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4th of July---'n shit
YesterdayAmericans showed their appreciation for all those brave people without whomindependence would not have been achieved....

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We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Middle Finger Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:
Duchess Wrote:And I'll be smokin' weed & floating around the pool.
At the Commons in our town there is a fair with games, food, and music. Then fireworks at night. It's a lot of fun. If it doesn't rain. Then I am going to Duchess's to hang in the pool and smoke. ::bigg::

That leaves 2 brain cells for vital functions. Please stay seated and have a strap-on chin drool cup ready just in case.
Aw come on Frank. You must have more than two brain cells left. But then again you do admit to smoking a lot of weed. I can't wait until your kids are old enough to get into your stash. Or you have to have the drugs are bad talk with them and do it with a straight face.

They've already learned about drugs, and more importantly, how to build good relationships by living in a house full of love, understanding, mutual respect, and consistency with two parents. Unlike your mess, which is practically guaranteed to fuck them up.

Ramsey child: Mom, where's Dad?
Ramsey: You mean the guy we call Dad now, the one inside with the hot cocoa?
Ramsey child: No, our real Dad. I don't remember a loving household.
Ramsey: Oh, that ... yeah, well, don't worry about it. Just don't smoke pot after your beer.

That was cute Frank. Nice deflection. If you don't think at some point your kids are not going to be able to tell you're stoned, think again. I never drink around my kids. Not saying that no one should, I am just not a big drinker. I am actually pretty proud of my boys since they both have said many times that they will never drink.

It's really too bad that you think being divorced means that I can't raise my boys in a house full of love, understanding, and mutual respect. I guess one parent isn't capable of that. How sad for all the children of divorced parents in this country.

FTR, I have never missed an open house, teacher conference, game, concert, or any of the things my boys participate in. I am the one that takes them to every doctor or dentist appointment. Does all their shopping. I am the one that does everything with for and with my kids. While working full time and taking care of a house by myself. Trash me all you like Frank. I bet you couldn't do what I do. ESPECIALLY stoned all the time.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
ramseycat Wrote:I bet you couldn't do what I do. ESPECIALLY stoned all the time.

I could accomplish greater judgment and marital teamwork than you any day of the week, even if I was stoned off my ass! I didn't say being divorced means you can't have good kids and a good family, I was specifically referring just to dopey soup chickens with poor judgment, like you. I apologize if that wasn't clear.

It's not like I smoke all the time, baby cakes. But when I do, adults have never been able to tell I was stoned - no one has been able to tell I am stoned - when I didn't want them to. But that aside, it's really immaterial. If you think you'd win some sort of family comparison test with my marriage and three kids, you'd be kidding yourself. Just like you'd be kidding yourself into thinking if my kids ever grew up and found out I (gasp) smoked some weed, that would compare to bringing them into this world with a broken dysfunctional family and an abusive asshole divorced father.

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I was not comparing my family with your's jackass. But I am not going to sit here and let you trash my family because I married the wrong man. Yes I made a mistake. I also did what I had to do to correct that mistake. And just FTR, the ex didn't start out being an asshole. It's not like from day one he was abusive and I said hey, this is the man for me.

You must feeeellll soooooooo good about yourself. Yea, let's rag on a women that was married to an abusive man. Let's rub that in over and over again. But don't say anything about how she got herself out of it and has managed to turn that around into a decent life for herself and her kids. DESPITE having an abusive alcoholic ex.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Right, I am mocking you. It's always felt good to rag on you because you are annoyingly dopey and poor at being dramatic even though you try hard.
86 112
MF, don't you know you're not supposed to mock anyone here? I mean after all it's a MOCK forum.
Ramsey has no idea how stupid she looks when she gets upset about who is ragging on who and over what.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:Ramsey has no idea how stupid she looks when she gets upset about who is ragging on who and over what.
No one on this forum has the capacity to upset me. I rag back BECAUSE it is a Mock forum. Funny how when I get mocked and I respond back, I am not acting like I should on a mock forum.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
ramseycat Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Ramsey has no idea how stupid she looks when she gets upset about who is ragging on who and over what.
No one on this forum has the capacity to upset me. I rag back BECAUSE it is a Mock forum. Funny how when I get mocked and I respond back, I am not acting like I should on a mock forum.
You're so stupid, you constantly forget what you type, long defense essays and all. Just like you forgot how obvious it was that you were talking about Sinister when you showed what big fat mouth you have. I was referring to your comment in your previous post, where you were defending yourself and complaining that I am ragging on you, over and over, despite blah blah blah. I am mocking you, not "feeling good about myself," you soup chickeny mayonnaise bitch.
86 112
Mmmm, mayonnaise.
ramseycat Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Ramsey has no idea how stupid she looks when she gets upset about who is ragging on who and over what.
No one on this forum has the capacity to upset me. I rag back BECAUSE it is a Mock forum. Funny how when I get mocked and I respond back, I am not acting like I should on a mock forum.

