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Breast Feeding
ramseycat Wrote:Syber, while I think 2 is a bit old for BF'ing. 4 is just way beyond.
I agree. Most babies, when allowed to wean themselves naturally, wean between the ages of 1 and 1.5 years. I just 'assumed' that my son would do that as well, however it turned out that for some reason, he had more trouble eating solids than most children and he was a bit behind in that area, so naturally he has nursed longer.

I would feel more awkward about it if I had not done a lot of research myself into the issue, and discovered (as I said earlier) that it's recommended that they do nurse until at least 2. Truthfully, it's simply our culture that makes it into a 'bad thing'. I tried my best to find arguments against 'extended breastfeeding', and finally had to concede that I simply couldn't find any... aside from the obvious fact that eventually they ARE 'too old'.

Even for people who accept the idea of toddlers nursing (usually only at nap/bedtime by this age), they generally agree that nursing beyond toddler-hood is a getting weird.

Quote:I read that after 6 months breast milk no longer enhances the immune systems of babies.
I won't list a bunch of facts, but here is a link if you're interested

There are also many many more sources of information available on the internet if you're curious.

Quote:You do what you feel is best for your child. I will say that both of my boys are perfectly healthy and always have been and they were bottle fed from day one.
Of course, it's a private decision that each person has to make based on a lot of different factors. There are many aspects of the reality of being a mother that are quite different from what I had 'planned' to do as a mother. One never really knows what is going to work for them until they get there.

It's difficult to argue the benefits of breastfeeding (when possible) when even the companies who manufacture formula recommend breastfeeding over formula. I've seen sickly and stupid breastfed children and healthy, brilliant formula fed children. There are no guarantees, but generally speaking, like it or not, 'breast is best'.
SyberBitch Wrote:Why would it be more acceptable to nurse a baby in a waiting room than elsewhere in public? Personally, I always chose to cover myself when I had to nurse my son in a public place, but more power to those women who do not feel the need to do so. Why should they be ashamed of feeding their baby? Why do people think that a nursing calf or foal is 'adorable', but a nursing infant is offensive? It's ridiculous.
I've kept silent and just lurked in this thread because this isn't really an area I'm knowledgeable in. Though I do believe that a baby should be breast fed, and that around 1.5yrs or so is a good time to wean.

That said, I decided to jump in here now because I agree 100% with what I quoted. And not because I'm a guy and like tits, though I do. In fact, I don't find a nursing woman to be a very sexual thing. As Syber mentioned elsewhere... it is our society that has made this and other things related to breast feeding a 'bad thing'. Our society has made many natural things, including sex itself, into 'bad things'. And put connotations on them that do not belong. So... as I've said many times before in other situations... FUCK SOCIETY.
Fucking society would be a bad thing.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:Fucking society would be a bad thing.
Sorry Lumps, I'll rephrase just for you.

I think breast feeding is a wonderful, natural thing. But not when the baby is no long a baby. Just my opinion.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
sally Wrote:Oh no, there is gonna be a breast feeding fight on mock. You really let this place go to hell, Frank::laugh::
I think a breast feeding fight would end me. ::lmao::

I think the lack of mother's breastfeeding causes problems. As for 4, sheesh, at 4 they should be grilling the damn steaks or something.
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SyberBitch Wrote:Why should they be ashamed of feeding their baby? Why do people think that a nursing calf or foal is 'adorable', but a nursing infant is offensive? It's ridiculous.
When some of those women pull that breast out in public they look like nothing more than a brood mare...I don't want to see diapers changed either or people swapping spit & feeling each other up...Have some couth and go take care of business privately.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
My daughter just would not accept the tit, despite numerous attempts she just wouldn't take to it.

She grew up on formula and is perfectly healthy today.

I also don't believe in breast feeding for all the world to see, All this "its only natural" claptrap", yeah its only natural?, so is taking a shit, can I do that in the street?

Whats wrong with bottling your expressed breast milk before you come outside and feed the kid with the bottle?
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I also don't believe in breast feeding for all the world to see, All this "its only natural" claptrap", yeah its only natural?, so is taking a shit, can I do that in the street?
I don't believe anyone is arguing for the ability to relieve themselves in public and surely even you can see the difference between an infant nursing and a public display of bodily functions, such as taking a shit.

I believe that people are 'offended' by watching a baby nurse in public, more because of some deep-seated puritanical aversion to the reminder that we are actually animals. Seriously, WHY is it 'disgusting'? Is it because breasts have become such sex symbols, that everyone is embarrassed? People are terrified of some sexual reaction in themselves or their spouse? A fear that children will see a breast? (after all, they would never see one on TV). It's silly really. Heaven forbid a baby should be fed in public.

Quote:Whats wrong with bottling your expressed breast milk before you come outside and feed the kid with the bottle?
As I explained in an earlier post, that isn't always possible.
SyberBitch Wrote:because of some deep-seated puritanical aversion to the reminder that we are actually animals. Seriously, WHY is it 'disgusting'?

I know your quote was addressing OP but, I wanted to comment also.

I'm quite certain that I don't have any deep seated puritanical aversion to much, if anything, however, I look at breast feeding as a private act, something that shouldn't be done publicly around strangers, I feel the same way about PDA's that go too far
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Duchess Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:because of some deep-seated puritanical aversion to the reminder that we are actually animals. Seriously, WHY is it 'disgusting'?

I know your quote was addressing OP but, I wanted to comment also.

