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Haleigh Cummings. an epic tale from the trailer park
25 years heifer!

During a sentencing hearing that began at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Misty told Judge Wendy Berger that she was raped by two people between the the ages of seven and 14 while she was taking care of her great grandmother. She said that while Ronald Cummings was rough with her, it was an upgrade in her life and she loved him.

Misty faced one count of trafficking in oxycodone in St. Johns County. Later this month, she will be sentenced on seven counts of drug trafficking pending in Putnam County, where she could face up to 200 years.


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RE: Haleigh Cummings. an epic tale from the trailer park - by Lady Cop - 10-08-2010, 03:35 PM