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(08-29-2015, 07:11 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: The posts here are on-topic as it stands, pappy.
You did in fact make direct claims that Hillary Clinton lied to the American people in regards to Benghazi, and you compared the Ambassador's and CIA actions in Libya to Iran-Contra (inspiring my question about Qatar - which is not a straw-man argument by any reasonable interpretation, but it doesn't matter). Moving on....
You brought up Benghazi and it is a relevant current topic in relation to Clinton since she'll be appearing before Gowdy and the House Committee again in October, and due to the related email/server investigation.
I've followed Benghazi in the aftermath of the tragic attacks. After 2 years of investigation by multiple agencies and grilling by congresspersons, here are the top level results from the GOP-led House Intelligence Committee Report released in Nov. 2014.
- The CIA and the military acted properly in responding to attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees. The CIA operatives were heroes.
- The allegations that a CIA response team was ordered to “stand down” after the State Department compound came under attack were determined to be false.
- The allegations that a military rescue was quashed were determined to be false.
- The speculation that that Ambassador Stevens and the CIA (for which Doherty was contracting) were involved in a secret operation to spirit weapons out of Libya and into the hands of Syrian rebels were determined to be false.
- The State Department, under Hillary Clinton's leadership, was aware of security concerns in the months leading up to the attacks and did not respond adequately or quickly enough to address those concerns (which I personally hold as a mark against her).
- There were conflicting reports regarding the attackers, activity/protests outside of the complex before the attacks, and many other factors. The possibility of an advance-planned terror attack was not released to the public quickly and Susan Rice continued to push the "Muslim video protest" to the public without mentioning other reported scenarios. However, no intentional deception was proven by anyone in the Obama administration. (I personally think Rice is inept and Obama was wrong in not dumping her.)
I don't believe that the GOP-led Committee would try to cover for wrong-doing by President Obama or Hillary Clinton -- not by a long shot. But, I can imagine many reasons why they might withhold or strategically position findings for other reasons.
If new or incriminating information comes out during the hearings in October, is discovered in the course of the email investigation, or is proven and made available by any other credible means, it may well affect my assessment (and many others') in regards to Hillary Clinton's viability as a presidential candidate.
I consider myself sufficiently informed to develop my own opinions on the topics you threw out, and I have no basis or motivation to compare my level of knowledge or enlightenment to anyone else.
But, perhaps your posts here have inspired some readers to search for information for the first time, and perhaps that will inspire them not to vote for Hillary Clinton. I'm not personally concerned about swaying other people's votes, but I understand that you are and that's certainly not a problem, pappy.
I have said repeatedly you are being lied to. The reports and stories you reference were prepared by the government or filtered through some agency of the government.
The men on the ground 1st hand account
Why were these men never called to testify? They were there when it happened.
13 Hours
Read their book, and remember even their book was processed through several government agencies before being approved for publishing. Maybe I am an idiot, but I tend to believe 1 st hand accounts over any government report.
I will give you this for free (off topic) during his press conference with Bowe Bergdahl's parents the Great BO {pbuh} said "we leave no one behind". Really?
Back on topic, these men have stated they were told to stand down 3 times. Who do you believe?
From the out set they reported no protests or demonstrations; they said they were under coordinated attack. Hell, the 1 st they heard about a video was when they got to Germany.
They say at the very beginning they requested close air support.
They fought on and off for 13 hours with no close air support. We leave no one behind? Would you be surprised if I told you the DOD has assets in the med 24⁄ 7 365? Fast movers could have been on site in minutes not hours.
Would it surprise you to know JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) has secret base in Africa? Assets could have been on site in an hour or less. Don't take my word for it look it up.
Would it surprise you to know one of the primary functions of all SEALs is that of Combat Controllers? The DOD acted properly?
Combat Controllers
Would it surprise you to know I don't believe one word any politician says?
Either aisle; the system is the problem. All congressional committees are a waste of time and money. I am reminded of the old MASH episode about them trying to get an incubator; the general holding the press conference spoke only in military acronyms. The best line from the general: "this is a press conference, the last thing I want to do is answer a bunch of questions." Truer words have never been spoken.
The difference between you and me is I knew these things on September 10, 2012. As the story unfolded I was 99% sure what we were being told was pure bullshit. When I saw the memorial presser at Dover on live TV I was disgusted; I did not need to wait for any report. I could guess the events; my guesses were closer to the truth than all the reports.
I don't know about you but I have buried several friends killed while in service to their country.
Kevin "Kodiak" Lundberg
John "JR" Hunter
Wilson "Sonny" Owens
to name a few. Look them up; see how they died.
Finally, I knew that every story you here on TV or read about in print or online there is a back story. The back story is the truth; that is what you need to look for. It can be elusive as hell some times, but dig till you find it . It will be worth the effort. PM me what you find out about Kodiak, JR and Sonny; I may share some of their back story.
Still want the Hellbitch as commander in chief? Remember this, Ambassador Stevens was her close personal friend; still want her now?
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(08-29-2015, 09:22 PM)pyropappy Wrote: Still want the Hellbitch as commander in chief? Remember this, Ambassador Stevens was her close personal friend; still want her now?
What you posted doesn't knock Clinton off my "maybe" list, pappy.
