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Jesus Christ, another horror story involving high school kids.

Glad that LE got to the suspects quickly on this one and have phone video of the assault as evidence.

A 16-year-old's visit to a Hollywood, Florida home turned into a nightmare when a pack of five teens (3 boys and 2 girls) descended upon her, dragged her by the hair, kicked and punched her, then held her down while she was raped in a videotaped assault, police say.

The three boys and two girls, ages 15 to 19, have been charged with felony sexual battery and false imprisonment.

The rape suspect, Jayvon Woolfork, 19, stood next to one of his alleged accomplices, Lanel Singleton, 18, in tan jailhouse scrubs, their wrists cuffed behind their backs, as a judge ordered them jailed without bond Monday morning. They're both adults and both have previous records for burglary and assault.

[Image: 600x371]
Accused rapists, Jayvon Woolfork and Lanel Singleton

The three accused minors, also from South Broward High -- Patricia Montes, 15, of Hollywood; Erica Avery, 16, of Coconut Creek; and Dwight Henry, 17, of North Miami Beach -- will be held in juvenile detention for 21 days while state prosecutors decide whether they will be charged as adults.

When the girls, Montes and Avery, were picked up by police, they admitted to the beating but denied stripping the accuser of her clothes. Montes' cellphone, however, contained several video clips of the attack, including the forcible removal of the girl's clothing.

According to police reports, the violent encounter occurred at about 7:30 p.m. Friday at Woolfork's home in the 1600 block of McKinley Street. Police say Montes asked the girl to Woolfork's home, where they listened to music and watched TV until Woolfork, Singleton, Henry and Avery joined them from another part of the home and demanded that the girl have sex with "Jay" or face a beating.

When she refused, they punched her, kicked her and dragged her by the hair into the backyard, where they pushed her down stairs and smashed her head on the concrete.

When they dragged her back inside, Henry allegedly blocked the front door and said: "If you leave, I am going to f--- you up!" She was next dragged into a bedroom, where the teens stripped off her clothes and held her down while Woolfork raped her.

The minor victim (not being named) took off to her grandmother's house nearby and grandma called police Saturday morning.

When police met with the girl at 7:18 a.m. Saturday, she was covered in bruises, had broken bones in her face, had "extreme swelling" of both eyes, blood coming from her left ear and was in and out of consciousness. She was taken to an emergency room. She was unable to name or describe her attackers, but she identified Woolfork out of a photo lineup.

Hollywood Police Chief Frank Fernandez said Monday that his concern is that this isn’t the first time that this group victimized someone.

“This type of violence does not happen overnight,” he said. “Repeat victimization is very possible in this case.”
Fernandez said detectives are looking into everything – including whether there are more victims.

We got a special kind of animal down here, thats for sure.
Read this one this morning, hard to believe there were 2 young girls in on this
Hang all of them
Wow. WTF is wrong with these kids? They are not even smart enough to not have evidence on their phones. I do not see how the prosecutor cannot charge all of them as adults. Charge then as adults and throw the book at them.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Yup... let the townspeople have at em. This is disgusting, that poor young lady. :( Don't even know what to say sometimes.
These kids have been taught they are above the law... it begins early on. I think this is a part of the newer bullying rules in schools. Kids can't fight back. Everything is he said/she said, snitching, retaliation. Once they get to a certain point they have no concept of right/wrong/ becomes a fucking game. Can't see beyond their noses if they can even see that far. Fucking idiots.
(11-05-2013, 09:42 PM)Spomd Wrote: Yup... let the townspeople have at em. This is disgusting, that poor young lady. :( Don't even know what to say sometimes.

That's just it. So much if this crap goes on that when I read the stories I just have no words really. This world is so fucked up.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
there ain't much point in keeping people who do this shit alive, are they ever going to become better people? I doubt it, are they ever gonna care? sure... but they only care that they got caught. cunts.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

The two girls involved (Patricia Montes and Erica Avery) are only charged with one count each of felony battery? Those little cunts lured the victim there, held her down and beat the crap out of her and only get one count? They forced her to perform a sex act on Woolfork and its only battery. Dear God, what the hell are the prosecutors thinking? Those bitches should be locked up for 20 years for this.
How about throw them in with the prison lesbians for a night or two? That would give them a little perspective
They're damn animals. All of them. Actually, that's an insult to animals.

Some people put a lie to the whole concept of human beings being some higher species.

The one guy looks like he got a shiner some time before his mug shot. It's a very small start but I was happy to see it.
Commando Cunt Queen
(11-06-2013, 03:40 PM)Cheyne Wrote: The two girls involved (Patricia Montes and Erica Avery) are only charged with one count each of felony battery? Those little cunts lured the victim there, held her down and beat the crap out of her and only get one count? They forced her to perform a sex act on Woolfork and its only battery. Dear God, what the hell are the prosecutors thinking? Those bitches should be locked up for 20 years for this.

The two teen girls and the third teen male have all been charged with 2 counts each of felony armed sexual assault and kidnapping and they are all being charged as adults, Cheyne. Serious shit.

Broward circuit judge Lisa Porter was not sympathetic, in the least, to the defense attorneys trying to minimize the crime. She watched the video in her chambers and then told the court it was one of the most sick and depraved acts she's seen during her time on the bench.

The judge set bail for the girls at $100k each; they were released on $10k bond and required to wear ankle bracelets under home-confinement, with no internet access.

Here are the little bitches (they look a lot alike)
[Image: article-2512062-1996D5FE00000578-936_634x399.jpg]

Erica Avery, 16 (tongue out).
She had to be admonished during the hearing for rolling her eyes and generally acting like a smug little asshole.
Patricia Montes, 15.

She was the victim's best friend since kindergarten. The victim claims Montes invited her to the house that night to chill with friends after they'd had a falling out over a guy. Montes set her up for the beat down and rape.

[Image: article-2509433-197D15F700000578-165_306x423.jpg]
^ Dwight Henry, 17 is the third male, facing the same charges.

They look like little bitches. No remorse at all.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Stupid mudshark whores. Burn the whole lot of them
I have to agree with both Rams and Six.
Thanks for the update HotD. My opinion doesn't change one bit, 20 years at least for the bitches that set the rape victim up.

There is a video here that shows the mothers of these bitches. Avery's mother looks like a fat whore with her bleach blonde hair and raccoon eyes, while Montes' mother looks like a Meth head.

Where were the mothers when the little bitches were luring the victim? These chicks are 15 & 16 for Christ sake, living at home with their family.
Aww the little bitches cried.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
(12-08-2013, 06:09 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: The two teen girls and the third teen male have all been charged with 2 counts each of felony armed sexual assault and kidnapping and they are all being charged as adults

That's awesome to read! I haven't watched the video yet but I intend to. I want to see what kind of women raised these girls.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Trailer Trash, thats what kind.
Hope the judge leaves the bond where it is