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Where have you been?

Ramble Alert 104

I'm atropical kinda gal. I've been to the Bahamas twice, Jamaica once and Cancun once.

So I'm watching House Hunters on HGTV and they're having fantasy destination week. These destinations were picked by the viewers.

Other than one trip to the Bahamas, all of these vaca's were taken with my ex-boyfriend. We would pick our vacation from the Travel Channel when they would update their 10 best Caribbean Beach Vacations every winter.

Harbour Island Bahamas is on the show tonight and that is were we took one of our vacations. It has beenthe #1 pickon theTravel Channel for years. This place is know for it's pink sand beaches. So, we had to go there and see for ourselves if it was really pink. Fuck yes it's pink........some of it is bright pink. Absolutely beautiful no matter what the shade of pink.

We didn't actually stay on Harbour Island. We were on the Island of Eleuthera, about 5 miles away and had to take a water taxi to get there, but Eluthera had the pink sand too.

All in all, I wouldn't gothere again unless it was free. They rolled the streets up in the little villages at 5PM. This would only be good for someone that wants to do NOTHING more than lay on the beach and go back to your hotel and watch TV. No nightlife on this island to be found and everything is ridiculously priced. We found one souvenir shop on Harbour Island, and nothing was cheaper than $30, T-shirt wise. I highly recommend one of the big Islands of the Bahamas if you want night life, water sports and gambling.

Out of the 3, the Bahamas had the prettiest beaches, and clearest was crystal clear.

Jamaica was great for other things. Negril is the place to be in Jamaica for the better beaches and resorts. We bought a whole stick of Jamaican Gold, right on the beach, for $22. The same amount here would have cost $200. I love to bargain shop.

Cancun was great for the nightlife, but I would pick a different destination if I make it back to Mexico. Cabo, to see Sammy on his birthday sounds like fun. One of our local radio station goes every year on the week of Sammy Hagars birthday.........I think it would be a blast.

Out of the three, Mexico had the best hospitality and service. The Bahamas had the worst of all, especially on the lazy Island. Service was better on the bigger, tourist friendly Islands though. On the pink sand Islands, you had to wait for a fucking hour for scrambled eggs, toast and coffee. I was that way every where we went to eat. It was just that laid back.

Soooooo, where have you been and whatwould you recommend?

i loved the tropics, and lived in the keys for a while. it was only 40 miles to Bimini as the boat floats, so i have spent a lot of time in the caribbean. the crystal-clear waters and sea life called to me. but i got tired of the heat and hurricanes. my next trip would be to Europe. give me some historical sites, castles, art galleries, museumsand the ambiance of old countries, cities and architecture. give me "The Sound of Music", Rome, Tuscany,England, Scottish highlands, and Alps! supercilious froggies can keep Paris.

I've been to the Bahamas three times, Jamaica once. Took a Caribbean cruise and hit Granada, St. John, St. Lucia, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico.

I love the Caribbean and still keep in touch with friends made there.

I've gone across the country as far as Yellowstone and back by car. I like a good road trip. We have some of the most amazing things in this country and the people are absolutely great out there. But, I gotta say that NYC is always going to be home and there is truly no place like it anywhere in the world or this country! I regret moving out of the city and that's (and the economy) is what is keeping me from going to Florida right now.

I haven't been on vacation out of my own yard in 9 years now. Sucks too. When I was married we averaged 17 vacations a year. Most long weekends and short bike runs but we hit quite a few really cool places too on the long trips.
I've been to a lot of nice places in the US, but I've never been outside of the states. It's a long story, but my husband still doesn't have his citizenship so he's scared to leave the country even though he's a legal resident. We haven't even been on a cruise because he'safraid they won't let him back in ::rollseyes::.

Anyway, he's in the process of getting his citizenship nowand the first thing I'm going to do is book a damn cruise and then we'll plan a tripto Europe so he can see his family.
I hated the cruise! I loved every port and every island but the goddamn ship was awful!!!

I hated being 'stuck' on a boat with all those people. Most of all the worst was when you wanted to use the pool or hot tub, there were easily 200 kids in there making life miserable.

All you can eat? BULLSHIT. You pay for adult beverages and any beverage that comes in a bottle. Water MUST be purchased and you don't have a choice - it's Evian or nothing. Evian is the worst water - the only way I can describe it is it's not wet. You do NOT drink free ship water. Just don't!

Being on that ship was like walking around the Wall Street area at rush hour. They crowd the damn thing.

You'll need a passport now too. No more birth certificate and driver license ID to exit and enter the USA anymore. I think that went into effect last week.
Well maybe I'm not missing anything then. All ofour friends are always going on cruises, even our poor friends go on more vacations than we do for christs sake, and we are always juststuck here working and can't evenget a break from this buisness for 2 weeks Smiley_emoticons_stumm.
The Antagonist Wrote:I hated the cruise! I loved every port and every island but the goddamn ship was awful!!!