But, perhaps one or more of the few other members here who aren't already firmly anti-Hillary will weigh-in and have a different reaction to what you've posted.
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I will give you this for free too, the back story to Operation Gothic Serpent will piss you off even more.
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Operations from the George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton administrations don't piss me off and won't influence who I ultimately decide to vote for in 2016.
Anyway, I don't have a more or less favorable view of Hillary Clinton than I did a couple of days ago, pappy. She's still one of a few "maybe" candidates for me.
Thanks for the freebies though.
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(08-28-2015, 12:46 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I have 2 dishwashers. 
What are their names? Do they have green cards?
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(08-29-2015, 10:21 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Operations from the George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton administrations don't piss me off and won't influence who I ultimately decide to vote for in 2016.
It should, the people running those administrations and making the decisions will be the same ones back in power making those same bad decisions if their wife or son win.
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You should accept that I'm gonna keep weighing factors and thinking for myself pappy, regardless as to whether my views line up with yours.
I don't know why you can't share your opinion without telling others what they should think or do in the process, but it's gotten old for me.
Carry on...
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(08-30-2015, 12:30 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: You should accept that I'm gonna keep weighing factors and thinking for myself pappy, regardless as to whether my views line up with yours.
I don't know why you can't share your opinion without telling others what they should think or do in the process, but it's gotten old for me.
Carry on...
* Midwest Spy hopes this is where Hair Of The Dog finally says, 'I can't flap my gums anymore. I think I'll PM Midwest Spy some lingerie selfies.'*
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(08-30-2015, 01:27 AM)Midwest Spy Wrote: * Midwest Spy hopes this is where Hair Of The Dog finally says, 'I can't flap my gums anymore. I think I'll PM Midwest Spy some lingerie selfies.'*
I'll jump right on those lingerie selfies as soon as I finish the research projects and follow-up PMs assigned to me by pappy.
Cocky assholes.
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(08-29-2015, 10:26 PM)pyropappy Wrote: What are their names? Do they have green cards?
Vikings don't need green cards.
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Bernie Sanders really is on fire; he's only seven points behind Clinton in Iowa now.
Clinton has suffered a steady erosion in the number of people in opinion polls who see her as trustworthy as controversy has grown over her use of a private email account when she served as America's top diplomat.
However, 76 per cent of her supporters and 61 per cent of all likely Democratic caucusgoers say the email controversy is not important to them, the poll shows.
Only 28 per cent of all likely caucusgoers said the emails are at least somewhat important.
If she does become the nominee, about two-thirds of likely Democratic caucusgoers said they are 'mostly confident' that she can win the general election, according to the poll.
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(08-30-2015, 01:35 PM)Jimbone Wrote: Feel the Bern!
I've started seeing bumper stickers recently.
It's pretty amazing that he's grown such a following in only a few months, and not by bashing his competitors or pretending to be anything other than a socialistic. Good on him.
He was just asked by a reporter whether he thinks his surge in the polls signals that Clinton's campaign is in trouble. He said, "I don't know, but MY campaign is doing great."
Polls seem to indicate that he's right. Only 2% of his Democratic base indicate that they support Sanders in opposition to Clinton; the rest support his ideas.
A 73-year-old Independent who's getting a lot of young people revved up about politics for the first time. It's interesting to watch.
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All the Bernies I've ever known were pussies, I wonder if this guy is the same.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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(08-30-2015, 05:00 PM)Maggot Wrote: All the Bernies I've ever known were pussies, I wonder if this guy is the same.
I don't know; he's pretty cantankerous though and he is the longest serving Independent in Congress. He might have some big old wrinkly cajones.
I just read an Open Letter to Bernie Sanders by Ralph Nader -- Ralph's doling out campaign advice:
Some of the commenters are still pissed off at Ralph for running in 2000 and grudging on him for enabling the George W victory.
Trump announced today that he will be deciding "very soon" whether he'll run as an independent candidate too, and that he thinks a lot of people are gonna be very happy about his decision. Sounds like he's already decided; or maybe he's just trying to gain leverage within the Republican electorate? Anyway, if he does go third party, he could end up being to Hillary Clinton what Ralph Nader was to George W.
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I don't think the Donald has the mental stamina to ride this out. Am I grasping? I actually think he'll become bored with it all.
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(08-30-2015, 05:32 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I don't think the Donald has the mental stamina to ride this out. Am I grasping? I actually think he'll become bored with it all.
I was thinking about that the other day, what a pain in the ass running for Prez. But the gold ring on the merry-go-round is enticing.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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I really don't know whether Trump is serious and committed to following all the way through.
I tend to agree with Duchess and Cars; he'll find a reason to drop out.
Then again, I never imagined he'd garner a large and serious support base.
He's a wild card.
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Think about it Trump could rename a mountain or something.  Good Lord help us.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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(08-30-2015, 06:36 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: I really don't know whether Trump is serious and committed to following all the way through.
I tend to agree with Duchess and Cars; he'll find a reason to drop out.
Then again, I never imagined he'd garner a large and serious support base.
He's a wild card.
"Read my lips" (where have I heard that before?)
The Donald will make a bigger ass of himself then he is now, if there was any remote possibility of him getting the nod. He is to pompous to "drop out", so he'll make sure "the public" goes against his bid.
Carsman: Loves Living Large
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