
He's pulling your leg.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Wanna bet?

I don't bet. But if I did, I would. hah
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(08-20-2017, 11:08 PM)BigMark Wrote: [Image: dirty-home.jpg]

That's a lovely kitchen.
It was Anthony Bourdain's.

The voices in my head keep telling me to . . . . . . . . .
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!

(06-09-2018, 12:56 PM)BigMark Wrote: Lets see the pic dude!

Not tonight. I have a headache.

If I had a smartphone or tablet I could easily take photos of the apartment right now. But all I have is a laptop with a built in webcam and I don't feel like carrying that around plus contend with a nosy brother and Dad and questions like "Why are you taking pictures of the apartment?"
(06-09-2018, 01:19 PM)BigMark Wrote: The dude had a leaky piss bucket for christs sake.

(06-09-2018, 01:25 PM)Duchess Wrote:

He's pulling your leg.

Nope. No leg pulling. I did have trashcan/piss buckets. But I was able to stop with the piss buckets.

Now its downgraded to red solo cups. A necessity with my old man bladder, dressing en femme, and sharing the bathroom with an 82 year old man who pees and or poops every 20 minutes.
Gatorade bottles work best.
(06-09-2018, 01:07 PM)Duchess Wrote:

I don't think it's as messy as he has claimed.

Its worse now. My brother keeps buying more stuff and storing it in the kitchen faster than he can sell it. We were supposed to clean the apartment this week that I was off for vacation but laziness, concerts, cigar nights and pig roasts got the better of us.
(06-09-2018, 10:40 PM)BigMark Wrote: Gatorade bottles work best.

I'll have to try that. My brother drinks PowerAde. Piss surprise,bro!

The voices in my head keep telling me to buy a powerball ticket! Guess I will.

(If I never come back on here again means I won!)
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!

(06-20-2018, 10:06 AM)Carsman Wrote: (If I never come back on here again means I won!)

You only come to Mock because you're not filthy rich? :(
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(06-20-2018, 12:50 PM)Duchess Wrote:
(06-20-2018, 10:06 AM)Carsman Wrote: (If I never come back on here again means I won!)

You only come to Mock because you're not filthy rich? :(

He'll be back. At least one more time. To rub it in our faces that he's filthy rich before jetsetting off to Europe and having wild sex with Swedish bikini models.
I come to mock because i'm filthy.

I hear your sultry voice in my head, you know who you are, yes you do, now . . . . I have to . . . . . .
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!

This is a key a key to a language that may soon overtake "ebonics"

