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American on jetski shot in head by mexican pirates?
a life vest with a possible drop of blood on it has been found in lake. it could be David's & it will be sent to a lab.
the wife has said she is willing to take a polygraph. ( she didn't say that exactly.) it seems to me it would interfere with all her TV appearances, she's been on more programs than someone flogging a book.
Texas Sheriff says he believes her version of events. i'll buy that until more comes out. he also has sent word to the mexican gang in that area that he wants a body, and that he cannot arrest or prosecute in mexico, so just provide the body.
or what? why should they? unless it's to quiet the international attention and heat on them.


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RE: American on jetski shot in head by mexican pirates? - by Lady Cop - 10-08-2010, 12:19 PM