I'm quite certain that I don't have any deep seated puritanical aversion to much, if anything, however, I look at breast feeding as a private act, something that shouldn't be done publicly around strangers, I feel the same way about PDA's that go too far
I understand what you're saying, but have you ever examined why you feel that nursing a baby should be 'private'? Any more than feeding an adult should be 'private'? It's not a sexual act, it's not 'gross' in any capacity, it's simply feeding an infant as they were meant to be fed. Again, I never openly displayed my boobs when nursing my son in public, the times I had to do so, but that's just a personal choice. It doesn't bother me to see a woman nursing her baby and it confuses me as to why it bothers others.
SyberBitch Wrote:it confuses me as to why it bothers others.
I can't seem to come up with a reason why it bothers me...If I saw a guy latched onto your breast like that I wouldn't feel the same way, it would be very erotic...maybe it's because I see breasts as a sexual "thing" rather than a food source.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Duch, you really gotta watch your acronyms there. You put PDA and I'm thinking Personal Digital Assistant Smiley_emoticons_razz

In context it made sense, but it threw me for about 100th of a second. Sorry, must just be the geek in me, but I've not heard it referred to as PDA since High School when kids were getting written up for them. Though I think the school went a little far on it sometimes. Like a quick no tongue kiss as they part ways in the parking lot when they get to school deserves a write up with 2 or 3 days of detention? wtf??
Duchess Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:it confuses me as to why it bothers others.
I can't seem to come up with a reason why it bothers me...If I saw a guy latched onto your breast like that I wouldn't feel the same way, it would be very erotic...maybe it's because I see breasts as a sexual "thing" rather than a food source.
A lot of the discomfort with nursing in public seems to be linked to associating breasts with sexuality... which is fine if they are being displayed or used in that manner. Again, it goes back to cultural brainwashing. 'Breasts = Sex'

Men are 'allowed' to go shirtless in the summer, women have to at least cover their nipples, or they're considered 'indecent'. Sure, no one wants to see a woman walking around with ugly old saggy boobs, but plenty of men get away with it so that's no excuse either.

I went to a festival one time, where clothing was 'optional'. I wasn't really aware of that before I went, but it didn't really bother me. Quite a few of the women walked around bare breasted, some old, some young. I did not choose to do that, but wasn't bothered that they did. Maybe 2 or 3 men chose to walk around stark naked. That bothered me a little at first, but then I just ignored it. Funny that none of the women chose to walk around stark naked.
It doesn't bother me at all to see women nursing in public, it does bother me when the kid is old enough to walk up and grab your tit , however. Enough is enough, I don't think it's normal to have memories of being breastfed lol.
sally Wrote:It doesn't bother me at all to see women nursing in public, it does bother me when the kid is old enough to walk up and grab your tit , however. Enough is enough, I don't think it's normal to have memories of being breastfed lol.

Do you remember having your bottle/sippy cup/or even a meal when you were 2?

Most little ones can walk up and grab the tit by the time they're a year old, or very close to that.
SyberBitch Wrote:Well Ramsey, as a matter of fact, I had this exact same argument with the women in my mommy group a couple of years ago (maybe a bit longer, since I don't think my son was born yet). It turned out that I had to eat my words a little, since I argued that it 'wasn't natural' for a child to be breastfed past a year of age, and that was pushing it.

The women went on to prove to me, beyond a shadow of doubt, that not only is it natural, it's damned healthy for little ones to be breastfed until they are AT LEAST 2 years old, as supported by several medical/health associations, much research which is easily available online and even interspecies comparisons. Up until a year or so ago, I held that although I had to concede about the 2yr span, that anything past that was getting a little gross.

Now, here I am. My son turned two in March and he still nurses. Mostly for his nap and at night, but sometimes still during the day as well. I had vowed to myself that he would be weaned before he was two and I swear, every single time I seriously started the weaning process, he got sick. I don't think it's related in any way, but at least twice in the last six months, the fact that he still nurses has saved him from being hospitalized.

Not only is breastmilk still very high in nutrition, calcium and healthy fats for their growing mind and bodies, but it continues to help their immune system develop. In fact, human breastmilk has many incredible properties which have barely been studied to this point. It can even be used as an antibacterial agent.

He won't be nursing much longer, but I certainly don't feel 'bad' for allowing him to do so this long. I'm happy that I was able to provide this for him and only hope that it helps to give him some small advantage. There are so many perils in this world, I can't help but feel good about any help I have been able to provide him with.

And no doubt, this is my personal invitation to being severely mocked. ::finger::

yeah, but geez syber, he's 15, and my old man is 40! I don't care what you guys say, it's just not normal!!!

All bullshit aside- I agree- you are feeding the baby, and it's awesome that you can do that. It isn't hurting him at all. that's why he is so wicked smart.
fucking cunt bitch Wrote:yeah, but geez syber, he's 15, and my old man is 40! I don't care what you guys say, it's just not normal!!!

Quote:All bullshit aside- I agree- you are feeding the baby, and it's awesome that you can do that. It isn't hurting him at all. that's why he is so wicked smart.
He's a clever little feller, but most importantly he's my little punkin and I love him.

I can't believe a lot of women don't nurse their babies just because they are worried about their boobs sagging! How fucking vain is that?? If you have a kid, they're gonna sag anyway. May as well get some use out of the things. It's what they're there for, after all.

Like I said before:-

Whats wrong with bottling your expressed breast milk before you come outside and feed the kid with the bottle?

This reason alone proves conclusively that there is no practical need whatsoever for breastfeeding in public.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Like I said before:-

Whats wrong with bottling your expressed breast milk before you come outside and feed the kid with the bottle?

This reason alone proves conclusively that there is no practical need whatsoever for breastfeeding in public.

It can be very painful for some women to use the pump and sometimes it doesn't even work.

I think awoman can feed an infant in public without it being very noticeable, but no one wants to see a toddler hanging to your tit which I have seen quite a few times. There are just as many studies saying it is healthier tostart weaningby 7 months.