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the murder of just one good man diminishes all~
i SAID he needed to shut the fuck up back on sept. 5! (post #3)
jesus what a maroon! 22

Mayor Thomas M. Menino’s loose-lipped gaffe that he’d like to “slowly torture” the accused killers of a Domino’s Pizza deliveryman are “inflammatory” and could poison the pool of prospective jurors, one of the defendants’ lawyers said yesterday.

“They are prejudicial and they do taint a jury pool - that the mayor wants to torture the people. How does he know they are guilty? Don’t you have to figure out if they are guilty first? Isn’t that how it works?” said the defense lawyer, who requested anonymity to avoid compromising his own case.

“It doesn’t do the system any good for public officials to be making statements like that,” he added.

In his merciless remarks, delivered calmly to a group of Emerson College students last week, Menino said that while he doesn’t support the death penalty, he wouldn’t mind administering his own rough justice to the two men and woman charged with butchering Richel Nova, 58, a Hyde Park father of two.

“If I saw these guys in a dark alley, I’d like to have a fight with them,” Menino said. “I’d do some things that would be worse than the death penalty. . . . Because it wouldn’t happen in a second. I would slowly torture them.”

The mayor’s comments were recorded by a student and printed in yesterday’s Boston Globe. Asked at a charity fund-raiser last night if he planned to apologize for his off-the-cuff remarks, Menino gave a curt “no” and refused to discuss their impact on a trial.

Earlier, Menino told WBZ radio he regretted his remarks but wouldn’t back down from them: “Maybe it was too harsh about ‘torture’, but they tortured this gentleman. . . . Maybe I shouldn’t have said what I said, but I feel very strongly about justice in this one. Some would say ‘You shouldn’t say it because you’re the mayor.’ Well, I’m a human being also, and I feel very strongly about this incident and I’ll live with what I said.”

The wantonness and apparent premeditation of the ambush killing shocked hardened police officers and stunned the community.

But several legal experts said such condemning words from the city’s chief executive and most powerful elected official could jeopardize jury selection in the murder trial of Michel St. Jean, 20, Alexander Gallett, 18, and Yamiley Mathurin, 17.

“These unfortunate comments will make it very difficult to select an unbiased jury because of both the language of torture and the prominence of the mayor,” said former prosecutor J.W. Carney Jr.

Added criminal defense attorney Timothy Bradl, a former Hub homicide prosecutor: “It’s a pretty juicy tidbit to put into a motion for a change of venue.”

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RE: the murder of one good man - by Lady Cop - 09-05-2010, 07:04 AM
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