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Posted this in Trump's thread, and now here again in Hillary's.
Just saw this on line this morning.
All is not lost for Hillary lovers.
On December 19th, the Electors of the Electoral College will cast their ballots.
If they all vote the way their states voted, Donald wins.
However, they can vote for Hillary if they choose, even in states where that is not allowed, their vote would still be counted.
So again, it Ain't over till it's over, or until the fat lady sings, which occurs first!
Carsman: Loves Living Large
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(11-13-2016, 02:00 PM)SIXFOOTERsez Wrote: I think the Electoral College is still valid and valuable. Its there to make sure that a few cities do not get to dictate to the rest of the country how it will be. I don't want new york or LA dictating anything to me in Texas or wherever I am
Also just a note, with the final tallies in it looks like Trump got the popular AND the electoral vote
Just read latest news feed on internet, and "The Hill," is reporting that the above news article quoted, 70 news, etc.....was/is a fake website....there has been a lot of false information put out there......and DT wants top secret clearances for his kids so he can set up a fake business wherein he will channel taxpayer money into his personal business accounts. The kids will oversea the US Treasury and the account will be called....Fools who Voted for me.......If there is no money to be made, DT will not be interested.....Again, I digress, DT didn't win the popular was another fake article, folks......I should clarify that the snarky remarks re his kids and making money off the taxpayers was all me and was my opinion alone.......and to BG, yes I am being a smart ass.
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(11-13-2016, 06:18 AM)Duchess Wrote:
The average Christian conservative is full of shit. I'm speaking in general terms only. These are not loving, accepting individuals, they are a bunch of judgemental assholes. I trust Mike Pence even less than I trust Trump. I might have to start mocking his homely, dowdy wife just so I can get some laughs outta this.
I am more disgusted at the Evangelicals than anybody. The great hypocrites of the planet. The loudest most judgemental self righteous mean sexist group. It's so sad, they are supposed to help people, give hope, help the poor. But all they love doing is poking their nose in politics and schmoozing with the vulgar rich.
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I think people who work for a cleaner better planet and advocate for animal rights and human rights have the true heart of God. If it's God's planet, then why don't they take better care of it. People who hurt and torture animals are the devil and deserve to die.
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Humans are like a virus. Mother nature has always taken care of her own and I've always believed the anti bodies will take us out at some point. It may take something good like an asteroid strike or something maybe a super volcano or an incurable disease but you just don't fool with Mother nature. People today think they are Gods. Time for a smackdown.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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There have always been people who think they're Gods -- people who think THEY should be able to legislate what other people do with their bodies and minds (by law or social pressure), people who believe that what they think is absolute in its rightness and long to see those who think differently suppressed, people who object to free expression by those who see the world differently..........shit like that.
The smackdown comes for those poor bastards every day of their lives, in the form of their own dissatisfaction. They can't adjust or control their own lives enough to just be responsible, content, individuals who let others do their own things, even when those others aren't harming them in any way (except in their own minds). They're busy-bodies who hide behind curtains of festering resentment because diversity is so threatening to them. But, I don't think they deserve to die for it or anything.
More well-adjusted and responsible individuals who care about human rights, animal rights, and protecting the planet to the extent possible for their children and their chidren's children......may well end up being equally doomed to Mother Nature. But, they're not a virus. And, they'll have led richer lives before the levy breaks. In my opinion.
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These people that commit atrocities to human beings or animals bring bad luck on themselves and eventually it will catch up with them. That Idi Amin ended up finding refuge in Jeddah in the middle east. But I tell you what, it's a spiritual place over there, it's amazing. You can quickly see peoples badness catch up with them, or higher up the food chain, people getting away with stuff.
But it is a place where bad things can happen to good people. They do not like dogs over there and there are feral cats everywhere.
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First, Happy Thanksgiving to all.
My "snowflake" niece stood fast to her conviction of boycotting the family gathering commerating the white man's blatant theft of our country, beliefs and way of life.
Trump's . . . NOT the pilgrims'.
One the plus side, she's in her "safe place" . . . with her cat.
I believe music heals . . . an escape from the trials and tribulations of life.
In the spirit of healing and "Escape", here's a chestnut, written by Rupert Holmes.
Feel free to sing along with the provided lyrics!
I've got 99 problems, but none will prevent me from being a healing agent for those who are still traumatized by the election.
I care and am there for you!
A campaign as nasty as it could be
And the only two choices left for us
Were Trump and Hill-uh-reee
When it was done for the world to see
The only "right" ones who called the race
Were Rush and Hann-uh-tee
Hillary! Hillary!
Girls were counting on you!
Hillary! Hillary!
Gays and Beaners, too!
Pundits and pollsters full of glee
'Cause no mortal man ever had a chance
Of denying . . . Hill-uh-reee
States turning Red that once were Blue
And Bernie was heard to say to friends
"Fuck her! She screwed me, too!"
