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This article worth it for the last line in it.
But the guy is still an asshole.

SAUKVILLE, Wis. (CBS/AP) A man who berated a woman who had more than 10 items in the express lane of a Wisconsin grocery store has been cited for disorderly conduct.

The Port Washington woman said she asked the express lane clerk if she could check out there because no one else was in line.

While she was checking out, a male customer approached and began harassing her, even calling her fat and ugly.

The woman said that's when she called 911.

Officer Barry Effinger said the man was creating a disturbance so he gave him the $429 citation. Effinger said he has investigated similar conduct by the man in the past.

That would make him a cereal harasser.


Messages In This Thread
This article worth it for the last line in it. - by QueenBee - 08-20-2010, 10:57 AM