental Principles of Olympism." That's "fundamental" as in "essential to the existence of the Olympics." And the Russian law doesn't just violate one word or one clause of the Olympic Charter; it violates the entire statement. The law doesn't just punish Russian athletes; it subjects competitors from every nation to discrimination and flies in the face of the Olympic spirit.
Commando Cunt Queen
Obama needs to "out" Putin.

For world peace.

[Image: vladimir+putin+wading+shirtless]
(08-07-2013, 06:35 PM)username Wrote:
(08-07-2013, 05:55 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: It was about a group of Russian gay-haters, six men, who meet regularly in a wilderness location to strategize.

It's all your fault. I suggest people don't google "Russian gay men wilderness images". Jesus. I didn't find your picture but I got an eyeful.

I searched again, but couldn't find the piece either.

Putin's homophobic laws are just bound to encourage more of this kind of bullshit, too:

A Russian neo-Nazi group is allegedly torturing homosexual youths by using a social network to find them.

The campaigns, called ‘Occupy Pedophilyaj’ and ‘Ocuppy Gerontilyaj’, have been launched by former skinhead Maxim Martsinkevich, according to an LGBT rights group.

The Spectrum Human Rights Alliance (SHRA) alleges that the group claims to identify and report paedophiles but instead use it to target teenager who reply to same-sex personal adverts.

[Image: article-2379967-1B057CD7000005DC-137_634x312.jpg]
This Facebook picture reportedly shows a Russian neo-Nazi group that attacks gay teenage boys who they find online.

Read more:

I think the guys in the story/pic that I saw last week were from a branch of this asshole Martsinkevich's movement.
(08-07-2013, 07:17 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: [Image: vladimir+putin+wading+shirtless]

Hmmmmmm....get “her”!

Yoo hoo comrade!

Now all he needs is a gay musketeer outfit and his transformation will be complete.

Sixfootersex? Do you think Putin gives or receives? You are the resident expert after all.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.