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Sup fuckers?
That's mean!

It makes me so mad and it ain't pretty!!

I'm leaving!!!

(Gotta do an airport pick up in 30 minutes; feels like my head's gonna explode so I'll be taking the speed bumps real slow.)
(04-06-2014, 06:29 AM)crash Wrote: Doesn't want to be here; can't stay away. Pathetic. But I guess it was always plain to see..

He pulls this shit everywhere he goes. He'll be back...he can't help himself.
(04-06-2014, 10:22 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: picture-post dares

Nailed it.

As soon as BG posted that he stfu quicker than a Jews' wallet.
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
I have finished my taxes. They're still going to file an extension but last year, they asked me for estimates of EVERYTHING. I thought fuck it...this year, I'll give them pretty much the precise numbers, they can file the stupid extension, we can go over the return they ultimately prepare and submit it. First time in I don't know how many years I've had those accurate numbers in before September.

You're all fuckers. I don't know why I've missed some of you assholes but I have. *whines* I can't seem to get a minute of fucking peace and quiet or general goof off time lately. I can't even remember the last real vacation we took except for trips here/there around my daughter. I am close to getting a room at the local Motel 6 for a couple of nights, just by myself, to escape my family and just do whatever the fuck I feel like doing for a couple of days.

I'm still dealing with the crazy lady I adopted too. Harp
Commando Cunt Queen

User, dat u?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(04-06-2014, 02:30 PM)crash Wrote:
(04-06-2014, 10:22 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: picture-post dares

Nailed it.

As soon as BG posted that he stfu quicker than a Jews' wallet.

I think that was the last thread he posted in; maybe the last straw? Still can't see why anybody would be seriously pissed off about that, much less CN who had no problem calling people fat, ugly, etc...

Ah well, hate to see anybody leave, but if you're gonna go on and on about how much fitter you are than somebody else, I don't think it's surprising or unreasonable that someone would call you out and ask for pic proof.

IDK. Maybe FAHQTOO's right and he'll end up coming back. His choice. Just a little puzzling to me that he's reportedly so seriously pissed off about anything that was posted -- he's dished out much worse and nobody's cried virtual PTSD in response.
I apologize if I ran someone off. Didn't realize the interwebz was such serious business.
(04-07-2014, 12:40 PM)Blindgreed1 Wrote: I apologize if I ran someone off. Didn't realize the interwebz was such serious business.

You didn't do anything wrong and if he ran off because of a pic-post dare, then PFFFT.

It might not have been that anyway, anybody's guess as to which of the very serious goings-on here contributed to his reported "mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore" attitude.

It's really pretty outside today and already warm here. Still in grey sweats, moccasin slippers and a dopey looking pony tail though. One more cup of coffee...
I thought Aussie was joking when she said he's mad as hell and it aint pretty. If he really is mad then he's even crazier than I thought.
He's even crazier than you thought. Pretty sure she was serious.
He's a big cry baby.

Imagine...crying over something on a Mock forum.

Didja hear that CN?'re a big crybaby pussy boy!!
(04-07-2014, 12:55 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: He's even crazier than you thought. Pretty sure she was serious.
So I guess I hurt his last feeling? The one he was saving for someone special? hah
(04-07-2014, 01:58 PM)Blindgreed1 Wrote:
(04-07-2014, 12:55 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: He's even crazier than you thought. Pretty sure she was serious.
So I guess I hurt his last feeling? The one he was saving for someone special? hah


It's not like he was new to the board or the mocking; he was here for years and years. And, it's not like anyone was trying to pull PI trolls or run him off the board or any such thing. I just didn't see anything other than him dishing it out and other people dishing it right back, and vice versa.

Oh, well. If he's seriously pissed off and doesn't want to be here anymore for whatever reasons, makes sense to leave. Will leave it with that on the subject of CN's departure.
He was gone for a few months before, too.

Maybe he's in jail?

Maybe he, ImaDick and Clang are on Pirate Island?
MS, sup fucker? Smiley_emoticons_smile

Was your island vacation too short or were you ready to get back to the grind?

Tan lines? Impressive golf scores?

(I've got tedious work in process -- stalling -- tell me something good?)
Actually, still here.

Waiting for clouds to clear to find out if we're heading to the beach (again).

Overdid the sun a couple of days ago.

I've got a nice red tan going on if you know what I mean.

Played golf twice and posted an 83 and a 90.

Trying to play once more.

Yesterday was cool, cloudy and a little wet. The coolest day I've ever experienced here.

Leaving late Thursday.

I was reading an old thread the other day and you had posted about never doing a luau again, has that changed? What have you been eating? Anything exotic?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Why the hell are you golfing in Hawaii, can't you get enough of that at home?

Has your wife found any fun people to hang out with there?

I wonder if she got any time for herself. I bet she has spent her entire vacation making sure the needs of others have been met.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
We met a nice couple from Sweden with three young kids.

They invited us to come stay with them.

Playing the Makai @ Princevillw right now. Go to Google images.

Absolutely stunning!