0 = zero, nothin'
000 = nothin' (as seen in IOU 000)
1 = one, want
10C = Tennesse
10S = tennis
10SE = Tennesse
1CE = once
1DR = wonder
1DRFL = wonderful
1E6 = a million (calculator humor)
1E9 = a billion
2 = to, too, two (also start of any "to" sounding word, like 2DAY)
2 = Q (cursive Q) = cue, queue
22 = Tues. (Tuesday)
2DAY = today
2ISHN = tuition
2LN = toolin'
2LY = truly
2M8O = tomato
2N = tune
2Q = took you
2TH = tooth
4 = for, fore, four
4 = replacement for letters 'fo' in many words (e.g., 4ORD)
404 = not found (yes it's gone from esoteric web error code to slang-land)
411 = information
44UM = foresome
4EVR = forever
4K = fork (fuck)
4N = foreign
4NIK8 = fornicate
4ORD = ford
4PLA = foreplay
4Q2 = f$#k you, too!
4RE = Ferrari
4ST = forest
50 = Police, Cops (5-0, of Hawaiian heritage)
6 = sex
6A = sexy
6UAL = sexual
6UL = sexual
6E = sexy
6S = success
6SR = successor
8 = ate, ain't
9 = nein (no)
911 = emergency
A = eh (as in "eh buddy!")
A4 = afford
A55 = ass
AGN = again
AKA = also known as
AU = gold
AV8 = aviate
B = be
B8 = bait
B9 = benign
B10 = beaten
BA6 = basics
BB = to be, baby
BG8S = Bill Gates
BL8D = belated
BLK = black
BN = bein'
BOK = bouquet
BR8 = berate
BYU = bayou, by you (and, of course, Brigham Young University)
BZ = busy
C = see, sea
CC = (to) seize
CLA6 = classics
CMUTE = commute
CMXI = 911, emergency
CN = seein', seen
CP = sleepy
CR8 = crate
CRE8 = create
CRZ = cruise
CS = seas, sees
D = the (de)
D8 = date
D8N = datin'
D8R = dater
D9 = denyin'
DA = the
DD = to the
DMN = demon
DNIL = denial
DON = don't
DR = doctor
DRK = dark
DS = this
DU = do you
DVS = devious
DV8 = deviate
DZRV = deserve
EDUC8 = educate
EE = to ease
EL8 = elate
EL8D = elated
ENUF = enough
ERND = earned
EZ = easy
F = if
FASN8 = fascinate
F8 = fate
FKS = fucks
FN = fun
FREQ = freak
FX = effects, affects
FXION = affection
FXION8 = affectionate
FYT = fight
G = gee
GN = goin'
GND = ground
GR8 = great, grate
H8 = hate
H20 = water
HD =head
HM = home
HORM1 = hormone
HYT = height
I = eye, I
IR8 = irate
IX XI = 911, emergency
JMN = jammin'
JQ = Jack
K = ok ('kay)
KIX = kicks
KONX = connects
L = hell
L8 = late
L8R = later
LDY = lady
LEVN = leavin'
LL = to hell
LMTD = limited
LUV = love
LV = love
LVS = loves
LYT = light
M = am
M8 = mate
MF = mother#$@er
MOI = me (french)
MN = man
MN8 = emanate
MR = more
MT = empty
MUDE = mudder (as in mudder-f##er)
MV = move
MVN = movin'
MYT = might
MZLTF = mazel tov
N = and, in
N2 = into
N4C = enforce
N4CER, N4CR = enforcer
N4CMT = enforcement
NE = any
NE1 = anyone
N EMA = enema
NO = number (abbreviation: no.)
NOZ = nosy
NRG = energy
NT = night
NUTN = nothin'
NV = envy
NVR = never
NVS = envious
NYT = night
O = oh
OL = old
ONRY = ornery
OVR = over
PA = pay
PHKR = fucker
PNBL = pinball
PNDR = pounder
PP = pee pee
PRFXN = perfection
PWR = power
Q = cue, queue
QIK = quick
QRT = court
QS10 = question
QT = cute, cutie
R = are
R8 = rate
R8D = rated
R8RS = Raiders
RESQ = rescue
RETD = retired
RT = arty
RTCUL8 = articulate
RYT = right, write
RYTN = writin', rightin'
RZN = raisin'
SED8 = sedate
SN = soon
SNGR = singer
SOKEN = soakin'
SQP = scoop
ST8 = state
STR8 = straight
STR8N = straighten
SYCD = psyched
SYT = sight
T = tea, tee
TA2 = tatoo
TA2D = tatood
THRP = therapy
TM = time
TM8 = tomato
TNT = dynamite
TOTL, TTL = total
TRK = truck
TT = (to) tease
TTTT = tease (etc)
TYT = tight
U = you
U4IA, U4EA = euphoria
U4IC = euphoric
UDR = other ("udder")
UNEEK = unique
UR = your
UUUU = for you (four youse!)
W8 = wait, weight
W8R = waiter
WMN = woman, women
WYT = white
XIS = tennis
XLR8 = accelerate
XMN = examine
XMS = Christmas
XNTRK = eccentric
XNTU8 = accentuate
XS = excess
XTC = extacy
Y = why
YFS = wife's
YL = while
YN = wine (whine)
YQ = like you
YRS = wires
YY = (too) wise
Z = see, the
ZIPN = zippin'
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
I’m fortunate enough to know what a few people’s voices here actually do sound like. I always read their comments in their voice. My favourite is gone though; no more comments, just a distant memory of that voice.

The code words are missing one that I'm aware of: BIOYA

Blow It Out Your Ass hah
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!