I hated being 'stuck' on a boat with all those people. Most of all the worst was when you wanted to use the pool or hot tub, there were easily 200 kids in there making life miserable.

All you can eat? BULLSHIT. You pay for adult beverages and any beverage that comes in a bottle. Water MUST be purchased and you don't have a choice - it's Evian or nothing. Evian is the worst water - the only way I can describe it is it's not wet. You do NOT drink free ship water. Just don't!

Being on that ship was like walking around the Wall Street area at rush hour. They crowd the damn thing.

You'll need a passport now too. No more birth certificate and driver license ID to exit and enter the USA anymore. I think that went into effect last week.
My idea of hell.
I've been to Greece but, I have no memory of it, not even when I look at old photos, a couple of my brothers hid me in the ruins & damn near gave my Mom a cornary, so I've been told...I've been back and forth to St. Croix several times but, that was business, not pleasure, I vacationed alone last summer back home, the most beautiful place in all the land & I want to take an Alaskan cruise .
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Sally, my Jamaica trip was to one of those all inclusive resorts in Ocho Rios - Couples. When they say all inclusive they mean just that.

We had a blast and the resort was beautiful. Request an ocean view and look for the grill cook out on the beach - Ansel. He's a good guy and a good friend.

What I like about the all inclusive resorts is you have NO worries while you're there. this also saves you money to go off the resort and do all kinds of things. Never go off the resort without a local guide.

Ansel and his wife took us all over the place at night, we had so much fun with them. I haven't talked to him in a long time, I really should send him a letter.

This is us there at Dun River Falls. It's a waterfall you can climb UP. We had a blast there. When you get to the top, there's this old blind guy playing the guitar for tips..... he must have made $50 US from us alone. He was great!
Wow, you're really cute!
You sound surprised! What'dya think I looked like?
You are cute and the all inclusive couples resort sounds nice. When we finally do go on vacation, the last place I want to be is stuck on a ship with 200 kids, I don't even want to bring my own two kids.
The Antagonist Wrote:You sound surprised! What'dya think I looked like?
Just normal... you look like a catalog model in that photo.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
The Antagonist Wrote:You sound surprised! What'dya think I looked like?
Just normal... you look like a catalog model in that photo.

I don't know about that but thanks. Smiley_emoticons_smile
The Antagonist Wrote:I've been to the Bahamas three times, Jamaica once. Took a Caribbean cruise and hit Granada, St. John, St. Lucia, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico.

I love the Caribbean and still keep in touch with friends made there.

I've gone across the country as far as Yellowstone and back by car. I like a good road trip. We have some of the most amazing things in this country and the people are absolutely great out there. But, I gotta say that NYC is always going to be home and there is truly no place like it anywhere in the world or this country! I regret moving out of the city and that's (and the economy) is what is keeping me from going to Florida right now.

I haven't been on vacation out of my own yard in 9 years now. Sucks too. When I was married we averaged 17 vacations a year. Most long weekends and short bike runs but we hit quite a few really cool places too on the long trips.
You're right about all the good places to see in the states Ant. When I was ten, we left Indiana and hauled a camper all across the west. No time frame since my dad was an independent truck driver. All 3 of us girls were stuck in the bed of the truck with our Doberman. My brother got to ride in the camper which was highly illegal.

We went everywhere. Yellowstone. We had just left Montana the day before and got stuck on the top of Yellowstone Mt. on the side of the dropoff and had traffic backed up both ways for hours. The carburetor was full of grasshoppers from Montana.

We went to Mt. Rushmore, the Bad Lands, Vegas, California, to Disney Land, the Grand Canyon and countless other places. Crossing the border into old Mexico was a treat, (on foot, my brother stayed back at the camper with the dog) people sleeping in the streets, people begging for was horrible from my 10 year old perspective, and scared the hell out of me. We got great deals from the huge Market Place we went to.

My mom kept a diary of everything we spent everyday. Gas was 47 cents a gallon in 1975.::laugh::

We were gone for 5 weeks and it cost about 2 grand. I wonder what it would cost today? That trip was 34 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. I would love to do it again before I die. I'm sure I would appreciate it a lot more today as an adult.

Been to the Smokies quite a few times it there.

The Antagonist Wrote:You sound surprised! What'dya think I looked like?

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We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Sorry to dissapoint you Carrot Top.
Ant, you are lovely! Smiley_emoticons_smile

as a kid i camped in nearly every state with my parents, sometimes months at a time. and weekends camped in the blue ridge mtns. those are some ofmy best memories, this is a diverse and beautiful country!

I've been to 42 of the 48 contiguous states. I hate PA. I loved LA. CA, AZ, NV, NM, TX I have no memory of, I was too young....
D Wrote:I hate PA.
I'm curious to know what you hated about it...It's so beautiful up there & the Lehigh Valley is utterly breathtaking.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]