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Do any of you have the red light cameras in your area?
Red light cameras cause 100's of accidents because people slam on their brakes if they see a yellow light. They especially react badly if they don't know how long it's been yellow. Yes, most of the extra accidents are fender benders but these cause disruptions, costs, and human suffering too. There are fewer fatal and serious accidents but there's not enough information to see the trade-off. Municipalities that put them in are looking for revenue not safety. In California they have been reported to send tickets to people who don't "stop long enough" before making a turn on red. They generate thousands in fines and peoples' insurance rates soar and accidents increase. This is not only big brother but a big brother bully.

People need to do better at stoplights but cameras are not the ticket. I might agree with ticketing those who go through extremely late but enforcing the letter of the law (or more) without tasking into account such thing as weather, traffic, and road conditions is just intrusive and causes accidents.

I'd vote against any politician associated with them.

What we really need are cops to enforce the traffic laws. If people knew they'd get ticketed for something minor like failure to signal then they would certainly find a way to stop for a red lighjt when indicated.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Do any of you have the red light cameras in your area? - by cladking - 10-12-2010, 09:32 PM