Hillary! Hillary!
Comey was looking at you!
Hillary! Hillary!
Assange and D'Souza, too!
In spite of the millions she and Soros spent
Her "Ovary Office" will be occupied now
By a guy, a dude, a gent
The DNC is in a terrible mess
But the White House will have a "woman" soon
When Zero, puts Trump, in a dress!
Hillary! Hillary!
Women abandoned you!
Hillary! Hillary!
Black and white men, too!
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(11-25-2016, 03:34 PM)Duchess Wrote: Poor Hillary :(
It's gotta suck big time to compete so hard and lose, especially to the likes of Trump, but she's tough as nails professionally.
She should have paid more attention to the rust belt, but who knows if voters in those swing states would have gone for anyone but the change candidate anyway. MS was right; it's really rare for a party to win three or more straight presidencies and she was outwardly running for a third Obama term (with a side of Sanders).
Still, Clinton's popular vote exceeds Trump's by 2,000,000 now. Trump is poised to be the winner with the lowest or among the lowest percent of people's votes in history, and Clinton will be the loser with the highest percent of people's votes in history. I don't know if that makes it better or worse for Clinton, but it might result in a more serious non-partisan look at the election system and processes.
Clinton won't likely have earned 50%+ of the popular vote when all the ballots are counted; she will instead have won the plurality. I think the fact that Sanders and Trump were both Independents in reality + the fact that the 3 rd party candidates got enough votes to keep the top two contenders below a sign that the two-party monopoly is really weakening and future congressional and presidential candidates have a better chance of competing seriously without having to contort themselves under the Democratic and Republican umbrellas. That could be positive for Americans overall (if there's a greater push to help voters be more truthfully informed)...more options and, hopefully, less party-driven obstructionism.
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(11-25-2016, 11:21 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: It's gotta suck big time to compete so hard and lose, especially to the likes of Trump
You ain't kiddin'.
It hasn't been easy accepting that deranged clown as the next POTUS when he can't even be bothered to present himself as a grownup. He's a fuckin' embarrassment, he has no grace nor dignity, he's a big stinky fart hanging over America. I have no intention of ever showing any respect for him and I hope like hell that anything he does has no direct impact on my life. I hope those that now have certain rights don't lose them and I hope he doesn't fuck up the economy.
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Trump sure has helped my stock portfolio.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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(11-26-2016, 12:35 PM)Maggot Wrote: Trump sure has helped my stock portfolio.
I know the market is doing very well right now and I'm glad.
I'm not a petty person, when there is credit due, I will give it, even if I'm choking on it.
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(11-26-2016, 12:35 PM)Maggot Wrote: Trump sure has helped my stock portfolio.
Yep, mine too, the Donald is in, and still the SUN is shining!
And the Sun will come out tomorrow, and tomorrow is just a daaaay awaaaay!
The world didn't come to an end!
Carsman: Loves Living Large
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(11-26-2016, 03:40 PM)Carsman Wrote: (11-26-2016, 12:35 PM)Maggot Wrote: Trump sure has helped my stock portfolio.
Yep, mine too, the Donald is in, and still the SUN is shining!
And the Sun will come out tomorrow, and tomorrow is just a daaaay awaaaay!
The world didn't come to an end! 
I forgot to add, my portfolio has never been better in the last 8 years, then it is today!
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!
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(11-26-2016, 08:44 PM)Carsman Wrote: (11-26-2016, 03:40 PM)Carsman Wrote: (11-26-2016, 12:35 PM)Maggot Wrote: Trump sure has helped my stock portfolio.
Yep, mine too, the Donald is in, and still the SUN is shining!
And the Sun will come out tomorrow, and tomorrow is just a daaaay awaaaay!
The world didn't come to an end! 
I forgot to add, my portfolio has never been better in the last 8 years, then it is today! 
Well. thanks to George W., I no longer have a portfolio and I feel crappy with more crap running from my nose....but i just have one little thing to say....Fuckface's "policies," have not been implemented and if the market is reacting to him being the President-Defect, then it is just another sign that our country is still believing this fruitcake.....and his outstanding, experienced staff he will surround himself with when he is busy tweeting Rosie O'Donnell.....and lastly, President Obama's policies are still in effect so don't think the fat lady has sung quite yet.......
Oh, yes, just one little comment about World ending. Stephen Hawking recently stated that the end of civilization will come about within the next 1,000 years and yes, you say, you won't be around, but I am still concerned about the death of civilization....and he says it will happen because of nuclear war and/or lack of action re climate control....
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you are fucked up in the head.
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(11-27-2016, 12:47 AM)BigMark Wrote: you are fucked up in the head.
Well, not that it matters, but I think your entire body is fucked up, not just your head......