With the exception of ME ::bravo::

Quote:[i]And you know what? You have got to be the biggest bitch I have ever had the misfortune to deal with. Seriously. Are you ever NOT a bitch? Even in a normal conversation here, you are a fiucking bitch. I cannot stand you. I see your fucking name on a threaed where I have posted and I KNOW that you are going to be a bitch about something. No matter what the topic is.

Remember when you so lovingly told me that earlier this week?

It was kind of cute how you "told me off" and then put me on ignore.

Remember everyone, you are not allowed to mock when Ramsey is having a normal conversation.
The Antagonist Wrote:Remember everyone, you are not allowed to mock when Ramsey is having a normal conversation.

I know. ::laugh:: Don't you realize that she has the best standards? She lives by some sort of honorable Mock code, like a retarded Samurai drinking hot chocolate.
86 112
BROTHER Wrote:I'm getting ready to go see that new Johnny Depp,Christian Balemovie (about Dillinger).Smiley_emoticons_smile

I wanna see that too...but I hate idiots in theaters....
Middle Finger Wrote:
The Antagonist Wrote:Remember everyone, you are not allowed to mock when Ramsey is having a normal conversation.

I know. ::laugh:: Don't you realize that she has the best standards? She lives by some sort of honorable Mock code, like a retarded Samurai drinking hot chocolate.
ramseycat Wrote:But don't say anything about how she got herself out of it and has managed to turn that around into a decent life for herself and her kids. DESPITE having an abusive alcoholic ex.
Now why in the hell would he want to mention that, Ramsey?
ramseycat Wrote:But don't say anything about how she got herself out of it and has managed to turn that around into a decent life for herself and her kids. DESPITE having an abusive alcoholic ex.

Oh boo fucking hoo you stupid bitch, whatdo you want for fucks sake?, a medal?

This isn't the touchy feely group hug soup chicken forum.

Try telling your little domestic goddess fables to somebody who gives a flyingfuck, I hate people who try and take credit for things they are supposed to dolike going to your childrens games and school meetings, you're their fucking mother you are supposed to do all that shit, you don't get any fucking kudos for it you stupid cunt.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:But don't say anything about how she got herself out of it and has managed to turn that around into a decent life for herself and her kids. DESPITE having an abusive alcoholic ex.

Oh boo fucking hoo you stupid bitch, whatdo you want for fucks sake?, a medal?

This isn't the touchy feely group hug soup chicken forum.

Try telling your little domestic goddess fables to somebody who gives a flyingfuck, I hate people who try and take credit for things they are supposed to dolike going to your childrens games and school meetings, you're their fucking mother you are supposed to do all that shit, you don't get any fucking kudos for it you stupid cunt.

I wish you would tell that to some of the other parents around here.

I don't expect kudos jackass.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
ramseycat Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:But don't say anything about how she got herself out of it and has managed to turn that around into a decent life for herself and her kids. DESPITE having an abusive alcoholic ex.

Oh boo fucking hoo you stupid bitch, whatdo you want for fucks sake?, a medal?

This isn't the touchy feely group hug soup chicken forum.

Try telling your little domestic goddess fables to somebody who gives a flyingfuck, I hate people who try and take credit for things they are supposed to dolike going to your childrens games and school meetings, you're their fucking mother you are supposed to do all that shit, you don't get any fucking kudos for it you stupid cunt.

I wish you would tell that to some of the other parents around here.

I don't expect kudos jackass.

What other parents, besides you, need to hear that mentioning going to school functions and other assorted activities is what normal parents do anyway?
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YOU need to hear it MF. NORMAL parents don't go around stoned all the time.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies